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\i «0U» MT THAT WHICH 18 GOOD." 

■•a •nf 

■ -• -» 

VOIJ ME 11. 

JflfcriMHi St , MBl 4Mrl 


Tkt DiaocfMie Fn* SaO AMocintioi. 

J (he C*i*ta deem it a duty 

"jyiff ndicM for grievancea can- be ot» 
^ fiom *•» **»'ch is appoinieii 
con^iiiufon to "'S*^ JS^V^i-^r 
;„.u,tv. Congre«. wh.le .1 b<»M. *e <le.- 
upyiir peopleof ih.. diitrict n, la, 
^ nachea only through its 
^ffmJj^Sitf *• people of the Union, 
'f'JJ'fail u perform its duty here. ThU i» 
' L^gr ntpoMibility ii>*<> could be in 
JjJjUw. even if fuUf npfMMN«l in 
^ Senate «W HoOM of Repte- 

^^^.g,. W e therefore confidently ad. 
iM omwihtB to th. primary aource of 

„,r :r,c People of ih« LJailM, 10 o«»ri 
^ Ic^lauon proper » P«» *JP'«* 
prtitv of ihe l'*>P'« 

„,.l (.•fenowttL . 
Tue>* e^l efiufi to (hu d... 
Pict, ami eu:u:iitH-rs iu progree*. is the 
«Mfa( of »Uvery. Thii f*i*l maiadv 

ilMae.iie>i by coHifolUnff cimumtamf!!. 
■^0jl0tmfi^, i»cap>ble of die bel 
e,!. reopedod, iiMpihtiiy iaduMi v 
iiau-s the hmam rf M iaiepen- 

I . .v^Kf. Hence it ia that t[;c 
brtad t>»Jo<u of the Poumuc Ih altuo^t 
•tthmt ^«p«— dM fMM canal. rMcbing 
ui into the iiiierior. almost without boelt— 
iji «iui««, loiimianJii'S ilie be*t water- 
' mtt to the world, without t.aitin f oad 
fine, healthy, tmlf OPOdifd «OWMry 

fjfraonding. to « pre** o***^ 

!«uiiiDC embli»iinienu— its 

!>v ia 

itu-s, pene- 
lai|>e comnwifciai chaa ne lt, with- 
► 'piils'ion and t'lilli'olWB. I'hoBp- 

. :,!.^i>.i: ir n: the national rovrrniuent 
lueil will ("* i^lc^ to abandon a diMrict 
falling ao far behind in the career of pros. 
»-!\,en' v "fit) tM clioii of the Union. 
Ma»!«! Oif fie^om of all claaaf^. 
couuitiJtea peaily "> ^ calamity which 
Ca^aa hM the power lo iB o aad y, awl 

Fiooi tlx* I itaiion« aoaesod lollua f*|^r. 
M Will a(i|Mar ikM, amaioa after aeaaion. |- 


iib bf the peopio. praying 

(urika^ndMl abolition of slavery in liie dis 
nict. aM the iottaiii abolition of the slave 
tiaie, have been urxed oi> Congreaa, but 
aaplinraio. Kven Jolm Randolph, the 
Mtt o*efaliaiiie(i tuihuaiast of the righta 
•f the Ihmimitit, w*s scaodaliaad at 

iirQ*--tbc ahamMea aet op 
•jmat. W'.ns* — .i.^'-^r the my eyes of 
•xm^cw. lU il iMiiwiaii • mmmniumm to 
laqiare ioM ikt mmmki, md pMged biffi- 
•elf, that if the aban cmU aototberwiar 
tic aUttd. he woaM huBMlf paiaue t^ir 
natter, and drag the crimea of the male 
(tctora t» light. But neither the attoog 
appeal* made in ibe OMOioriala of tbo lead- 
iDf ctluens of the dituict, nor the keen, 
voice of Mr. Randolph. 

'nary infi'iences and political interests 
luraad lowarda them. Members of Con- 
fMalMreonatitiMBii, fro«i tlM SmUi, 
ocN porchaaen in thia mart; and the great 
f M c ti power which certain men in the 
#utii wielded, and who looked to still 
■ure aabi iiQ W hoaon then lhay wore at 
lKMaa;aMglit «o iacNMa kadf bya coo. 
ceiiiiiion and control of the whole South- 
era airaB^lh, aa a aeciioo, in their own 
kmk, hf onitiog jealMM m lab. 
pet of •Inve^v I' lrard to viMh Ihey 
■Mae<i u.- '[..".'iip. 
lytbeii : .• bu ever been pot opoo 
ro uaa who dan* lo vole an 
ia tbe coa di tioB of alave, 
the master of the alave, in any place 

Senate, holding a controlling {aiaer)c« 
over the electioot, ia iiaelf cboaen. (it may 
be ftior years in adTance,) and before the 
t nndiiiates for the I'residentiHl otHcea aie 
announced or can be known u> tbe people 
TImm bigih oftcera eooiliMa a part of the 
jroveinnient of ihia distrit t, ami they m. 
in connexion with thi^ legiiilalivo puwii 
pertaining to the disiritt, put under injunc 
tion by the oligarchy of South Carolina, in 
Ikt n m me of the ptoplt, to deny a hoariitu 
lo ihoea who iiave no Inw-giver Liut ti.i- 
OoMMi of the IJnited States. May we 
not wvoko tlM sympathy of the people of 
South Carolina iheineeives to unite wiiii 
us gainst tlaiMe aggraesora arbo oMup their 
povar «a tab oa, ai tbey do Hmob. of the 

dearest rijht.*' 

The genllenian who repreaenta in the 
Senate of the ImiUxl Statea thia oligarchy 
of alavery in South Caroline, in his late 
caucus addreas. followed up faia uniform 
couraa of inter^H1ttion against the ri^hi:4 of 
the diauict, deprecating its delivery front 
the ex'ils of alavery under which it laa- 
crnishea, !>ocaiJ}* hf chooses lo consider ii 
an •*oui|)oiii" ol slavery! Au<l aie we, ihe 
people of thi« dietrict, to br debarred from 
an appeal fiwr a redress of grievanreo to 
our only legialatare, in consrqueiice of the 
intervention of the Senator from South 
Caeolina, and of the Sooth Carolina Lecia- 
i M n? Corgieaa h cmphaticaliy told tfiat 
"to debate" sue!, suliiecis as the Hppialii of 
the people of Mew Mexico, of California, 
and the District of ColnnrfNa, on tiM aoh- 
jecl of alavery. is not allowaMe. "The 
time ie p aaa c J" for the toleration of debate. 
Tbe appUealion of the Convention of Mew 
Mexico, to be protected against the inuu- 
aion of alavery in its free territory, was pro- 
nounced "impmit$^ by the Senator fuiui 
South Carolifta oa the iaor of the beaate. 
Tbaa Staia Lagjalataia, by laaol uti et i . 
and iiii Senator in j»erson. iiiterpoat's tu a> 
sert an auuu)riiy i>vei ttie people ol i\ew 
Mexico, and the legialatw* nNqr to arbich 
they have given their allegiance, ar^d which 
alone has power to legtalate fur llieuil 

if New Mexico, California, ar the peo- 
ple of Ibis dirtfia should interpoae actual 
iuipedioMBta to the legislation of Sotiti; 
Carolina over the jx-ople there, or deny the 
authority of that tiody over 
j ■ ■* " 

growth of a free popoliUion, and tl e new 

npalM fivaa lo iMhaiqr aad the arii^ in ag- 
j writ aw, oflaaMHtcaawmaaawaawafc Boas 

rantaM.' imefvention' I< it note<jtially 
on the part of the Sute Legislature, to in 
ter>-eoa aaid dafcat fkm iOMiao lif^a ex- 
isting between Congress and tbe people uf 
territories and diUricta. but eotirely by (he 
consiitutioo, vmim AMMlBHoa la|Uaiion 
of CoagiMsT 

Tbe wrof^ done in ifcii lo the |H>nple 
who petition, mid to the body buumi to 
dreas tbair grievances, ia loo palpable not 
to bt Ml own bjr thaaa ioMst u|x>n ii. 

To encape from this ditTiaalty. they propose 
to give the newly acquired leriilories ovi-r 
to the dictaionbip of a Seothern President, 

and to reced«' the District of Columbia lo 
ing traftc carried oa et the alavo. ^'^^ ?f Maryland, to ,K'riKtuaie slave- 
^IhamWes set opfcrtka-laaH'J'**"* |» coocemtxi. 

laassw aao can 
one citMM waa will Mt OBila ia tbe pro 


Tbe pretext asserted for the [x-rp tuation 
of slavery in the district, (in the late caucus 
address,) i.<>. that the diatrict must be held 
as a necessary "outpost" of alavery — that 
if slavery be exclude<i front it and the ter- 
ritories, "every outpost and barrier wooM 
be carried, and noihtn),' wouM NjUfil'ut 
to iaiab lha amkoljib^UM at pleasure, 

trict, nnd all places over which CongTi-s-s 
has exclusive power of legislation, would 
be asylums for iugitive slavea, where, a.-' 
soon as they placed their feet, they would 
become, ac -ording to the doctrines of the 
North, <r« c, uulesa there should h» ante 
positive enactment to prevent it." 

We bold this to De mere inU rr orem ar- 
mMOt to frighten the Southern people 
lalo tbe attempt to eafacoa on others a 
wrong which they weald nai tbeaaaalves 
endure. Delaware is embraced and over- 
shadowed by the free Slates of Pennsyl- 
vania and Stm Joney; why is it not clam- 
urotis for lout slaves, and rife for n diaaolu- 
w« which Coawraaais "rM hi ^ with iuria>l tion of the Union, by way of redrean? — 
TbaM^eet is iaief«elad even mM Maryland. Virginia, Kentucky and Mis- 
A Congreia on the souri form a cordon of alare States around 

ihe frte, bow do these States exist, when 
an aaylum ia preaeatad at every step aion|; 
a Una of two Ihofaad nilea, where fuei 
live s l ava s , —m aooai aa tbey place their 
feel" over the invisible bolder, wou'd !>e 
free/ Do Kentucky, Maryland, Western 
Virginia and Missoori, b aeoms frenxied 
with fear at this dangerous proximity, and 
propoae a diaaolutiun of the Union, lo es- 
cape the apprehension!^ Nol Soatb Caro 
line, which scarcely over looeaa slave by a 
flight, ia alone diat rn ase d , and would have 
the lillle District of Columbia receded to 

Maryland, abaottooed as the seat of govern 
meat, aaal alavery pe r pe t aaled in it, be 


riuch mure valuable, in all ita raaiiUH, is the 
b>ii of freodom than that of alavery? Thia 
probloai, dwannsiiniid on a spot insulated 
on all tides by slave labor, will be a sal Jtary 
^i^>un 10 -lie southern tkates, and induce 
t leni to work out their own delivirimct 
fitNu an evil which is fast waatiag tha rich 
and amny re:>ions— covering tbeoi With 
.i:erilit7 ani |)overty — while the cold aiK 
Mooy north is baoome br i^hi with venlure, 
rich ta AwiiB( la ■rinsMitagrtoaliara 
inanufactuting «00i|fa; nnd, what iH ( f still 
higher value, a doMB, energetic, educated. 
intelli^iH aiid powarfnl population. 

No son iif the south can look u wn it« 
e;rcn{ aui renowned Coininouwealtlia.wbu h 
uiice stood irst ia a«arytbi«g whieb gives 
rimk arid superiority to state, and see Iheui 
snkinginto ho|>ela«sinf»ioriiy, without the 
djepes: sorrow — -wiihuiit deploring the fa 
tid policy whichall iha world aoaUamaa^ 

it be p<;rsi3ied in, like doomed Africi, con 
uaated with Europe, thai luoka down upon 
it from the north, tbo alaaafltalBO of the 
I. nion will, in the course of a century, make 
a like counterpart in blacknem andbairen- 
n-»8 to the brigbtnesH nnd fertility of the 
free Stataa. As childrsn of the south, full 
of every filial feeling and inatinct, ni.rtured 
bv every lender>c aiion, fiom the bu- 
ginnin|{ of life, by every fon^ reooUaetion 
of piaasNolriMofp, to piafrf Ma itMaiMt and 

nlory beyond ihht of all the worM, we f.'r 
vtttitly pray Ciud to avert the destiny. 

The nienil>eri> of tii« freeaoHoaooiation 
of the Kisinct ol tkiltimiiii renew ilje 
>iedgei of the first declaiationof principles to 
heir bietht«u throughout tbe Union. Their 
isilh iaiuMBOvably fixed on that true Mtfna 
<?harta of knman rights, in which Mr. Jef 
ferKin t*.ser .e«l the lit>ertie.s of his countrv. 
They will give their beet e&irta to accooa. 
pUsh its freat d sai gws by all legitimate 
means. They will labor to extend Lie Ur- 
dinanc4.> ol I TtST, to preserve the free<)omof 
the territories, sod will promote the protrreas 
<<l emancipiition, through the safe, jutiicions, 
tiitd prticticable jnodea suggested by Mr. 
Jufferscin. U'e give oar adhaaion lothe 
par^ formed as thia basis; and from that 
pnrty we expect an onfiiltering suppun. to 
accomplisii tli<' . l>ifCt> of the mnltiplietl pe 
tiuonsuddressed by the people of this dis- 
trict tn OsasMi^ bt dattaoMMa fraoi the 
oi)pros»ion of the abia iaarituliou, and the 
slave uad<!. 

SsLKv PaaKBB, Saeiatary. 


Fr(»«i ibe riarr.tril lUnntr. 
A inaetiag of tha fci sads 9i KriaariyaUon 

haM at Uw C asii l i sasa, la f sa i », on 

Satards/.ths 14th last. 

Coi- Wai. Staan waacall«l to the chair, and 
Robt. Ksanedy. wsi electad Saeratary. 

Thesltleatof thssaspttag wa•0D^iBs4 by 
Alei. R. MaKaa. 

When, upon mottoa, a comniittue 
poiatad coiuiatiBg of Aadraw A 
Lewis LaadiwB, JaMS NsKm, J«b. H 

»r, and A. II. .McKee, to draft rend u lion* ex- 
pressive of thaseuaaof IhaaMatiBf oa thaaab 
ieet of enMBelpatioa->who raHvai, wttmmti, 

anil through thair chairaHB, repurtnl th<< 

lowinfT preamble aad rvalatious, which were 

read, and niiaiilmniuljf ailaptail 

Wherkas, a CoBveatiaa will ahertly 
bio at lha Capitol ^tt |h« Steta, lo 

coBsiitutioB of Kantaskvi aad wlaieMb It ia 
not only tha priTHs|e. tal the dety ef every 
Kood citizen tu rxprewUaeplaieaftealyapea 
iiat he ri )r.irj» as a debet is ear praseat er> 
foBie law. llMreCM«, 

Rtmltd, Thatwhilrastpslaiblsaa wewUI 
not yield lo lha attsfsaMOteaaMs 

if frnhiTn fiisllsa.aiia lha mljin if 
■lavary — yal, w* will 
iaBdaUe aaartioa, tm 

aad MoBds of ik« blighuag earaa ef alavery 
the IndBslry. wealUi, adaealiaa, aatar< 

the ^'laveinpaopoitiaB tothensBiaaMBoanyHig 

ou till- trade, aad renders it the naoie paoOtable 
as none hut the moat Jann^ en^aKe ia il; anU 
from want of competition, the supply is aeit 
greater tb an the demand. If ooe vaaaai ia tkrae 
returns aaie, they are iitiaftitil aai w^ 

"To ahow you the horaiHa attendant on Una 
comoiereein human betafa, I waa aaaaiad by a 
slave dealer hiaiaeif, that soaothBaMSL a Bra 
ulioB veaaal had taken a caiiaaf atoaaasa the 
eastern coaat of Africa, and bafM hahad fot oa 
hoaiU his piovisioaa and watst, he waadiscover- 
ed sad pgi>aadt>yaalnHish»aB rfwai^chssed 
ofrtha oosNtandpsaesatadtaB'Hiamtof. Uis 
pioviaiooa and t| 
than aiiflicient te 
as leading to the 
seeurad afaiasT' 

eame into thia part with 100 hoauui 

B»7««*W« a apfctaele, the s^lalioB 
of whidf eauasd even him to ahnddsi, iaaasd as 
he was to haaua saflhrlag Sad hideoea ai(hts.— 
m mm iaa fcOlti l srtii l ah il at head; tor the 



stHaaasattanfttoataat Car distant, uakaa 
^'^JlJlf^r*?'*^* aauch nutigalcd, 
whtat tia'hsauitiiil lead wiU be steeped with tha 

will reaaawa pn aa a aao r of IfieaoiL Feaia are daily 
eateitatned of aystcaaatie revoUs thiau«bout tka 

fSBViaeca."- Am^ i mn P m f »>. 

frise aad prosperity of ear Maved CeamoB 
wealth, aad ia aa opea, eapdW. aad iaarlaM 
uiaaaar, vfaadleata tha ptaetlaaMlity, 
the aeeaaalty afseoM aalalsry slap ta 
poaiarlly ef Ms ialasasi 

Rtmhtd, Thai we wll laad oar aid, 
raeo aad aaamias, te adsat sash a ajalaiii of 
gradual s saaael f a Me a, as wtH hesalMhslery to 
all parties, rsiasdiag tha waMhiesf the eana- 

That wa will aetsapas r laay mea- 
.ure whieh ia Ma sCwt. wiU distarh tbe right af 
•- invr — *' "t*"!'!! rrlj la l ha sh w ai asw 
n ezMsaae* 

K t is h ia d , That we will aet, by aat ar df«d, 
riiuala aai wa aay ayalsaa sf padaal eaiaacipa- 
tion.aaeaaBaelad wiMi C a l ialaa l laa. 

Retthed, That are will haaatiaAad to psmit 
the ■iil>j«ct ef aa iaaelaa U eB le real far tha pre- 
w>Dt, provided the advaeaMa af alavery will 
agr<« to tha adopliaa af a alaaae ia tlM now 
coBstitatiaB, prohlhttlBf tha iaapertatiaa af 
ta tkia ilala. aadas any prHaxt what' 
ever, aad alse> lhal the aew eeaatttatiaa asay 
be aineiidad at aay liaM, throagh tha i.agiala 
are by a vata af a aM.iority af tha aHiaaaa af 

Rnmh'rd, That we approve ef tka eoBveBflea 
i)f the friatida ef eaaaaiiaifallea, proposed to )»e 
held at Fraak«alt aa lb* SSth laM., aad that 
wa will appetal diliplii le 

Tha follow I a|r 
appoialad dolegatea; 
Wau ■aM,J. H. 

p. Me'Kae, N. fleodlfcr, 8. 0. Dahaey. 
Ptilllpa,J^a Kaaapar.Cal. R. P. 

m itie iv> ui ^itation on the 
PM ef these peculiar gaaidiaiw. Their 
ajM^ •kat if Congress touches the topic 
'••aa it has righta over it. the next step 
^ be to intCTfisre where it haa r>o such 
■^^^l^bMa by thM tlafw ofact. 
•^R SaMhem saMabers at faoaaa, and threat- 
'tiiDt the patriotic with a dissolution of tlie 
^fm, put down the right of petiiioo — ra- 
peMd petiwMM, by la^ even a nwtion 
» isceive tl em on the table. They stifled 
in this iiidirect way in Coi^esn, m) 
■ilf . diet the ■iinpaiis af *b South 
Caolioa Legislature has grown so high. 
^ « l"t sent an express resi>Zit/>«m 
V r^iiw, iMimg k ffj f 'the time for cause, otherwise, "no;hiiie would be left but 
d4Mi kcf poM^—a 4iMct Mtnirt. foi* to fioiib the work of aboiilioo at pleasure 
*>*^itiodaitodaty,ot*eparilaf en. iatha 1 11111 iiiMii i 

"•■Merine the powf r of South Carolina' We trust that thesic panic making straina 

^ tMdy of the people of this State, have loet their oower to excite the feelings 
toasver. are not raspoaalblB ftv thaaa la- of tbe people of tbe wuth, and tbe threat of a 
•■h. They do not elect the Legislauire, dis.<olution of the Union, \\» influence over 
tofdi diey coinpoae it. The constitution tbe patiiotiw of toe north. It may be that 
^'^ Slot, r rentes SB ali|^chy founded the oligssohf of South Carolina, which made 
o'l liMmr. £vM, man in the State is the conUnoaoce of the horrid African alave 
l^^*****' to bold a seat in the Hooae of trade tbe stne ^nanin tbe ertaUiabnent 
|**P'«aentativea, -iM.t'^- >r.iscD abb roa- of the confederacy, will aeek to dissolve it 
-tsMb, II au bmbt, ap a acmoa catber Iboo aea ito lalic astirpotod in the 
"^""otB taraTB ar M » i w o M O acwo Pimict of C ilii H o. Bot wb to u ii u i aoutn 

y,*" *** TTN Nr.caoEa — oa beai. es ern Slnlc would joiri in thi.- national parri 
rn, VALt'E ur £150 srtaLivo, cide? Would tbe southern people, imbued 
"'^■t " This ipwnirMioo m in «irii*o>b«al spirit of the age, and for 
^Md,iB thacaaaef a represpntative not ihe nwat pert, out of South Carolina, en 
iJJ'^'Jg ■ the district, 10 a freehold estate joying |>opular instiiulions, be willing to 
aU * ^ freehold qualification rally around an oligarchy, which does no; 

^•wrsquiiadiocoofcrihe right of voung. allow the maas of the people to vote lor 
. "to tNMitalioa is wnaltM^able, unl«B rcnators or representalivea, governor or pn s- 
^aeaieof two thirds (,f u,.- slaveholdiiig ident, and make it li . n icleus of a new 
clear of debt, who isipisi lha ooafaderacy ? Would they do thia at the 
^toaaaMa«B of mi, MmO haaH ofdvil ww. ond the mbvenion of 
^ . the mass of the people !iv nil that ha? crowne<l this htiini.sphen wuh 

aad ^T^^ °' aiectioo, imperiahabie glory, as the light of be«ioiii 

^wholly ...accesstble. throu^ M'«| iSl^blol tlTlpilli —olf hmmm Con 
ti;.L ^'''^•■tioo, without tha consent of deemetl it a duty v> lifi-'n lo the pcti- 




We promised, ui one of our last nuin- 
tMjrs. a few words concanui^ Mr. A. F. 
I'errinon, the late Commisaary.genera 1 in 
.Martinique. This martyr of iruih and 
honesty ban had 10 andlire the jiitlcment 
pronofMcodbyviee and abaoidity. He has 
baoii vncallad. ondor (lie prncsMe that 'in 
the nctJ.Tl Hate, he will be in a betu-r |>o 
aition to serve t ie intereata, as a 
Moubcr of the Natintial A.8scinbly, than 

v> ^wtaWM oT MaitiuKjut;.* But risD uwd* 

IS, the Moah may fairly be o t t rt boto d tofef this 

the foul ""nliiiiinies cf the press, and the 
ittrigu-w of cerUiin planters in the metro- 
polis. The colonial mioiater, aflecting lo 

ve credit to those calumnies, has, on tSe 
one hand, written the most llattering de- 
apolchos to Mr. Peninon, complimenting 
htm Of! the siie<:cssful and prai^^- worthy 
manner in which th« gallant oflicer has 
g)ne through ihtv difKcult circumstaneea in 
vk hii ii be waa pioMd.OO^ hia arrival in 
.Martinique; ood, on the otbor band, Mr. 
Bruat is sent out for the express p irpose 
of 'reducing the insurrection!!' We have it 
fraoi good anthonty that, on landing at 
Port d?. Fram e, Mr. Bruat could not help 

Xsasifg hu aatoniaiimcnt at (inding peace, 
, and proapeHty, where he had been 
prepered M see the people in a state of 
revolt and civil war. So perstiaded was 
he that ha bad boon aant out on a military 
axpadUioa. that ho left behind him bis wife 
andfbnilf, Ih fmrittiio, dre. It livery 
difficult, then, to n»concile Mr. Bruat'sig 
noraiKX ol the reai stale of alFairs with the 

osiaialsr'a knovlodge of it, aa exhibited in 

the deipntrhes aSo- r alluded to. I5ut ;he 
r.iattei will i>uoii b<3 brought to light, when, 
after l;avii:g been an instant obacured by a 
I loud, truth will rise with a nore glorious 

.Sir. I'eirinoii Las ei-iDo <!, ilnO'Jwlioul, 
in hia administration, taat ardent seal, that 
fiager aolieirade. wbieb an tidn at ea wanta 
and mulfiplieji nml prepares the inean.s of 
relief. The very popularity of his name 
baa o|iarated aa a ch a c h apon tlie other 
inevittble consequencM of the fatal scenes 
displeyed on May last. Besides what was 
hia strict ahify, ibaiO are other things whici 
bis geMvoas haait praocribtd bim,and w 1 uc li 
be erictited vrith that lofUneaa of purpose 

wbicli in charhcteristic of the iiifin. Hy his 

sCiaouous efforts, he h&s shown himself in 
stia waatal in organising work on a fair aa^ 

<olid bn*.!?; thrmi^ho it the colo-iy, both to 
the saJiffaction uf the planters and the la. 
borer*— public and private diaseaaions have 
been crushed down by hia sole infloeneo. 
And f he has committed an error, it is 
tliat of ub-eying his too keen sense of del 
caey. Had ha, aa ho undoubtedly ought to 
havedont; mi owa d (bo whole personnel of 

the a<Icniiiatratfon, ho ivontd not have been 

I aliimiiiiHil by those very individuals who 
hovo reaped the haaafit aif hia delicate for 

bearsnce. They bnvf;«ely ' h.irped him 
with having appointed mulattoo^, li> the e.x 
elusion of whites, to the diflfiwent poets of 
honor and emahiaiant under his control 
This charge il not only fallarioua and un 
foumled, but it provee that, even in the 
opinion of bh) cohMMMoia, aoaad policy 
to haw wMIHHd to Imb o oomtm 

he has not adcpted. Ho hoO dealt 

Bamael, Fraaklfa Meraa, Rav. Jeha Browc. 
Benj. WilBi*t.G. r. 8artaia.I>r. Jaha Pour, 
James W. DIawahss, Saail B. Caray. Biehard 
Blayloek. Joha B. MUlst, Jeha NiehoiaaB, Jao. 
YaMtia. Jaawa M. Bryaal, Dr. 8. Mixaer. Sam. 
A l^iam. Bwiah M. Jaaoa, Maary T. Terrill, 
\Us. C. A. WiUy, l>r.B. F. Daoeaa, Jaha II. 
Ilinds. W. J. Laadfaoi, Cel. O. TssrUI, l>r. L. 
M. ■••»fd,T. W. Papa, ■ i i alla Bmbb, aad 
Cea. J. O. Tillott 
Oa naottea of Oaa. F. SaitatB.the chairman. 

aaeretary aa 

0<»org» F Sartain, K.»t , moTfid the following 
reaolutlon. which was UDaniinouily adopted: 

ReflMd, That all friend* of emaoclpatiOB 
la QaiiBsd aa aa ty, ha oaaatderad Selegalsa to 

Ce*. 9 aToii 

l^attata kava baan reaaived irooi Col. Kremoni 
CDvrtitig the two moiiilm (from the laat of Noretu- 
ber 10 tha ad Of f ehruarr) that ha waa aoi heard 
vsolaef that lioaa. tWy 
m^mmi* iMslligeaeat. 
'ftaaa TSes aad Bwita Pe, Hew Mnico, aad ad< 
dressed to Mrs. Krenu>nt, at Waahingtun; and, in 
her ahaeuee— for It waa deemed probable thai shv 
might have aet ofT to CaliforBla bf aea before they 
eoold eataa - J la Bsaalor Baaloa, aad in his ab- 
seoesr I* BfWltf'OiBST Jtooaa, Rsq. The letters 
eaote fieaaBblonis on FriiUv night, hafinf; Seen 
hrongbl lodialplaci- t>y Mr. .St. Vrmn. Mra. Kre. 
munt, furtuaatcly, waa gone; SfniiU>r Benloa had 
delayed hia depaHasa iaa Misaaaii, BaaOiaaS Ikat 
lettessweseeaBw wifl aaihihlahaai^tta b- 

trlligriicer had seen the originele, and ia sirmg 
eatracla in Uie oidei of their daten. I'lit- Jetirrs 
are III thrillinf; interi-Hl, and we rrgirt but inabili- 
lo, frum lack ol ruuin, to publiah then rnuio-— 
So terrible ara the details lhatit la slated CoL Ben- 
loa Is obliged, ia a BMsaare la sappraaa them. 
CoL Premoni Oifows (he wIm>Ic blaine upon ihe 
IglKirance t f tlif piiiile. who, how^-Ter, liad t^*eu 
the guide tui years ul Ik>v. l>>d{r; Imi un this oc- 
caaiaa beaaow eaaapUtely bewildered, lie louk 
the patty hy a mats wUeh, it ia alated, ahould 
only liav«> required Oiwe d a ya l ia se l l Bg . 

Till- NiiKjnal lnl»-lli);encei prerarpa tome p\- 
tracu tiom Cxtl. Kreuiuat'a letters with the foilew- 
ing bstef Osssaialtsa af Ike Isealiliae BMiBSBSBa- 
ocable by liipdiuster: 

It l« known that Ut« great Bocky Monnlain chain, 
Willi a Kenetml difaeliaa aa<h aa aaalh, sends ont 
a tiraiu h lowasda tkasaalhaaat from ttaiwaen the 
haada ot Um Areaaaaa aad Ihe Pio 4tl ItorU; and 
thia braoeli lomm Ike W v i i k ig ridge bHwavB Uie 
npoei valleyM of theae twa riveaa.aad batwaaa thoi^f '''rnlrrs of iIip Krd rirtr aad Ik* Dtl ''^'ft^MKl 

limirn irrc)iitii!i-»i«-<l |lie«e pnr|v-me^ ilsiihuidpn ' 
lUiil diHii)>|ii-ar» III Uir |>lttiiiB olTrxait. the liifli- 
i':<l p.irlol iIiIk hriiMrli r)i3in,aiid Dip covi-rninK nh. 
ji-rl ill il Ul (r ivflii TK. lie Itif Sjiaiiiif. I'nikt, firsl 

iiindp knonn tn Aineiii an getiirraphy 

young Uvi.l. 

ded aoppaailiaaof gold 

by some newapaperH. Thr word goU ia not saao 

tloned in hia letters from one end lo the other, not 
did he lake gold mining the least into his rKlr)il<t 
lion when he lefl Miaauiiri un Uie '.jlal ol Ui lol.n 
last, although Iheauilicnlir reportt btuughl ta by 
Urat. Beale, ot the nafy.were tlien in aU the 
"lewapapers, and lully known to buiL| 

SiSTA Ke, Feb. 17. IMil— Iu Uui miilst ol hur 
ried movements, and iu ihe dilfiruii t-iiJea»oi lo 
Sri^parly alt aurted logelher, 1 ^.^n onlv write a 
line to aay that 1 am well, and moving on to fali- 
Amua. I wUl leave ^ania Ke ihui t-veniug, 

"1 have received hert- trom the oflicera even 
civility aad attention in their power, and hav.- 
hsaa aaala nJ in my outlit aa fcr aa it waa paaaitHe 
lot them 10 da. 1 diaa tkis avaalM with lha GBr> 
tmior, CoL Waahiagloa, ^lote 1 toUew my pany. 
\ Spaniah gnatleoMa hsa feeOB sSfHsd la go tu 
.Vlbuquiqae aad patekasa onlaB kw aa*. Fmn 
that place we go on my own animala. and aspect 
ito detenlioa, aa we follow the oM Gila ronie, no 
Isog kaoWB, and prea^nting uothmg saw loaiop 

s» laaMSw wNB 

or l a t a pe. 
'a Nawa. 


A Paru letter on Siinday, '.aid ulL, II .\ 
aayat Qraat sg laiion prevniU ii in fariH ia.<<i i ,^- . 
aaiilyasl|Sdsif afieriMoa. ^KfioHpairMta were coi- 
**d lay sp ina «|aartefa. A papalar maveaaent 
lir to-WBIMfB ssaliBBea to ha apofccB oL The 
tvopa wataaaaiywkefe nadar aasaa yesasntw aad 
liiai uigtiu . . . - ..T 

The A»a«m H y, aner poat boat taat avealag. 
biought tea cloae the lebnte of the law on the 
eluha, whieh waa filial: y adopted. By thia law 
aiahssra iBienlictad; Ihh pnnlic mecimga for the 
dlaevaaloa of political aub]«cut, which have noi 
III* ehasBBM Bsaaisd^eMka ky Ikeaiisiai law, 

»)cietiea. * 



Nrw Vo,K FniALa 
Bible Mouae was Ikfaoaad OB' 
the iaijiM uf ihts aa( ' 

niu»t rrficiont, uaefal, 

11." Afiiorican Bible Society. 

K«v Ur Brighaa^ Secratarr a# ^ ~ 
^oc.ety. prMadH^oat l^TSsl VmLSSb 
Lka niaeting |{ ~ 

Joaeph Hyde. Vm^ , 

er'a report, by which tt i 

rsccipuof the year had itoan |^.7d0 gg \ 
had been expended for Biblaa, ar paid avwte 
Uta treasnry of the American BiklaSaeial*. 

The anonai leport ef ika Bkord af MoMa 
waa read by the preaidi^ aAaav, De. 
and exhibit. ug a gratifying view of Ika ^itM^ 
aad ability aith which the wark had baa* so^ 
Uiaad daring tka year Twa of the aetivaa*. 
neers had been removed kyi' ~ 
priate tribute wai paid la 

I'hf i«M'i«(y Mt.ii theQ iiiiiiaaasd by tka Rev 
Mr .Smith, f the Methodist Chareh, kv Bm' 
Rev. Mr. Prime, :*0crelary af tka AmsISm' 
Btbia Society, aad uy ikaJev. Be. Ty^ oa* 

» lha eaaa^ 

Tlie .Sehleawig Holatein qaealion is nnderslood 
lo lie Ml lar arranged, thai Detiniark has eipieoaed 

heiaelt willing to abide by the decision ot Kuk- 
liaul, Kuaaia and France. I'lie snniitice h,Ii 
trolonged from time lo liine. The note Irom i),)- 
Jaaiak g aeaiBaae a t, wkieh appeared in the l..>nd<in 

tiosatle et laat aigkt, ia aadaaatood aa nteialy Ui 
naeaaan banal aallsaeC AaqHsaaahiig eapi 

the "Oarraril Bauner," I.ouisTllle " Examiner," 
aad alsa aay paper ta kastacJiy friaadiy u 

l>y the then 
Pike, iheae ftmk* aia aNmi m 
north lalitiidf 77 \1 dec., and wcat loogitade from 
London lUfr dag., and aboat na a Uaa loagiladiaal- 
ly wilk the iSaMsaef tka Uppsr Aiksosaa, dis- 
taBtfroai thcaa half a dagrae, aad in'aigkL 11»py 
are asea St s great dialsaev. and are gaidingob- 
)««la to travallaes. Tke road to SanU Fe paaaes 
tialow tkeas Paaka, and croaeea the chain atwni 
two degrees aonlh. G<>1. Fieoaont paaaed ahovu 
ihem, and entrrei! tt i "fitu' Prt Sorte 

JIhrts to iai keed, sad ersss the gnat Boek^Mmn- 

IB, BwaiasllaBo'}«"'B*^ •>'"* <' ' 
WM. 8T££N. Ca m. 

Rio ni JaRctan, Dee. 12. 

lavt'-tiailt I." iiiorr fioiin.ihing tbaui ever; 


will'.- 'I 

most geiierously by the whilai^ therebv 
teaching; 10 llw whole |H|BiBliiBHM proc- 


J'*!^"'' •! Ihaaaelvea first given, cannot] ^ons of Uie p«joi>le around the capitol of the 
U) represent tbe State. 1 Union, and deliver them froiB lha alof e inMi- 


choose iu 
<iaca OM 

. , disqualified tin 

«t in it. or aa reprasentativee 

Aa right of 
Vol Mi Lmi 

be considered I tution and the slnvp iradf' 

a Pi 



of .South 

EmaiK-ipation nisy be liliectualed undor 
and salutary provisions by Oonj^ress, 
and the slave trade abolished here, without 
impairing the ri^u or eodongsring tlte in- 
lerejcs of any ^oto Bttt^ ha tke Union. It 
will operate on siavaty in tha 
only by forn'triilnaas of p>stM}Min.- 

ria iridcff ntlcnt I'resn. 

Am mtnMmm* HeMllaaaM. 
The followlSff lesst was otlVre.! by Mr. S. iS 
Prenuta. at the dianer givaa ta Mr. Maa s aa dy , 
at New Orleaaa. a f«w days ilaea 

Sktkip^»rr •ltd Ma«ri«rfy--The greateatdrad 
poet; Ihe |fre«t.-«l lirinrt Hcior; tka foroiar the 
(tiamond, ili" .niter tha gaWoa siOllaC In BPhlek 

the lirilliant ahinea. 

A p«rton once obaerred to aci ancient 
(7reiii pliilosopher, tbatil-«ai« l^eat haj 

pinew 10 have what desire. Tho .nago 
Tc^ini: But U ia icuch greater happiness 

We bare raeet*ad da apsl f ksa nasa ear eerrea- 

piMsdent at Turin, of the 2Ui, which anpply ua 
ailkaoaaa ioiporunt and interesting intelligence 
' the comascncemeBl of the war. A balleUa liad 
Ml been published at Turin, by Uie Minialer ul 
le Interior, anim iin inj; ihe pasxage of iheTii ino 
mid ihi' iiisii h III ilie I'ledniontesr armv into l.oii». 
Uwdy. The bea>i<juaru-rit ot lUe kuig were at lie. 
c^ue, a small town oa Ika Piadaaoniesc bank of tbe 
Ticiaio, cloaa to tka lead laadiagfrom Novarato 

^''k^ nalwEla'^- ^ nM^ '^iT' T l'T** ^ 

The pamage was iinoppoaed, tka Aaalrisns having 

iired lioiii iliat (tuiiiL I'lie road tu Milan waa re- 
ported lo ha« e 'n-eii crowdetl wiih ilie .\u»liian8 
aild their bn);^ i;'i-siiJ. niiiiiiiioua in lull retreat. 
.\dvi:eH (ij>l iNtii ircritrtllroiii \iighrra,ul sii 
lack tiiade !>y Un- \iisliiaiia upon il,r I'lcdniuiil- 
eiie, who dalended the t>ridgeot Mezzaaana iVtrle, 
~ ' I. IVa Aaauiaaa were repulaad, alict 
uca OW P i admea l i iii partially destroy e«i Uie 

Ob tkaMlk, lha pcov lal o aa l aaiUtary gae a iooi of 

Parma, Uegeafiehl, issued a decree, by which, ia 
jnsaquence of hia departure, a ronipiiasion of 
g>)veriiment is created, coinponed of Baron .S>lda- 
U, IV'iint Naaalli, and Count itucarlie. In Ibe 
eolirseol the day, the naliuual ^ i.trti >>rru;iied jIi 
,e i>onls, an<I n prorlsmatioa w - ininrm- 
llie inha!>iUuilH Uiat ihe niiii..i i,>.ti,i\ ImJ hm- 
r lined the c«>erMiieni ol lli<- riiy, aiul uamed a 
proTiatooal delegate of aecuiitr, ia ike pataoa of 
Cif. Cavagnari. aadadapnty di ' 

afkar tka elacttan 
rear. Ik 
Bav. Dr. 


to a 

waeka thatr maattoga 


i hy 

R«v [)r Garaalt. aoAvBlte Op M fallawa: 

What then la ta'V«^ Maatt? I am a*! 
anxiooa, aaid he, toaaa raaalta. Wa kava oal 
tha mathads by wkiok tootoka ka 
to the coanmaoity. Tka aaa^l we 
that many will enter apoBamofai 
'ieoce, aad •xhibit m tka life Ikair fcilk ia 
Chrial, workiag by lave. Oh' life 
ertaiD, to defer lha daty ef coaaecraltoB. If 
there Se work to be done for tka «ivattaa af a«U 
Imniurtai suuls, lei it kw duaa at ear a Laaea 
not U. a future* what shoald be doaaat this 
very ti..ur A» \ >iu g,i, then, to your bog 
Ihiuk of Uieea Ihiaga. kava 1 1 

aelf to tiod and t^kalsl} Basil 
of liod aboald live "' 

Dirri SI. «i ,ir CHaiiTiaa Tsdtb.— The .Amer- 
ican Bibl« .Senflty are now pakBsking upwards 
f aeveoly IhousaDO ropiea of tha Scriptaraa 
per niuoth, lu rnaay dilfereat laagoagaa, far- 
h Urir ch«w|>aaa adiliaas af Ika Naw Tm- 
<ix I'euii^ aaOAa whslaBMa fta 

Iw 1) II vo ceuls. 

The .Amarieaa Home M;MioBary Society haa 
now in ita employ 1UU«> .Miaaioaanee. aad tha 
I'reahylerlan Uomeattc B<wrd aboal 3UU 

Tlie .\merican Board haa lO tha foreign tiald 
6 Miaaionary lalKirrr*. static n«d at ')i promi- 
iient puiuts of noral loriueDce, forming tha 
garms uf su many little t h-isiiau Kepablica 
Ihruaghoal the pagan world. — Fsnu.y t'tatlar. 

EaBABitn.xi ,->r .Mif^ioiAaiBa.— Oa Satar- 
day laat, Krv M,-m,n. T\ let, Wilder.and Abra- 
ham, with itteti wivea, embarlMd an baard Ika 
slii^ I uncordia, f»r Africa. A larfe cooipaBy 
)f ilie frienda of missions, with the relalivaa 
and |>«r><inal fr ends u( the misaiuaaries, "as* 

to the shios" aad islaatf ia ■» 

d cl a g alakitka 
ol .M. Tagliajacchi. Tha Auauiaoa poaoad ika Pa 

al Hiesrello, marching tou ards Caaalioaggiore. 


all part-) of Uif coa-t i.iiu ci'ii tin.-, anil Bakia are 
open to Uii-ii di9<;ni!"iris.ii:i<n. ~uiiic l,4tl0were 
laiidtV. Iron; a slfamct ;i li w wcek^ <tince, not 
ti ll ,1 .u'lif^ tu llif 1 .1^1 \> ill'! uf tins liail^mr. .\ 
slcaiiK-r 111 lari<i' iliiii«-ii'?ion'., intomlii! to carry 
out 'i.OllO slsvfi<, i?< liuildiiig vi\ thr llr.'^,'.'inrji 
bide; Alul I-* to be latiiickctl in tu ool three iiiontliK. 
It 1.1 a laot, tint al pttecn:, in Uio, a ywinn. 
loallhy Uiy ul 13 or 11, and well kiowii, can Ih; 
purchased tot :ty d<>lla>, wliilt' u iiliiii tlit^ lu^t 
two ytMUS from 7<i(i to tUU ilolUi- were |uxiil fji 
the same aa a iloinuhtic ^n ant, t iii>iii;h untamed 
and ignor.-int, on tlieilav he waa uii(>ortetl. Itri- 
111 says, "Hlave.-. we wi'lhave; ' hihI Braril do« 
havf a constant and ph ntiful ^»»l(»ply ol thcni — 
1 1^ III vain to Mink tlii.s fact, Uie Te(iorl-< niadr 
y the Engliak minislei and consul must prove, 
further piooi' were neeassaiy, that tolly or ftcn- 
only can losaiot ia oat furtliei interfeieuc* 
withBrasii ngahKag slavea, and thia wholly 
part fooiB tke eooamoua coat and uaatai 
fiee of life inoiimd by Enfland on tbe 
Africa, aa widl aa tka aOdikaaal hasi 
iniaHieB which haOakeaashMNi to isaaB Bsai 
oar iaUsfiasaiNi. 

Tea BtiAvwTBAMB. — A letlii ssoOMIf sOariveil 
fiomageatkBiaBonthcooaltaf Biasilrives a 
[loooay pietoai of the bonid tralBe ia Boaiari 
xunswhiob is earned oahy the merohanh awl 
goveraaaeatol' the Bnailisxi Empue, aMMty of 
ur own people ioMi kioiolao m§mi, 
I IS behaved, in tkaaaasadsMMUabaahHsa:— 
ilNlt-BhNMry Jbpsrtsr. 

••Our psaMsat daap oai Uta alaHsa ia tka ka- 
insneeaoefwatekiagaad asaichfaw AsMiiean 
- ftted (nUfK tka ooeat of Africa fma this 

roft, and saaiaetadaf heiH«M•d*■th•alfe▼e- 
- .inwhitdihsUishtnUk a laue aafliker of 

iapsarveias, is oar- 


(iwels nndei lha 
> c», this dassaaMa tiaMo 
iiake yoot 
ried oawiBi the 
staia and si 
nan rigkla— iwt wkoae 
ted totke baae puqpoaoef 
ing the inhnaian tyraaay ia daBy saaeting tke 
most rerolUiw of haauM B tis ssa Tiaa oar gov 
ernmeBt, in ito pkiUatkaopy, eaaeted a stalati 
against any Amerieaa citisea aocsfiac ia thia, and wlmnaoevat so eiysi^ shall saffei 

tain chain aSBsa paas there lo ba 

Ha vrastk<falbr#,na to speak, goio; into tke Ikrka 

of the monnlain — into the gorge of two monataina 
—and al a great eli-talioii, shown by trie larl of 
the great rivers which issne Irom the nppoaite 
aides of the Kooky Monataina at ihai nan — the 
ArkanuK and Del Norte on the east, the Grand 
livei toik of the Colorado ot tbe gnlf of Galifoniia 

nnihewaat it waa at tkis poiat— Ike head of tha 
DelNoi l a w kasa OB JaaaaBetBad aver gsoa be- 
fore, that Col. freaaeat w taadad to paoa, to aut- 
vey hia laM line .icroaatka aaatiaeat, coomlate 
hia kBowN-dite ot theooaaliy ks l wssa tka Maaaia- 
eippi SDi! Ih'- I'" «nd crown the la Sera of long 
etpiorslH) 1 : ■> -;,ow;aj; the counlry belueen the 
^reiit r.vFi and ihe freat sea lobe inhabiulde hy 
.1 I ivil /(■<: people, and practicstjle for a grcai 
load, Bi;d li-it on sevcril !inof>, »nd which wa.« ihi 

Ha Jtad been seven year* engaged in thia great, 
lahor, And wished to complete iL It was tlie be- 
ginnlnc of I>erembcr that he eroased the chain 
from the Arkanaaa valley hatoOweollagaf tha Dal 
Norte; aikJ, although late, witk the foil bottaf af 
tha old kaatara aad trade ra at the Pnebloa, the 
guide taclaaive wheat ha «Ur« engsged, that he 
would go ihrangh. Ha waa pravidad with everr 
thing to carry thamenio CaUiomia,aBd with grain 
to carry dll the animals aeroes all the nionninin < 
into the vailevs of thetribnurie* of the f:reat I Ol- 
orado of the VVesl, where the hiiowh wou.M 
light. w<><id and gm»« «utlicient. game al;iind.iiil, 
and the li^udehipeof the expedition all surmount- 
ed Slid lefl behind. In two waeka he expected to 


fonr or liva days of travel, aa Oal. yii oioa t ahow- 
ed in ecmlng baak. Tbia waa tka caoaa af the 

first calamity — the loaa of lha hones and muleH. 
Thasaniaanide consumed 22 days, when seut wi;h 
the parly U)t relief, in making ihe diaiance uhiati 
Col. Krernont, (with l«o<ley, Preusn, and a .se - 
vanl,) wiihout a guide, on foot, inooldet weather, 
deeper srows, aad kail feausked. BWde in six.— 
That waa the cause of tha aaeond aad Irreparalde 
cftlamitv— the death of the men. 

The immediate scene of suffering in this great 
diaaaler, where the aacent of the great mountain 
waa forced and its aummil acaled, muat have been 
abuut north latitude 38 1-3, aad weal leagitads 
ftam lioadoa ItfT, tka alavadon above Ivralva thou- 
aaad foot, aad tka liana tkat of dead wiater— 
Christmas I Fmhb tkia aotat Ika aoUd obiacu, 
I'lii ViNak aad the three Psrka, woala bear 
aiM.Mt B. R. B., aMIIkaapa^ raaka akeat E. 
S. E. 

The Mihtn Ikizrilr publishes two |«VOC 
(if Kadei/.ki, dated Ihe |7Ui, ooa addw sa e d lo Ihe 

uihat iliuiu i>l Mii.iii, iMi- other lolboHeol ihe Ixmh- 
t>trd.'-\ >'iieti,in kiiifE.lorn at larru. In llif loimer, 
t*»lel. ki iiiliirm-i Ih.' Mil«ne-'«- llial he li avrs the 

rily !<> carry the wax upiMi ih«aoa«i|'a leriiuiry; 
liiit I.' tr;tii.iuili«elkapac>te iahaWiaato»ka iainrnia 
Liem that h* le a vt a aaaAeisaigBRissa aad swell 
provided citadel. No hapaa Ikat Hilaa will re- 
main on let; a aeeoad atay keiag rtady to Igkt for 

ia« iimtn nT hto •©veeelgn. Tl»«-y Im«<>, Ve "aTa, 
already felt the consemiences al rebellion, '.ul let 
them tjewareof a second altenipl; the piiaishinenl 
woald not fikil lo (blluw speedily ind Miirelenilng- 
ly; for he is strooa enongh lo email ever, iniemal 
ineray . and to iglit the estamal ana. Tba 

(•Toclaaiation ia nearly of tkaaasastsaor; ke waraa 
tha i a h a h i i-t a l aof Liiw h sidi aad ^ aaieaaai 

ar to a peiveise perty, wkieh eoiy wato tke ra- 
t umpiioa of kaatOiiiaa to aaeito aaw diaoidars. 

We have received tka ooneapoodaBea frum Mar- 
neilles, annonneinr the arrival in that port of the 
Helieoitonte, which left Palermo .>n ihe ISib, and 
which brought the intelligence ol Uie definite riip- 
Inre of the negoli*lioiii« opened between Ihe Sicil- 
ian governnieiil and ilic I'lench ar«l Kngliah admi- 
Preparaiioas were laaliiog a vigoaooa ra- 
ot Kerdiaawl* 

Coancil on Itie Ii 
IS ut hagland, 

of likeity eaikn 
iiUk ass psoatitu. 

But the same law vniieh donoii 

ed Slid lelt DebindL in two weasa ne expec 
ba in theae mild vallaya. Uakappily, the 
coaasmail tkcae two woaks ia gotttog totki 
of Ikd Itel Rorte-a dialsaee wkiefc oiriy fa 

n» piracy, 
Ibr slaves. 

The law says, that aay vaaasi aaspeeted of 

iring engaged in tkia proMrihed trade may br lor triaL Sow, e\<ry vcsj^^I thit 
;li ar)i for thr coast from thw port is su8i>c«;ttd of 
juinc < ii>;«gc<l in the trade, ami justly too, for 
liiiMcnths of t hem, directly 01 indirectly, aie 
iit;:iK><l IU the tiHiric; wkioh factia notoriou:^. — 
Now, wliat jiriKjt liaM' we to bring forward, b» 
fere a court ot a.liinr.iltv. t^i jii^itifv u.s in arresting 
r (iKinnd, sliP 1% >" « Iu * lul jwrl, with a 
carco oil Lourd, tc^iiti"! loi y the AoaarioaB con 
111!,) a>< a slavi r^ Mero suspicion will not eon 
\emn hur — nolliini; I'lit |»>-.iti\epr<>ofsof the fact 
ofthal I'fiiif! hcrol.j«'c(. Ami Ihii^e pmifs slie 
doea not present within hcrs«lf. N.i.iirun ,.rtl 
navy in (.tii|iiil cnoiich t" si'H'l \<-.ssil- hoini lis 
alaM'i^> iindi'i thc.-«e ciiciiiii-lunc«'s, when he is 
held personally r»is|¥iiiMl>le lorall damairts accri- 
in|{ from the air«>>l and dctonlion <>i tin- ve-v><l, 
in the cv( lit ul her not l.clll^' KHi'leiniiol. 

" AnHTicaii ve,-^»cls t iif;ai;c'l ii tlii-> ii.i.lciiit. 
uunilift tin- vc.HHcl-.ofuiiotlu[iiiitioii.-.|al togeth- 
er—and arc chsdcnii hI niiicli lusher prices by 
alave lirnlcrs, .n^ llicy are not Mihjcct to llir ri^;ht 
Ofnearch I'y the Hiitith, who^-A ann Ihc Afnciin 
ooast, you know— and out laws arc totally in- 
iMiflicient and inaJe-jnaic, in tlio ^riat majority 
of caeca, to then coiidemnalMMi; and soyjes siils 
Maihng under our flsg, beiag tha paaavofeb are 
much more desirable. 

"The whole law in reference to thto Iraoe is n 
farce, and the •oKjni r it is nbrogated the bet- 
ter, as thedeinsn IrMd the nlavs market here v ill 
l>e 'supplie<l 11 l. ii.> lice (d all laws, as Icng a.-* Ihe 
-raJecontiii .if.i.ililo an it i>« — when men 

fbituueq in a t«w tnpa. Ami, in fact, 

^iBw dH 

When Col. Frcafwat wssasBe WOO Mag well, 

.1. ' .- htu< arrived, wa kava oadsakl, ka CaUh*- 
na beioie thia time. 

Tka toltowing eztracta are from hia laai letter — 
tha «sM is dated Taoe,New Meiiea, Feh. 6lkt 

" naantag.— How rapid are tka ckaagaa of Ufa I 
A fawdays aoa. and I was etr n gg l ha J hi n agkaBow 
ia the savage wtida of the nppac Dei laocta, fol- 
lowing Ilia eoBiaa of tha f roxaa river !n more than 
Kuasiaii cold — no food — bo blanket to cover me in 
Ihe long 'reering nights- (I had cold niy two to the 
I'liih U<f help lo my men) — unci rtsin al mo- 
ment of Ihe niphl we might be roused by the 
Indian r lie — douhlfiil, very tioubtful, wkatkar I 
should ever see yoii'\>r friends again. How I aaa 
sealed bv a aasa testable are, 
own tkoiighto w iitiag to you 


The SiUun held a t^abinel 
iuai., al which lha Am 
France, and Aaatria 
the AwaUian 
bakatf of tka Bi*^tf" 

A tann of forty dan haa been jiven lo tha »il- 
un to considsr wkatnei ot not he wdl allow the 
Kiiasian fleet WpasathrDii!:); ih.- ilack Sea lo Na- 
ples. TTie correspondent ul the mrul* h.- .\IIge- 
meine iieitmig ptes.iiiietl that th.- .>eriiiisaion wiil 
be given, and that the Siilun wiil be mdacadjto 
agree to the conlinued oorupatioii of lha Baaak^ 
an piincipalitiaa by the Knsaian lio<jps. 

Dsava as a 1 
alar af tha lOlk laat- aays: 

"The last s l aaaaar hvaagkt iatelligaaca af lha 
death of Rev Wifliam J. Pahlaaaa. miaaiaaary 
of tha Amorteaa Baaidsl Aiaoy. Ha waa loaS 
at aaa, January 5tk, ta oUsmpHag to leave a 
Itoaaar ia which ka kad iakaa paaaaga (ar 
Uaag Koog. aad wkiek waa wrecked twa daya 
froto Ika paiat of kla daattaatiaa. Mr. Pohl- 

tlBBWiUk II 


tkat fralt-tr 

as lha hark 


DoBUM, Mooday Moniog. 
The cliolera ia on the di ct saa i i,kataslaape 

erty and dixtresa. 

In all pHrt.s of the coimlry larp» am; m'inifi 
aums are heing coUecietl In aid of the Pope. 

Meetini.'s lo iwluea tke Uifd Liaaieoaat to give 
lip any lurthM proaaoBtiiia ef Cka rta^Bae aa^Da^ 

aa (if 

iilioue la be 

1 aaid to ka coaifiataly 


lious to tlie Quaaa aiaki 

I he I ii>i^>- Ibe Qaaaa eooiiaaaa to progreaa 

satiJtaclorily la 

M:ii>ul's hand is 
ed, and hiinselt aetL 

N.iiwiiliatandinc tkaaa favoiabia iadi eai iaa s , 
Ihe fiiri>!- tell on the lUlh, the Three oat eeaU 
cioa.iig \tre\s al il. The renewal of the lulian 
warfare haa contributed to 

Maoaiii BocHsa. — Kiva 
Exchange on London 

at, on 

III Ihe silting n| Ihe KomSn t'ooalitu. 
l,')iii .iiNi , 1 .a« waapaaaedl 
lies to the lulian Cuaatitaaal, 
ckoaaa by tka people fnoa 

ig «Ma sow 


Qaastal WaMaa, tt booM, 

IS of Latoiir'a mardera. 
Aoeotdin^ to private letlerH fiom I'esth and Cra- 
eow,ihe Rusainn sniiy on the frontiers, which u 
■every day receiving lemforceir.enls, will cioaa 
the ftonli»-rs to form llie gHrrisons ol s'l the towns, 
not only of HiiiiRary, bin id the wliole as n aat ek y. 
iiicliiiliiig Vienna, by which the whola Ai 
lTiK)pa will be aet free lo act ia " 
Letters from Viei 


<'Vaa will wish tn know what effert the scene 
I hsvepeaaad through have had upon me. lo per- 
son, none. The deatrnctlon of my party, aad the 
loss of fiienda, are cause of griel; hut I ha»e not 
been injured in body or mind. Both have heen 
strained, and Uxed severelv, biii neither hnru 1 
have«e»noneor Iheolher, and <>oinetimeH both, 
give way in i^troiig (r-ime!«, strong inindM, .-umI sionl 
hearts, t iii, as heretofore,! have come outunkuiL 
I believe that the rafaa aksaoee gntadajoa sa. 
limes grree na a po wsrarMahjOBieaaBHB mm de- 
aire toaava oar own lives could navet call ap. 

*'I hsve nsde my preparations to proceed. 1 
shall hliva lo follow the old Gila rr>»d, and shall 
move rapidly, and expet^l lo be in California in 
Msreh, iiul to liiid U tters from home, and a sup- 
ply of n»wspspersand documents, more welcome 
perhaps, heeaute theae things have a home-look 
about them. The future occupies me. thir home 
in Call orn 

of my geogrspkieSniWiP'""'"** labqes—my 
fsnuiM labon aad simaMai. I have written to 
■.Msykew * C>i.,agriealtaral warekooae, 
Hew Yoik, iSfBaaling them to shin me immedi. 
slely a threakhig nacliinai and to .Vfeasra. lloe >S 
l>)., sain* city, requesii ig them to foTvard to m» 
at San Pranci'sco two runs, or aeis ot mill stones 
The mill irons aad the agriooltnial inauumentu 
shipp. i for me Isstsntemu foesi Row York wBI 
tie at Sun Kranciaoo by tka tkaa I MBva 
Yonr arrival ki April ^' 

[TL- III r "•• 



of cannon. 

The Magvara loat lOU men killed, and Mil 
prisoners. Fhe .\iistfians had 17 killed and 'IH 
wounded. The Magyars wish to penetrate in 
WisniU and l>aUo,to ooeatkau wayuMu«ia>.tcta; 
but Ihe couatiy ia wall i 
Sturm urgaaisas. 

FaxNiir IKT, nu, h 'i>,l8«lL 

The scene .at the clo«e ul ihc i.i.'tHtii rejaeling 
the hingol Prusitia aa haaii ol lae einpt ra, ysBlsr- 
dav, most eiciting. The Prw s a i aa p ga^^ kad 

caiculateil on the reruinty of vieiory. Oaf Ike 

- — ■ ' 1,1 

vary giaot 

•yliataaBOror the Bubee.^iieol reaignaii..D ni ihe 
miaiairy in conaaqnenee ol the vole, is conhtme«l. 
The Archduke John has, r. is aaid. sent fcii M. de 
Vydooborgk. wkovoieil Miihiiia Pruasioa party, 

- 1, « b'l vuted en the 

aoi bo gaaa t ally kaawg 
bodded ia , , 
•lip with aaoB, wiBi 
thoae doaa ia tke i 

Spring koddlog poaaaaaaa aaaa advaatagaa^ 
laaaiauaeh aa aaa year's growBi af fta bad is ok- 
IttmtA in odvoaea af tkoaa baddtnf la symoMr 
ar M. W s i s a a cat tka pravmoa lail or wiator 
oMy ka pisssiisd ia aaaaa ar saw daa l , aa m to 
parfara thia ofaroliaa as late la tha asHaa 
with safcty, aa aaa ka wiak ika [ 
growlk of aainaa, Thia ia ^aito a ees 
wkaa ae to aa aaa woalad froat disunca, aa tkaaa 
is Bot aa mash tsookla ia peassvviBg thaai pae- 
fcetly fraakas a h aa eat ia Ika leaf. 

Tka oalip dBhssasa aseeeiary to asaka ba* 
twixtaprisnaadMlkaddlBHiawlkiiUrk af tka 
farmer akoald ha oal sffalttatissa of baddiof. 
ikraa ar faar taokaa akaoa Ika iaoartiaa ar tka 
kad. aad a eeal ef ifesB^ or elhsr caaaal ap- 
plied ta Ika aSaa k Sa paoaaaS daaay, aad ror tka 
koaltk of ihBliaa. I Ihlah t his shaald ha 
Jfsto AlsidsaB Wmrmm. 

I ka toiidaw. wk 

akaadaasd k|r w— M*<Mha ■Bda^jad ssys 

feallB hI!tkt.whiBhieaearfrhaadtat vMkBa 
larga crop of parftct frait 

Wh»»t U^owi>«i; in Tax** — The Kad-itjeer 
•ntry in tins .^tala embracing aa extent uf 
l USI milee in width 4iid about jO(i m 
laagtk, haa already pnived, with tke imperfect 
axpanaaaalB which bav« tiaaa nukde, to lie beiiar 
lo lha proil actio 11 A wheat, than aoy 
oikar portion of t'la L'aioa yat knowa The 
predael Miuala in ^aanlity, exceeds n wi^ht 
i^aalUy. and precedes lo lime of harvest, 
by twa Bkuat impnrtaat monlha.aL thn wh»at- 
pradoeiBg coanlry of olhsr .~<tales The sver- 
MT acre, ikham whaat i n be<>n «own ;ti a 
fiam which corn haa b>>«'a gatherao in tha 
I aaaaaa. the laa«l plowed ap. sowed witk 
grain, aad draggad in with bruab, la twealy 
baskels, «ud thirty bushais lias heaa aoaaetimea 
obtained What waold ka tka p rw d a s i froaa a 
proper and carcfal aaBlaMaa»iMafaiaaHflkr 

af aaiioaata only 

In grinding lha wheal luii. Hoar, the rooldu- 
am is a light brao withoal middling, an l tha 
averagn weight p^r buslxl is sboir nty 

paanda. Tb« karyeat i» in lha muntn ui May, 
wiMck given a aaaaopoly ot tho aaUre soulhsra 
Market, at a aaaaaa of the ynar when ttii« nor- 
tkara aapply haa berome miialy \uA «imi - . uadar 
tka ittflaencaa of a southern rlunale V% hat 
IJm maa^ipuly uf the laarkct la, may hm prasi- 
Bsataly eatiiualed freiu the ta<libat NewOr- 
laoM alone rouaaiiiea .lailv T.'iil b*rr«la, aud if 
tkat qaaatity conatitatea .in«-tanlh of th* whole 
coaaaat^tioD. it givaa T>l hnrrvia daily, or 
4M,UU0 barrels in sixty days, which, at thraa 
dollars per Wrrel, give* a rulura of naaily aaa 

aad a half miilMns ef dollars, for the agncal- 
taty pradoet af aaa kaadrtd thotiaaad acre* of 
Imad.caltivaaad by abaat Ikree ihoasaad labor- 

If the tlonr of tbe upp<ir roaatry tiads a 
market la the lower, «> « il. th« ^uj^r lha 
lower country Riui a market a the upper Xfe 
have |a«l JivDvsrrtl thai Tsxaa la ada^te.1 1« tha 
caltivatioa .-f sagar, at a iiiue when it seama 
aoablful whethnr .In )^r<»>lu< I ■• uut a. raady aa 
near etjual lu tbe deiriaad, aa to render it un- 
prolttable Hy i ucraaaiDg tka papalalioo of ih* 
nurtkera portion of tha Stola aB<l grevtdlBg 
facilUiaa uT coaoMiBiealic a, >ha plaOISaaap 
secure a (air pnca — //eaifaa TritgfUfk. 

l'li!iUK> Pi NlsHXii. — Il the Criiiiii>al Court of 
U aaUin(;tun,on Monday, a aevaie example was 
made ol Joaeph Dockhaicd, B tieimao, who waa 
tried and convicted of oorrafl peijaiy, in swaaring 
before JiMiica i. B. Vaa Tyod thai ka waa kaona- 
lus tiaou, a privBtoki eomaay M, la Ike h* aor 
ioMBt of Uoiiad Stoua AitiUeTy, aad wiik iaioot 
to deftead tka aaid boats af bin 
Jodge Crawford, aftaf a snilabia 
tanced Ihe priSiMn^to lour yaara 

The I.i.AHa «Kb ALrai:a— A eammBnlca- 
tioo haa been received by (ka Parte Acadvair 
Sciencea, from M C'hxialiaa Bo aafoax, giving 
an accoaatof the alUmpt iia>!e, by uruar ul Ui* 
King of Hoiiaad, tu at^^cliaiaUae ihe Ilainas t.i.l 
alpacMof Chill Fear y.»rs ago,ttairtt l.iu. 
of thaae aoiinaia. malao a«d feniaias. were loi 
ported lulu Hallaad, «■>«: pat ial« tha royal 
■ark, .ScltevinlBgea, aea- tba Uagma. wlicrs 
tkay have prapa«ated freely. Tbe dtaaato d^ea 

ao lajary. aad ' 
tor prvporad fsv i 



THE EXAMINER. '■^7''^""' Z^^t^Z'^l, 

r. C0S8Y, 




APRIL 28. 1M9 

iCHiio. K««th 
mtmty miliiona of 



U~ Wif tend, occasi<j 
BxitMimB to »*r*oii««A«4M ••fiSfcwAwt. 

tht Kapt, tkai by a 

At a m^tiof of the friaada of emkucipaliau, 
ImM IB Loal«TlUa. IMS. W. W. 
Wanlay kaTiaf bMB mMmi »0 $km.tbalK, aa^ 

Raaban DnwuoD appointad aacrrUry, tha fol- 
Uviaf (aaliaoMii wara named a Camapoad- 

•alarfa tbeir aaoiber aad fill vaeaaeiaa 


W. W. WantoT, 
W..!.^ ^' 

Wm. Richartfaaa, 

#Mrtok Maxey, 


Q J 

opaaa wa^a 

namber. Wna. Rlehardaaa v«a 

R D*waoN, Sacretary 

Frem lha fafagataf aajiaa tt wiU ba 

I IMandB af aiMMtfat 

It obyaet af Hm « 

Ni la Laatartlla 
•MBitlaa will ha u 
pabltah TaluaUa painphlato aad aaaaya Car dia- 

Faaaa aHay ^aar • 

caataiiit about 

v«Mlt«itieb Mr. PiaU^t paia aa 

•M vacth aaa kaarfrad aa<l thlcty aid- 1 raaady 

TW had an>i nef r»ea ara thoa ! lagtd ffriavaaaaa. 

t>t ItM 6ft Mhnu w>|^ : 
waMy***** iWfcaa -"Im ■ , who, at oi 

tbair aaavivho 
aar Mimaa, aa4WM taam Wek to 
y iMr Uvea la aOat aad ritaawliMi* 

Of aaaiaa aaak a propaaitian raqairaa ouly 
W fMki t«#ow iu abaartUy, a^ ya^U is 

o lea* 


a*a uLtMmSMPi^ it^ht* 
qaaftai^ . JW iaaaa wfa al. 

-Wa hava 

worth two huiidred and ihirly iiiillio laordollari 
The whiuyapalallaa of IteSlato riaaiatighl- 
ovar twa iNMMaai tll yl aa iiiBiiiaJ. 

aiid the average individual » jalth of thin popu- 
latiaa ia thaa ibown t> tra orar aight baadrad 
aatf alartj Mlara; atkar valaaa mUai mi tk» 
avaiaft vUlraacha thc uaaiiddolliira! Hpila, ta 
ba aara. ia aloa-ar ararige iban ia foaad iatkat 
othar very pruiiperoat eaaatry, Ireland, bal 
ttiifi|fa|bavp lhaa)pa«aimUUic<lk«M4# 
•MMwaM af ai» VhHila. 

Ia It not atrange that, wit^ a.) ainiobt ui.- 
aquaUad pnMpenty, tU MoUuffiM, 

•oath Canlina Stateanen i n<] en tors, !>boald 
bewail the condition of then & tate— should utter 
lamantattooa ovcx hci Uided gloiy, over Uie ram 
aad d w Bl a h oB at haronea aylendid Maaaiana, 
theabcdti oTUm BMataaaalmlatiiii hoafutality, 
and over the blight tha! haa xiaiial tboae fieM. 

I y a r pa taat la a 

It ia, ia aai 

South ahall tako care of itaalf and aapply ila 
owu waala wilb ila awa haa^ aad anM. 
Ilia ftaw oar fraaaa* farpaaa to 'liMbt oat 

the inconaiatency of nm-h a ;>ollcy, with the 
lne>:oratila law of trada, aud with the frea 
trada daaMaaa af wbiek tbaSonthera sutea 
hava baaa alaiaat tha azetaaiva adrocalaa. We 
Njiolca Uiat the Soalhara people ara laaraiog 
thair dcpaadaaoa apoa tha fiaa whila labor at 
lha North, aad wa aaa fargiva tha had teas, 
aad had logic wbieh ata aiaaag lha aalaral 
caniequeuce uT the c^iacoTcry. We trual, how- 
avar, Uiat tba uarlthcauon, whiob it aeami to 
iaapire, any lend MM ariada at tial 
aian la dataet aad raiaoTe the real caoae of their 
diiBealty. Let lhaia nuha labor raapaolabia, 
aad reapccublo and intelligeat labarara will 
awarai aaat Itia Hatithani Slalaa te • 

aad atatloHea baarlag npou the tubject of eiaaa> 
atpaitaa. Thaaa appitcatMaa, wa Uaat. wiU 
ba fclly aa d a wm tmma t af aaeM 

to Blaiuj Built..'. : 
ox Paul Sayntuur, 
will meat with 

we Uaat, cicaae tba abaauLt* 
of the caatoaMry qaaaU(> 
Tbaahaeoeaaf oMaf tha 

■Ml ka aar «pai^ Tba 

ill b« fonod ^aMa m ialar- 

Tba Oreaniboroagh, Alabama, Baaeaa, coii- 
talae a aoiioa of a fcUd el oMifiattoa «Mcb ka 

ad awaaafidancy That payer aaya 

"Am aMMaUy large aaaihar of niovani tiare 
•"■"■■••^ Ihla t^lhiga withla Iba pa^t lao 
■e Waaaa. Oa aaa day of laat waeli, uii- 
I af Ihkty w^gaar aad ether vaLicioa b«. 

; »a ente r a a i a. aoatly from Georgia aad 
_^ ^ - . thfai^rb oa lhair way. 
-.^aTttaabaaMta TaSaad A«£aa«a'' 
Tbara u not ooe of the ol^ alaaa Stalaa ia 
whicbaaiaiiarproaaaaiaaalfaUvaB. Kfaa 
ia Kaalaaky. whiah ia by fcr i • n |i 

aUve Stale ia the Uaioa, it ia by i»„ meaaa aa- 
lo aee a aoa-aiaaahiM^ teaar, or 
ipropriator of a vary W^Sm^ iUfcrf 

I la ihaftaaa of hte aMMly. to the hon.e 
whiah all lha haiiaMa^ aoai toachlag 

ramiBiaaaacea of childhood tfailiu. aad with 

hie wiia aad childraa. «art ar la faM af a aow 
b atae aaw^ ^a M g i M bayaad *he Ohio w tha 

Mimtmlffi. It If not, a* li walliinowu, oil ac 

II «t the oaaaiiy sf tha fp^mam la tha 

siTsngf that the popultlior. of UiLm etninentljt 
pnupeioua State abouid be caauH|al|||^4>VM*eh- 
iB^^^HB^ BflT'fMpto ehoal^'rtilt^^WHIi 
parity, aad that the lynx-e)'ai men fhia«haii1 
tha ooaaty v^aaa Jaoiciiig M^eilf 


truth when tfa«) 

i Her inBJufa':'.ur! .V. : k:' tlicae of Lowell aud 
tUnaiaghaa, waaid heataae tha pfMa of tba 


bof aaa buy ahaapaat Bat ahe 


aet aay audi raealt whila bar 
li rtiij ir f iMij §mtmm»i 

IMHaf «lwU aiau aa laaiaatihaly aad ua|waa' 
tha axtraota, 

\ac Iter inatitutioua 
Thiira ara 
woik ia aet 
alaiaya aaty, 


hate b«an broaght abait by tha withering af- 
ieeie al' Ikoayalaai of hoailege uat 

Ik Catiaarai 
Wa ara v^ioload loiaaira lita Mr. 

eioiid, Va., raadered ganeroua aerrk-e to the 
oaaaa of freedom, baa goaa to Califaraia with 
tha iateaUoB of eataWkhlag a ptpfr Ikaia. Ia 
him liberty will fiad a iHaaiik friaad. aad 
alavery a geatleaMaly bat datanalaed aad aa- 
yialdiog foe Mr Crane id well acquainted 
with tba diaaalroaa iaflaaaoe cf "thopaeaUar ia- 
autauoa" apaa tha •teelaat CaMMMvaaNh." 
and ao palaa aor laboia will :ke epared by him 
to preraat iu inlrodactiaa into the yoaag Stale 
which aeana deetlaed to paa by a aia^ aMia 

froa (kawaakMp ofMhwr ItllMftawaf 

1 11 1 

I la aheap and abandaat. aad 
'"^""•'■all ii»ealave »(a*ia,aad 

tbentfore the rawon why thee* ia 

illy experienced in i^etting 
tha hope of ti««««nat dMr 

■ Mf i j ^ Ike eidat ria w t> #a ^ A ku»a aam 
«ii%»aala^M^ their aaaiaa to 
tb* free state*, becaaae thay have eapartencai 
ikadiaidaMgui^, d iwi f ij^ n i u«MUfied 

iiiiiiiiiii iiiimmwtth^ 

y.aadwuh tc place iheir funilie. beyont 

nach rf tut paraicioaa t^mmm af th* 

' wbeemigrau UTax- 
•T Ikair fortaaee oa a viigia 
kaoll aa yat aaaxhaaatad by tba •«Mkl 
lof elaae *Thare 

• mmtmttmMam im ail reap acta 

rblch haa brought blight tad 
oa tko &alda of Virgiaia aad the 
Caraiiaaa, Mii«iiii vwaaaaaaai 

ifti inr yiaai Iba aallvo f aalMw of the aoil 

VUl reaiat tha blight of 
^wtUltea mtkm 

Md aThla aa 


Thay are lalkiiig mach aad alo^aaally ia the 
•aathara Statar of a aka^lRlka pMnlto of 
. -aa ir aayikli^ Uk« wmnaa la 
aa toag ae the eyata* af aiaaary. 
which wilhara everythiDg It toncbee, ie eon- 
IJUJJ^JJjU^Jjrtf rj*w paw the paople la 

have ezperlenood meat iboroufUy tka aallgn 
of alavery, hava baaa aadaaveriag 
•OM aatkod dTaanpa fraa the 
vkiah thay have aaffered ao deeply, 
of abaogiBg tbeir ntctboda uf 
culture aad of Introdacing aewkJa^ofln- 
*"*T^» • wigh fcwar «a Ike aioa of the 
ay la*a Saadkara li ta t ea talk; and 
lag haa been accompllahed. and tha 

aad^ ikfaiakiaf ika 
latoteraMp liwiMaf aipi MimtT 

Tkaia to at praaaat a great deal aaid m favor 
ad aaaafMlartag wtthalava labor ia tha Soath. 
Maay aitMaa aia paIMM !■ MNff^araaad 
■hgi ala a a , daHfoad u prove that it ia both 
tka daty aad tha poliey of the alava Stalaa to 
embark in manafaetureo The atoal tampttng 
I* tkmaw>iiii aaaltal 

It i> Bonwwiiat rva»ark«ble4h»t, whrle Mr. 
• ootJ Fiabet u proving to Um- p«uplc oi Uie Souib 
thai MO aBfayi^g a higher dagNa af piaa- 
pariiy Ibaii (b« peopla of the Nortli, Ss.„ti„ ,n 
naeaaboHid deplore the cmi.Hiko oI Uic Sooth aa 
a r.MKtitMMi of cstrfiiie d<|>re»u>ii. It miMtbaa 
vary pecabtr kiadaf pwepe riiy which can ba ap- 
preciaied oahr at ddktaaea. .%Boiher rnaarka- 

l>lr faci I* thai, •ii ultia-iiuulh«iii ptper, 111* 
OharleettiO Mcicaiy . whtcb laeiirtia Mr Ki*er"i 
paaipklal M a maoiphaai aad ii lanxw t rnhlf d<K-u- 

iiirtil, ihoukl eiwlvirus rtw <*t iiii.u nlk m' liie 1'^ 

lumuif, paAagv truiu ibr IJuiiUtillc(Alabama} A6- 

mn etaaaad by bar lawa 

ith the brate beaata 

the AaMTleaa lag. 
Ma aaward, aad where to 
aaa'e birth or oiie'< 
W k la tfc ay l a i aa f a. aa we uuat they 
ptaetieal aad pradaetlaa ia- 
kaair aw aaty 
iB lha 


ba -m^Bfi ky 
aaaiiner in which M kaakaan enjoyed hithertu, 
aialad wbicb tbia Soathorn luuraal ao bitterly 


FaAMaroai, Ttapii^g, Aftil 3«. 
The CoBventloa laMnftM fMlHllVhl 11 
o'cleek, ia the Repraeeatatlva HaU. CataMl 
Henry Clay, of Baarboa, waechoaaa PNildaat: 
Ueury Wingate, of Fiaaklia, aad WiUiain P 
Baoaa, of Ji fti iaa, «aia akaoaa Vlaa ProM. 

■•iBrfhad.dT tartHdi^ flaaratary 

O. S. PaatOD, of M.'rcer, ii 
etto, aaaiaunt Sacratartaa. 

A fcrraat prayar waa oAaad ky fthv. T. N 
Ralaloa. of Fayette. 

«.la Motion of Jadgo Mfurui,of Fraaiiia.tbe 
Sacaalariee preraaded to call tha OMMto^— 
T*aatyikia9caaMI« »<m faaad to U lapra- 
aaalad ky a«» kaadrad aad fwty-aavaa dek- 

Cla OMtiaa af J. R. Tl 
mitiaa wea appahMid to 
praiaive of the aaaoaal d 
CaoMBlttea wao j;oaipoaad af «M 
eaeb eoauty 

AtSa'etaekr. M^lhaC 

The Committee not biiiof ready to report, 
■ev«ral Kentlemen infaraialiy trfdnMed 

At 3 1-9 o'elaah tka C^mittae anbmitted 
.^•ei.r report, apoa vkiek aa earaeei aad daaply 
* mtttteatiug dieeaeeiea artae, wbick 

indimte. thf utiei i!e()re<«i()ii .|.,' 
waal of ptwfvtily in the tHiutbeni ^>talra. 'J hc 
of Mr. Fiober aad >ar lha Edhar af 4m- 
tt w ag b in direct tlaHi 
by *a Marraiy atth equal 
We Uiuik it vroahl paaide a PUartelpliia 
law ycr, uiitler aucb ciicaaMlaarci to lean ihc laal 
etf dMHamix* 

M a 


with tha 


/^.ddreeeee of great 

lha liaaa af lha 
af tka iatorvai apaat 

jntil 10 i -•/ u'c.ock P 
>ow ei M er» made, of < 


Thai|Beatioa haahat ytt been taken m re- 
late thapriaelpai paiat of diacuaaion, vii: 
whalkar tho R i a a artp at l mtoto aboald conUad 
IW tha iaaorliaa afapravlpiaa for F-ffiaanipa 
lir, limply, thai tka 

fit to 




(fged to hd*e Im-hi :,eiil Iu the free Staleb \<y huh* 
>iiead«.ol ematibipaliuii iu l.<oiiibVil!e, tu uolicit 
<iid for die cause. Sotae peiaoua .-teem to wi^ o 
ohaage ihia malehill iaia a aiouniala by aonoaai- 
iagHwithAkik ltdlnk«that(t«i«awvaliftt« 


ment referred to. 
The circular w^a seal frcm oar office to aoaie 

of uur 3u!>hi ribera iu Kentucky aid oUier SUiteH. 
It waatti|;iied by ouraelvee and two frieoda who ii 
we ie<{ueated to attach ibeii oamee to it. Nooiie 
elae knew anytbiag of it IteooUina no aeaii- 
meat that ara hava aot advaaead ia tba Examiner 
agatoaadagiiak Wa'kavo fkaaaoaHy amda av- 
peala for Maag iaaai paper; and thia circular wiia 
mleoded la a ama ^act appeal. Some of out 
ap,>eelabave been republished In pro-ala*ery pa- 
pers, in order to iiKi ice pra-alavery men to lake a 
Mliiiilar course lur i'lC spread of their »iea'a. U'e 
'ill 11 -I a«k any (me to wnle fjr iiu, or to contribute 
money tor the citculauon of aay peculiar viewa 
ihathe mi^btboM. Wa aUadlof aieaaf toaamat 
in publishing aneh ilniiaamile aa we ehoald ap- 
prove. Thoee to wbomwoaMiaaaed the circalai 
knew from the character of the aaaer what the 
character of the docainents woiillbe. We have 
never had one set of liuriiiiicn tuf one clans of 
people, and another fur aiio. her clans. We have 
alwaya apoken out tioldly and freely tu all. 

Wo do not believe that an) one would be doing 
w^oog by contributing to the circulation of docu- 
meau of tha prooa* chaiaotiH, whatever aiay b* 
. «ilk janrd to the equator, or 
af artaM. It baol wmng to aak oaa to do 
that which fa not wmi^ If wa had aak ad far aid 
in mjiiring our State, tba eaaa weald be diffinont 
Hut wi> Wire laboriug, aa wa believed, for tlie pru 
muiioi. ot itie higheai iateiasts of our beloved 
State— Tot the liighe«t irueriials of every cIsmk oI 
her ciliMus, aUvaboldersaiul nou alavaholdera.— 
We di<i not wish to force aff oao to adopt our 
viewa; we did aot wiah. iac aaiaw^ ia aagiiad ii> 
electioaa, or ia aiettiag MV laidaa laiaeaee we 
wiabad merato to alaae toala aad araaminia ba- 
(b«a the | i aoplk aad than to let them decida. We 
aball ha obliged to any one who will poraua tha 
same courae with regard tu ua, whanevet wa arc 
eailed to decide upoe an important aubjeeL. 

All the money which we lave :icceptrd. u> aa 
Hwer to ourcircoJai, iha amsunio;; which, we era 
aorry u> say, haa been verf aaaU, haa bcaa app r o- 
priaied to the oircniatkia of our o wn tiawab All 
" ~ ta B8 eoaneiitad with nnadlliniiii 

^ . y/^ 

aa daabt that we ooaU hava eeOaetad thou 
dMidi of dollars, if wa bad taaa wimag M fettai 

oaraeivea. Bui we did not ^raatiaooey mtrely — 
.ve wanted money to be uaed in such a way as we 
couatAeted advaulageous lo our .^kale. We had 
notth»alightaat oamooal iotaieat ia the uiaUer 
eioepl ao tar aa laaiaieiaat of each ladi vidua! w 
ouaaaolad adta I hegto w al gaed. 

Maaf of lha itiiitoe of Sotilk Ouoliae cunaidet 
alavaty a diviaa iaatitutkio — an iratitutioacatcu- 
latad t;» ptooMMelhebealiataiaatof alleoneefaed. 
They sae thai tha eitixroa of Kentucky are In 
danger of loaiag tbia divme l>leaaii)g. If they are 
eiocei-i in their doctriueb, vuuld it wtuog in 
t>eoev(ileul inditidiitH antun{ ihei i tu uee «norts 
lo eolightca tboac whu are in nu (real danger , to 
show iMtotbapiacipice uver uhicli they are about 
to atepf Wede a^i ibink our pro-alavery (rieada 
■aali pMarai ttto ai li en iii tbe i^rmattva. A i 
aay Mh, fkm peopMef SoaUi Caadlaa, aad other 
slavebeUlag Sutea, are eixrtiag thamaelves to 
spread pro-^very docunientii among ua. .K.atl u e 
do nut find fault with them. We are for ;he iii- 
iiioet treedoin of diacusaiun. Tu tae .\rcbbiabup 

Whately'a idea* a* aia aet aa aMwh ia h>«a with 
:r e edoMt af «aaahMto a*htokaayll aM totaai- 


Wa ibiuk it weuld kaaaniaaRanialenl in our 
pro.«laverT friauds la Mg iMt aitiaena of tree 
Stales uboald do aathiag la thia oMiUar. KUwoo.! 
Ftaher'a pe«i|klM waaM fly iato lhair laeaa everv 
Ume thatahakid mahe kuch a roaiark. Tkaf go 
to a freaaniiavaa fer idaaa. 

Now, Wa an sore that mo canJid pro-slavery 
mao, ahar ha baa read uu( circuiai, wiU Miy thai 
WH haie Jooo auythiii>: jinpiopur. Il might have 
'tiled lo the eujc ;::<-nl siiiue pataons it 
At' I..KI kept this letter bai.k. V.'e are surry lo 
spoil ao magailoeat a aiaai's caaUe aa haa baaa 
exieadiag ila vaat aad aawniig Jiinacaioaa u«m 
iu haea elilh ftniadiUnaa like tba aaoh rantom 
apaa lha beak of a tedtakiK btu am feel eooipdlod 
to r«M>va the h eea m t i k, aad let the caatla take 
aaia of ilaalL Wa laM tkit all such papeia aa 
have alluded ta thia matter will, in juatice to oa, 
pubiiah the circular with our rematka. Wa think 
that Home papers iiii;lit luvr Jone nu nuofier. 
Same ol iheiii called tor l/.e iliH uuieiil, and we 
aaderalaud it was prinlad ii«v<<ral weeks a^u la a 
Mayavilla paper, ia which lha aUaaioo tu it was 
Uiat aiadOj butllMy took oera to avoid re-puDliab- 
iag IL Bat we will aot complaia if they wUl mt 
do aa Ika Juatice ta cooiply with oar reoaeeL 

—^■^ 6p the exa£inkk. 

F'lr lh« Kx4mlner. 

TavuiaaviLLa, April 31, It^i). 
Taa Haa. Baa. Hardla ad- 
Iba eHlaeaeef IhIa plaaayariwdajr apaa 

oaetttatlaaal refena, lakiag dealM groaad 
agaiaat amaaeipation in any shape or form. — 
>*a etyie af aigaaMBt ia aa 
atoHimy afVahr nataikl 
aaoM, thai It would be aaelaae to give aay da- 
•criplMB of 11. Age leenM tu hava weakeaed 

never exhaust hia atock of aaeedoto, or bklBl 
Uie edge of bia wit. H ia speech eeeme ta 
disappointed tba pro-alavery bmb of tbia viciai- 
ly- Hptotda aaaAiilopeaveahiTery 
aing Mtmitor MMflfttVWtoga fl 
of tbe Jewish code, tlie example of the patri- 
araha,ar Ika aiUaaa af Chitot aad tkaApaetlas 

aeemed to convey the ilea that he regardeii aU- 
very aa aa evil— bat «o evil for which there 
ly. Oar epfeMBtv, who have 

At a 

far the RiaariM'. 
laree and raapaeUbto aMoiiug of the 
af Barren coaaty, at lha eoart hoaaa, 
oatketitk AprU.18d»,^ W.Griaalead. I^a^. 
waa eeiied to tka flhhir, aad ft- P. Ni 
appolnltd aecretary. 

lag MaaiklaaaAjHalattoaa 

Fhker, wove aadeabi 

rhiaipinn ad mi til ng the 

at. Becaaae 200,000 free negroee wonld form 
a very riiagaraaa aad treaMeaoaia iagrauleat 
laawpepiMto*. Aa4 ae he dU aai hlat al 
thttir removal, ba thialui, perbapa, that 
tioaiala are either vMaiieriaa or hypoerllaa 

:)ad. Hiniaii,ia tkaph»aef 
aktiaW bapa aa iapaMMlM^ X 

w«a quite hnmorooa, aa it afforded a fine field for 
af hIalaieiHler tl 
It tt. 

iNre adopted. niDa-tentha of the 
w«>«ld move od with tbair property. Whila apaa 
thia biaaah af hie arga m a a t,ha aatorad iaio aa 
eiiharato miklgl^»iKmimmkf ikeiaaler, 
ai»d expraaaiA-Mhkallaf Ikal tka g la rj ef the 
Sliile would depart forever, aboald the "best 


tbo etx-a«a«nM«, th* aea-alevohoiders, who ara 
tho bona aadaiaaw of IhefilaMs wiU reliak thia 



lly fellow Ike aotaMiabnaDt of factorlee in the 
toath. There <-.aa ba aa doabt that if there 
iCMtariag eatabiiihMadi la 

the eaiton-grower and 
broaght together m the 
•aae aelgkborbood— aad If theee bctoriea 
aaald ba wail ■aitoihiii kf fNga Jaber. a Urge 
•■il«MMMnMir«tolt «ka .aeaipcofta. 
aMe cotton factory io the Sonth is, we believe 
ia OfaallerU||^Oeaipla. aad la that — "Hfrh 

Cbe labor ef i 

h hands to 

them that it ie iMre preitakle. 

Iia aaid to yield 
ia, as Jadge Heyden 
felt of .Mabama aayi, a rooted aversion at the 
Soatta to i 
kaklta. Tka 

pttoiaf. aad de sat wiah to embark in any new 
paiaaMe. Caavtacc them ever ae tkara^faiy 
of the produ that meat fallow 

,rlU pet adkaaa to tke eatoiM af thir 
I aad caaaet be in. 

I to atoaa^turs it 
ry aa lha dirlilai whlcii 

itow braia of Mr Elwood 
V* mammij, wumi aoeiBmaaity la moat proe- 
I ia liktoh tbe iadividaal avaraga ef wealth 


ply Me leattober, aad aha to p iaead tobbla 

eondllieo. Here ia 

• *C- '.-.v^r* 


atkaiae: botgiva 
arikeNartt.. u., 
la NAi, every traJt. 
to dMaadent apoa 
Manheaera abaaa 
ibelclare, yat ow 
IlaigharB mannfaetarad 
We rt ker a kato aad aboee, work 
ether impls- 
«Uh a MartkerB made io- 
: fcr JIankera mora tbao 

»• • ■••karrtUddi" 
witk all the ether aMiplMheMi, aporu hl^ 
Nertkera earrtage. |ili i l ii Itetkem news- 
pepera. driafca BertkiW li|aiii^ tohfaNtotkem 

hie miaey at Ki 
piaaaa, erewde Nertkera ftaM 
ahart, bia pareea, bto atovaa, Ue teas, kto 
eariee, his laxartoa, ae ke vaiki.lUM^ 
oa£i. loaagea, er werka, ke is tamaadi 
arttelaa ef N^era origta. Tke MmHire 
Ma rtoku aad bto property ereaeabis 
•t— aad ea ^— *- — ■aliaaaii- wMh 
a Marthara aaa, with Northara iak.1i7Ma 
aad ra-raaelree la ngard to kto l^! U 
Nertkera vaoMla kM prodaou bm aaailad to 
market— kto eettoa to giaiied vilk Nartkcra 
:iBa— kto eager is eraehed aad preaeied by 


Norikara atofaiH.fcto atfiaea aaa M witk 
Northera bMSoa. beef, lear. aud eora: hie 
brandy teddy ia aaato ' 
lead ia cleared wtth 

Yankee cMt ■ItoMw Ml «aMal>ai^a»^to 

^'^l " tr*^ ^ • Veetarad 
with a Northara oarpal. agri kto wih dnaee 
erself l>eror<» a Nertkera ieekiaMlaia' ble 
chHd criee fer a NortMhi toy. crowa orer a 
.Northern abo«, and ia parfaetlyhappy ie havlac 
a Northern anife; hia aaa to atMatod at a 
Northern college, hie daaghlar leuuiree tht f a> 
toklncpaltok at a Nertkera aealaary; kto dee- 
ter giaiami et a Nertkera 
kto aekeeb awaapplM wMli 
aad ha to Ihnf'"- ^ 
td Boiioaa. 
Tbe Boath to 
Tbe faalt liee with 

owe haada. Haratafora 
the raw matortoto-4kaNertkkai«i(iatetered 
them aad reaped aU tkepnlto. Ilblie gro 
rich and prooperoae kmmi m amm n Ik e South 
hes become poor. IMh Iheald be a cbaaae 
lly and daty al'ike detoaad It. Self- 
t, and^Blreit. The 
Koath ehoald maaafactare, Irat. aU "~nrfMH 
riee— ita heavy artielea It haa tb« raw amle- 
lial, wator-pawer, aad all praper laeilltMa in 
abundance. When it dcaa Ibia. the Nerth will 
liave lee ra ed a leeaaa. aad •aAaUka 

tteahl ito 

rlrfkt arlKa peapia, wheu<rv' , ihry 

exercise it, to makeaaob jiDvuion. 

PrabaUy a CaaveaMM af 
chaiaBtor mn m mm toW t l i J ia 

fn lookiof over It, one canast bat be straek by 
tJia nambar of giey-headad aad eamMahto Ma 
alio are pra— t 

Tka dalikaaaliaaa kaaa keen characterised by 
great eaiMMaee^ kat alee tbe aimoat deca- 

Tha CaaveaHaa to to i»«MaUa at***! 

I IB dia l ■p u tkeNaHk. 

If It haa tlie remedy la 
efera il haa eaiy grown 
N«rtk kaaaahafiKtared 

Tke New York Eveniat Peetthae 
apaa the ahove artleto: 

Tbe f iwgel H ••«rte ireet a Heathern joar 
aal atotes a great deal of truth, in a very far- 
cible manacr. Oaa woald aappoia, liewever, 
fiom the toae of tke vrtter, ikat tkalfertk kad 

ef iaexplieable out 
brelherd fur many 
y sar* i«at. sm) thsl s«lf.|-«sp»ct and lelf-defeace 
resaired Ikea to naaat lha UaataMattUy hare 
■V kaaii,aadto tonalnatoall ia- 

bather perianal or political, be- 
tween as, withoBt farther aotice. 

Tbe criaM of tbe Nai«fc atoaa to Maatal ia 
havlag eappliod theSoath with the necaeaaries, 
aad eeato of the laxuries of il/e, for a coaaide- 
raiion, (which haa aometkM baih paid aad 
_ I wa ekaald kave 

^■•■k** MMpad aaarare of the 
^aeeorr, ia not distinctl) pointed oat, bat one 

"^^''^iMjatoad** **' 
nfenillBiaiiiihiidiee to Soalhern purtsi 

^ <kem heme wiihoat 
ploughs to cBlUvBto their plaalaliaa 
hat. toeerer ikair kaadi «r Aeto to oerer their 
^ fc» IWr padaee, airrors 

>M«tya Itr ikm 

i> • . • _ 

af tke Railroad Corpo- 
»ea made to tbe Le. 
git'.ature; and having haaa, aa to eaatamary, 

^^kT^ ** *'*j^ 7 {|{!nii ^** *** 

pttadaad arranged and pabllahed by tke cam. 
Alttaa, la tbe yaaal claaMy aad awkwaid 
maklBg a paaipklto af MO pi^ea. 

Retaraa vara laealTed frein 37 co 
vktebpaeeeBttbafellowlag maulU: 

CipM Block, $50,(H)4.l(Hi j(i 

Amaaat paid in, 37,009,560 % 

Coat of all (he roadu, l«,777,Ot»9 ,-<4 
Aggregate debt. I2,4a0,20l 19 

Afgrejfate surplus fund, 1,34J,23(I Of< 
Earnings for tha year, C,067,IM 02 
Expense of woiUif, 3.28-1,933 3S 
Netearnmp. a,7l"),9a(* .Ml 

Aggregateanit. diTidsnds,:i,071,l47 iO 
Leagth of all the roads, 9M,346 inilaa. 

iMgth of double track, 280,212 •• 

Leagtb of branchea, Si^'fili) " 

Maanepeed of paaaeoger traioa, 23 l.t 
Mean apeed of freight trains, 12 35 •< 
Caaaalties, Sfi |iuj^ ^ £5 lajared 

oato** 'Stollrir'** .**-***? ^ 

tlea, which they gire at |43,781. Th . 
however, hard y au approach to Ika trgtk, ia- 
aamuch as over 290 aUeaaf 4eaUatMak Bad 
d^t laada. kalldiaga, furnltare, ic', are 
la tke eaameratloB— whereas the Bos- 
toa and Worceater and Boaton and Provideaca 

■^kpae retara af espeadttarw tor au- 
tleae, kailiim^ *a. If Ike i Bp ia d ltoree of 
theee compaaiee for depoU were added. It woald 
largely iaereeee the above arer^ Tka aver- 
age aa« af Bag^ VMii to adtolr MMgWO . 

Dirtof tke yeer m Biflto ef aew railroad 
have kaih pat io operation on thevarioBs linee 
laadiag to ■aaton. iaoladii^ tke btaMkaa,the 
namber of ailtaa to Ike Clato to 1^ The 

whole Bamber of miles In the I'nited Sutea 
ia 6,431 —ao that ne«.rly one^iKth of the whole 
ia la tbU State. Tlie nambsr of arflee ta ope- 
laUoa la B^lMd to 4.d90. The expense of 
werkiag tka llMtolkaaelto roads is a fracUoo 

ever Mperaaahaf the vaaaearatoni that of 
the Eaflhh laalito Urn ikaa Mp« aaai 

Trm m tt tr. 


Lo^isviu.K, Jan. '4H. 

Daaa Sib— The people ot KeBtaoky have le- 
solved to hold a ooavaaiioa iior tha aaieadment of 
the e o i —itot ie a ef the Stato. h Aagaet next d«l- 
egatea to tbia eoavcation will !>• elected. Tlie 
pcaaaal laavaaMatia tbia SUtoea the aobiea of 
alavary^ ao deeply kucrestiag to all tba frieoda 

vifisSBf » «kU aiMitiii.i.».. 

believed that if p>opar eieruoiu. 
fciaada of 

, arlli suc- 
ceed ia engnftiag oa the 

a by which the State will batoliaved fram 

mf MallrMiaa M 

•alae of reel estate artaiag ia 
a eaaitoa af aamlry by the passing of a rail 

road through it, in a subject on which date are 
not yet collected to «-i'Mith a gtasi 

The follewtof to* < hi arika Imntmt af 

popalaltoa In eomt of the towni of Massachu 
eetb— eiaee rallronde were extended to them— 
during tbe five yefure between 1(139 aad 18d5: 

oxbury 67 par cant. Lowell SSpareeat 
Brookliiie 50 Weneatar5€ •< 

Cambridge33 SmIm^MM n 

ch«i«>a iM « iGnRSw - 

Ib Teaaeaaee, the openlny of tbe Nashville 
aadChattaaooga railroad, 15v> acootof 
toae tbaa •3,000,000, haa,oB the avai^. added 
•Sfar aatotoalllkahM withta toa aUee on 
«a*^ «« i^ tmttt •laal to |9,798,000 for 
the whole road. MoiinUin laade which two 
yaara ago weald aot 

4. --r. .<:. ..> 

pcoviaioa by 

Ihegieal evil of African slavery. 1%m to a great 

demand throughout Ken'ui k y for ■»i>ine practical 
atgumenU hhowu ,;ltie iiiorii, .-»;:; i i (-oiioiii- 
eal evila of »l»very; am! vtr have ii j ciou!>i Dial it 
the friends of eniancipeiiou hat! the mean.-* of 
printing aad diaUibuUog Uacu an<t iiew-spapeit 
ooBlaiaiBKMMkvtoaWMaic needed, an Immrnso 
aasoontui gaeA weald baaccoiupliaJied. Suhria- 
ly ooaviaeed ato we of tbe advauugaa which 
woald raaalt fram priatiagaad eiieaJaiiac grataii- 
oaaly, argiimante in fivor of eaiaactoatMa adap. 
ted to the wants of tbe p««|plaj that w« to aet ba^ 
aay tha " 
.'ill piei 
auch a courae. 

We have no dou!>l profound ialereal 

of tbe ^reseul movetueui lu uljs Suite, was fully 
appreeialed.aUtkaiUkaUiea ia tke way of raia- 
ing tbe reqniaito fhato fM the gmlaitoua dialriba- 
tion of Uacta and newnapm voald ipeedtly vao- 
lab. If Keotockr break ap her eyatem of bond- 
age, her eiample will have a powertal faifluence 
en other slaveholdiag Siatea. Delnware, Mary- 
land and Miaaouri, would soon rid tliemselvn of 
siKver), and an agiuiion would ariae in Virginia, 
Uiat wwuld shake ihat ancient Coinnionweallh to 
her iiiandation. Slavery jeiiiinrd in by impaaai- 
bla barriera oo the Souibweat, with co new terrv^ 
tory oa wkiek it could diaekaige it« eorplua, and 
with the preeent Uer of Noithen etave fluiee ar- 
rayed on the Bide of freedom, woaM baaa a Baili 
to ila exiBlence, aa well as lo rtaaxtenelea. How 
long would it be before the people of tbe Stales 
m which the eyalen would Ihea exist, viiih all Iih 
dark and fearful features greatly Mgravatcd. wonld 
call oa the General Government for relief t 

To til who desire the extinction of African 
Hlavery the present aiovemenl in Kentucky com- 
mends lUelt with psculiar force. It sflbrds the 
only practicsble means of a/Tecting Un> durslion ol 
tbe iaatitution aa a nsiional evil. This movement 
riaaeiatoaaa l i on si inportsnceand lonea its local 
cbameter ea we rejaid ii as the first great Miep 
towarda tbe abolitioc of atovery in the li. Sutea 
Who then that dasirm to aee oar eoaatiy redeem- 
ed ttxm the curae of tiavery will not be willing to 
contribute ti a fund lo b« applied to the rratuitons 
circ-jlation of tracts ind newspapers in Kentucky 
Tliese documents will lereusaniy cirrnlate he- 
yond lha borders of this Slate, and u ill hsve due 
influeace in neightioring slnve Slates^ s.s ihey will 
emanate from a slave Suie atd express views dis- 
playtog aalire fomiliarity with tbe subjeci as a 
proeento Maair tothoaewbo have beealuogaccus 
tomedto ha evila. Ika iiiiaiiBli. toato. and 
tmthethatweaee wU ketoiBBBiid^ Md Mad 
to propaia Ika jafcNa akii to elkei Mm fcr 

movemeaiaalHtoi to Ikit aamkipaHMMto Kaa- 

tucky. ^ 

Wo eaniestly iaaahaiiha aympath) and aid of 

friends, within hoth oar own and other Statea. We 
aak them tu come forward and contribute lo a fnad 
which ahali ha most saciedly applied to printinr 
and gratuitouslv circulating irai m and newspapers 
calculated to deepeu, widen, and siringihen the 
feeling m liaMer eaMaoipatioa. We are wiiUn< 
to aaperiaload tke nepBiatiaa aad diauibution of 
wchdocBawata.aad>ipiibBltoailg|jMii,ii win 
be fcoBd ready to sn i pm to wkk aa falhtogreat 
and glonoui) work of phitoalhropy. patrioliem, and 
huinsniiy , lo place ita aa e eeaa beyead peril. 

We would especially direct the atlaatiooof the 
friends of emancipation to the Louiavilia Exam- 
iner. This paper, we are satisfied, haa been in- 
strumental in doing s great deal of goo<i. If per- 
mitted to go oat oT existence at a period of such 
piofoaad iatoiaet ae the Braeeat, it wo lid sadden 
the heaita and tke keMabTlkoaa who are coatend- 
mg for the reawval «3r ato very h am the Stato: aad 
7et, aa the aobeeriattoa to the paper to oaeaaal to 
Ita snpoort, it eaa be eeattoaedoaly by iheWiat- 
ance of frieoda. ft to of tha last imponaaea that 
"The hiaminer" be coatinued, and thai a fond be 
creaied lor the purpose of prinUng a large nuroher 
of copies for gratuitous distribution in every pan 
of the Stale. II,.. noii siaveholdera comprise a 
large portion of the voten of Kentucky, and we 
Sf? >>• leached bv 

_ tS? ?*f preeeatod by tbo Kxamin- 

ooa tobaMLiyataBy to^^ 

(t woald be labor los: to point out the uam 
berleaaooatradlctioaa ia hto inaaiial. aay one 

prepemliiMM whiidi we have givea above 
daatrey each ether. Ia eaforeing bia viewa he 
ap p ealed to bo high aad aohto priacipiee; il waa 
ta IkaiiliikBiiiof tkeatovekeldir. to tbe pra- 
jediiBi ef tke igaeraat, to tke party-faaliag of 
politiciaua. that he addrsaaed biaMalf. He 
akaaHkape heea paaaaia to ka^ Catolaa Clay 

tion of inflaaocea arLiiag from laterest, i^Qor- 
aace, or pm a d iaa naa haig eoataad agaiaat tha 

toaeacart frommotivaeof eoBseiance. Never 
ia Ike btetory of the vedd haa a |>arty that 

slavery ia~Keataaky, wUek taa 
trary to the aplrtt aad geatoa af ' 


to af 

> Uatoa, aad 
bat, la mj 

it we eordiatty 
ry Clay, axpi 
'Keataihy aaj 


to aadte a atoBM pnklUtlag the 
ir*aaatoto KaMtoky. 
3. Mamhad, Tkal wa«fBeappart aaaaaw 
a deie g ato to the 
psi i pi to Bltoa ef atovaty i 
4 Aaa/e«^. That m 
sAsetad U eight Stalee ef tkto^atoa, to wit 
New York, PeaaeylvanU, Coaaaetieal, Rhode 
Islaad, Near Jereey, Vermeat, Mamaehuaatta, 
aad Nair ffampehira, so it can ba daaa ia Kan 
taaby, sjmI that witheal taxatioai aad a a are 
afaaerd to levyiag laaae fer Ihat pa rp sss 

5. ge i a fa s d . That wa are MBwilHa(> to 
aaf raaiaare for tbe e inaaeipattoa eflke 
aaar ia hatag, wiihoat the eaaeeat af tto 
aw aara. 

6. Xaielaed. That a daaae is tbe aew eo« 
etitalieii, pravldiag that iM aaneea kara ia 
Kaataahy, after tha firal day of Jaaaaiy. I0M 

■hall to hoe at liie age af S5 years; prfidrd 
Ucy ena^athaa Ikeyarriac al lAoi *gt,UiU la ikt 
fltol^aiBtoMt OUT Aaar'y apprvktUtH 

T. Wemkttd, That tbe followiog geatiemaa 
rriiroari I US aa delegates in the Fraahfert Coa- 
veitiioD, un Iba d&lh insi., vu; Jaaapk Giaas' 
brook. WkitfiaiABattoo. .N. W. Jeaea. Jaasa 
Wade, (J. W. Ttobee. TKoe. J. GerU. P. W 
II.WI41. WlHtoia Gnastead, Z. R. Hafgiae, 
Jotiu Hi ttaa. Jeka NevUl. ir., Fraocie STJiil- 
laa, JsaiaaG. TkatoMaa. JaMo W. Gone. J 
G- Davie. Saaiael W. Uarberaoa, James K 
Wtmm» H. P. Naakela» William Garoai. Nathan 
Johaeea^JMheea l^ ^ i , Chrieippker 

SOB, J. ' " 

ru. .-eo. ug:l 

iiM ■■ik.aaiaeAy i 

iLvi r«- 


af ktoaddtaae. Mr. Har- 
dia, arkito apoa aiiotbi.r part of tha sab^t, 
Nad aa axtiaat toeaa hlaeeatoy'e «aaf apoa 
Mlta^ vkawka Nte Ika Mnr otorpef Ar.- 
eato. Never waa a speaker so aafortunate ia a 
qaotatioo. The oaacladi^ eeateeaa, which 
wa «« giaa. vaaa Ml Iv i« HiMM^ BMB to 
baa trtamphaat aaawar to hia praliraiaary t,- 
ndeabeat thedaafMa ef aaMaeipatiaa. "There 
to ealy one care fer tha evila whiA aaiaty ae- 
r aad tltat eara is frrt- 
apriNMr ieavee htoeeU be caa- 
not bear tha light of day; be ia aoable to cis- 
erlaOaato catota^ er nscqpitoB totoa. Bat iba 

itoMif to Ml to totoMi khh toto kto daageoa, 

bat to accaatMo him to the rays of the san.— 
Tha bUse of Uath aad liberty may at &rat daa- 
xia and hawiMsr »aHa— alsiak i- , , ,, , 

half Miad to tke haaaa af baadigi. bat let them 
gBM ea aa4 Ikay «« aaaa be able to bear iu" 
Vf^n the whole, tbe frieadi of emancipatiaa 
ara laihor glad thaa alkarwlae ikal Mr. liaraia 


ato: Dr. 

D. Thylor, 

y new 

tara totiwcoarae of onroppooenU. The caase 
of fraedeea and trath ia makiag i^pM fl^iaw 
here, aad oar fria^a g 
gaiaeof allto^M^iMato 

I batoe, yoara Iraly, 
, If. a. o 

Vot tba KxtniiMi 
Masons. Karroaa: At a oMeUng of the frieada 
of Gradual K mancipation held 
villa, oa Moaday iTiMlim. ^ iv^i tkey 
or g a a toad by etooltog »a. 
man, aad D. .M. Wilaoa. secretary 

On motioB, a comuiittai of fire 
ad by the Chair to draft 
D. M. WMtoh, A. Glaaelirook, J 
Ea<j.. E.M. ta aiill.Badi:.J. Maxcy 

Tbe committaa retired, rataraed aad reported 
the feitoviag (toBiiUa aad reeolalieae. whieb, 

a a aa i me aa iy adopt 

WucKXAs, In all Republican Uovarnmeela, 
the aovereign power la vested ia the peopla. 
they have at all tiniea the right and power to 
alter, amend, or repeal their fandanMntal or 
eonatitaUooal laws, wbeaever Ikey mu deem 
it proper: Therefore ' ^ 

Rraolved, That we consider it to be ear datv 
toninksallvuch alteraUona in formlagear BOW 
constitution aa will have a tendeaey to im- 
prove our moral, social, «nd political CeadMea 
Hwlttd, Thala:! we consider slavery eriavoK 
notary serviiude lo b« a moral, social aad pelil- 
ical evil, we consider it to be oar daty to aeealJ 
fair and honomble maaua to remove it frea ear 
State, provided, that a plan can be daviaed by 
which it can bv accoinplisbsd Without dolag ia' 
justice to the master, the alava, er tbecoinmo- 
aity in general . 

kfflted. That in our opiaion there aboald 
be an article or clause insertod In the new eoa- 
stitutiun about to be formed for tha State of 
Kentucky de< Isring thst all tha offspring of 
those who are now or may be held ia boBdage 
« lu. i, «re after s certalBtiaM, which Ume 
ahall be subsequent tu the adopUea of theaaw 
coBStitation. and prior lo Iba year 18&& shall 
ba free at the aga of 21 y.ars. or batwaea tbe 
age of 21 and 25 year., and their ofibpring to 
be free-born, aud all to be traaaporlad al thair 
own e»peHte lo Africa, their native couBtry 
at the earliest day practicable, which time ahali 
be eelllftd by the ('onvanlion 

KitoltfJ, That iu conaeqaance of the diaper- 
Ity and prejudices eiistiug between the white 
and black populaUon, we can never live to- 
gether in social and political eqaality. tbarafora 
we consider it but juatice to oaraelvee aad ohl- 
lanthropy u the blacka to remove them to a 
country by theinealvea 
all the righu, pri< ' 
free government 

i. Remlatd. Th.t these 
eelaUoBa be :u ji iiieo in the 
vaille," . ^ ..-r K( 
la^aaetod lo cu^iy iu«ui 

giviag, ia past, lha vtewa of tha etBaacipatiaa- 
ieta; after which the BMoUag adjearaed. 


Ml iss— 

According to pravioaa aoiiee. a large aad 
eadkaeiaeti c awetiag of tke citlaeaa of 
tea. Irieadly tottoaaatoe af giadaal 

Cily HaJi. April 
appaiat daiagaltoto attoad the coi 

ing Jamee M. Pri 
B CleaMJ 

Oat E.Wi 
latioa, which waa adopted: 

Rtttt.tu J, Tliji I'l-- ^''-'-' leut v f this maetiag 
be salhoriMd tl i^.io uu i <'<iniutiite« of five, 
to draft aad report a pr«>«uiWe aud raaulBtioaa 
expressing the views of tbe meetiag, aad ta 
sccompany their r«iH>rt with a listef t^wee^le 
aid IB tbo solectlon of delegatea tog IkaFtotoh* 
fart aaaveattoa ea ikaStoh iaet. 

Tkeekato Hi itoliiltoaWtow lag gaatlcmea 

said comnilttee: K. Wsi:>ic<-. cliainnaa. George 
G. Ttovtoi. Raw- Wm. Grr. S. M- 

The committee, after retiriag for a i 
rataraad aad s tf e r ed the follow i^j 


Judge B,„*J*-*«ii. 

•*jeet of III, 

• TMii 11 ' 

T tei 

^ r^ "^ua, I 

leetof atevery, who reported ihel 

^''^fa^SlJ^ "»« meetins ' , 

of a r-aTeattoa to mawi » " \*P^va theMii 

•aet. aad^toimlawV f '^'«>n, oa itofi! 
TTr» maetiBg on their a»r» ^L. . *b 

*y« delegate, ^o ^J^' 

-..P. s^i^1tJ:i:^^±"-^i ^: 

Bev. G. W. Bruah. Ii Wi^2!^',?^. " ^' - 

Of. K. Macurdy, Wm. MLtCS' Sl ^' •', 

Sam and all othcra holdiaa Vow- 

1 rnw set torih ui thcM iS 
Hs^ctd, That thi, 

atitatiaa af atav 

'ry aa a 

HUtoal a^. and toe .d.^t^^Tl^SL*^ 

gfadimlemaneipatioaaoeo«^°ed I 
aa object gi«ui, to had^ij^!^"^' 

J. RemtUrd, That wa do aot I 
cipatioii wiLhoul coloaiM^ < 
to the mtrveet er hepatoiZtf 
atova, aad tberaioca is aot < 

d. iisaatoad. That emaac.^ 
lion x< hen adopted ahoaU 
mterfete with the buauieaa habiUonhTeiJL! 

4. Rcea/aed. That wa will taa,, 
of emanatpauon which ahaii rxta^Ik 
ilavapopaMMB of tbe Slate. 

"*g«rd -he 



t«,n,witb a farther m^iak^^OMTii^^^l,^ 

mo Kentn..kyoeaiiB»ytoitaptoviaio.aiB3rP 

■ iii'j.iree. ^^oe^ 

A...^^"' ^-'-' i'"' itnow to h, , 

atevery aa an r... i, . '* 

paluaied. looBUe IB ihtir etfu 

^achawasABUua a. win en,Me '^','"« 
Kealaahy, whaa jMiolit .rutui»« .ai*,rdLL::^ 
I. to carry lato erfeci tacir viewa aBdwil^r?!!: 
.>ie «u; ject witBuut a -»«nit \»ikm\mim^^ji^ 
^>edaiv« proce-iA >f i •oeveaitBB teehwZm2i«2! 
iiiiuiioo. ^■^•aaBh 
rteso.v.,.. . „ regret th«^ 

oils are Vu,, .a;,. id,.,tii, theee whoiiwS 

!to«th«aAboiiu..,...- n^Xi^ 
ftoat^aar^urae^ m ...^ ■ 

lha« lha ial!e!^|aMe u 
of iheabofitiaiiiMt 


UusoToa, April M. |g|t 
%r- The ediu>ra»f the Lexmglaa ABaa^ 
haviBg IB their "loraiag paper giaea aa acaewKaf 

I will give, with M 



friends uf ;)ie caua>- i 
petmisBioe, la your vs 
sccoualef it. 

1°he maetiag waa ealted wiihoat aay rneciii 
whatever, and at aa bear that waa not niciilM 
■o r sve any of oar flricMto from tha couauv 3t tW 
Ao-kingnien ol uur city to attend a, sad u> il« 

^reai ^ :iipii»« '..'je Tiiy H*il ww \» .-1' f . • 
IB large eno .|£:. . . 1. ■ , r„ |, , V ' 
which I ihink, 

very ieige oa*. The edilei aaya. itoi 
doatothafe wara BMay lhate who auei.^ 

aaawohieet that he did. lun well 

with Ike iiltoeaa beta, aad did aot see ot hew m 

mure than two pafsoas. bemJ ea hMoaelf thlie. 
ih.t'. enter' lined his opiu.oii, iiidhowaayi 
niau, (ito-. coooeetad with ihaj 
emaacipaiioo cooMl 
ealraordinary . 
Tbe meeting no donhi, to oar .Atiaa friend. *w 
but lo tiia fri sads of amajaipaam g 
ia thia eoaoiy that aUi •« 
tell at oar Aapaal eia et toa to a maaner never so- 
ticipetodby iheaH the elavery party; sod 1 
nut ba sarpriaed to aee oae fnead uf 
tioa or mure eleatod toNpreacat this eoanly ■ 
CoQvaai ioo to aaaoad ato OtoBtitutioB. 

it ia expected that maag ef ear uwi ^>o»«fiai 
de'xtlers will lake theatama ia bvor itie ,-tusr. 
i;'e[ ' jinmittae shall bate returned •.rjm\<tr 
ConveDtiuu at Fiaakfert arid *-"l1i-rT msriisg a 
held for oomiuaiuig .-aii^ J > iar ihe iMt 
Coaveuti:>a. .\i aii e«eau you may to -iiisgn< 
aty will aaaga by dihmh tot that t 
cSMt will be made to abaw eat frieads torn 
that they will de thcii daty. A iHge ae- 

duahi a atkahitor. Tktoatovary to daiaiari. 

•■**H»to aad ■eral 

■^^IjWfff totoli to kaai *i»a to aar 
petoMUf. WMk tktoatom ef toawMMCwa 

MmUtUt TWt wr wtJI uae ail prcper 
to coaviBoeoar fellovk -ciuu-iu that the gradual 
removal of tka oolored race fiom out sml. w the 
true pokey of Kentucky: and ti,at cotoaiaauun 
la the oaly raniedy for ihair dcKrided condition. 
We disclaim all ^vmpathy with poetical ui 
lanaUt al iboiilioniim, f.ul hunwUy aim at the 
promotion of our own weifjrt- and that of oiir 
chiidren. We also deaire tbe moral clevatioa 
of tha oolo:wd race, wtio caanut exist oa teia» 
of eijuality with the whites in this country. 

Rtael'nd That ue regret th. ucent m^nliln^. 
lion of tbe law of 1S33, \khich permito anc try- 
courages the importaUixi of alavae lato owr 
State. W'l Uuak it a most unwue aad ualbr- 
tuaato change of policy, and truot that tbt 
•pint of th> ongioal Uw will be eii^ran«il mu 
our new Coaatitutioa. 

Bmalwd, That 
lha people, are to 

UUD KA\i&Tn. 

Tka Utery ef Ika Oeato. 

Ihn friend of tbe Praoktort Vn/aai i «ar« 'JL* rt- 

eea tea pteeceiad tka aikto dag, Im a leatoaa 

lied apea,beeaaialkB e^toi aaiiwiiag' naia 
baektog eae'e Meade wkk a veageance' uw 

«oulhem contemporary itmetibrt~ si. ,i •.« 

kaowe h«, aad the pietan uee dMery.deaMaw 
• Mea< ta lyk« to toe a«h 
• eeaaby. 

Thtoaadeof cu-.tirg Vi. .^^ ...traJ of sa^ 
theai will aot do. Wem ut *ii»e wineihing 
ler ikaii this lo defence .Ie eicri>ac.e« of' 
pecaiar iaai i tot iea." Hereto 

)oba ifka BM. ba* WW totok ke wiH 

Suiat. Our fr aud of the Yeoman ai'ist *>«« 
miad loo that we are quotmg from k 
dcunjcrat— tha editor of the Pi iiiBBBli 

••^l^^ •^!!1?»?J^'' 

will of the iMcnla, ha4 - * 
aadetpeaaeof atooMtol OMiWflM,' 

W sad, «e tofiaaa of Ika Ceavi 
iMo to ba held dt fhnnikdto fltoMlk im 

aad that tbo <oUowii^|igM|aKha 
rrqueated to attend aa oai 

A P4CT roa kwaau Ki^hlk.— We im«« ksrcwsik 
in laohteg ever aa saie «y»e«a >y .Mr K Sti-s. 
to Ito City of KicaaKiaJ, ja tk« <■<.■ »<f rfas 

SSlB Oaltt BiMWMil KheMr. le i M SWSi, 

aas as deBven^xtaaer JI, Br Haa 

MMChte-ay ksMalses lw.tMe W pnM U >9lcB«a- 
ralMita peahveasa to ceaMMfcM or fiifMi..( silsr 

(•urw --", aati M eajaavoied to ni> - - «■ vws 

^1 nv.r; l«vt>iea lo agncuaarstlun > v. Hta- 

n hhamV. fiaieaatoe Mtowtof Mtolkn: 

Kverv one prrtea^. m>l swatv tiMI » \i 
sieiB tie .TiiM- .f 1 ii|K,i laj h<y ryom .tew Vsrt i 
setorfla r eaioCwaMas I 

Rrmlvtd, That in order to canto 4 
:iplee eet forth iu tbe foreaoiB* lea 

Fiai AT Ska.— Tke aehooaer Mary Langdon 
took fire on the 27tk of Muek, to tke koM. Itoa 
the lime getting wal, 4m adkeaato kavi^ oaa 
a kaari. Whea CepL Hawse 
tke Bia. ha waa about 'JdO miles 
from the Bslire. Tlie crew kept the firs from 
bursting out until they arrived in the river, when 
the towboat I'htenix waaitolkak Btoiatoaae and 
by the aee of her paan8BMn«o< ta eatkMBish- 
iu »kahhakai.«.ft»»4i«akg*gaUw.. 

The Mary kta«lHttnto«Mkoard 

ciplee eet forth iu tbe foregoiag ^eelatloar!^ 
think It expadient to elect B detogaie to tke eoa 
venlion, which will rneal ie aar d^Hal to Oa. 
tober next, who will use all bbahtoiMatoaatw 

ry the same Into efleet. 
On motion, Rev. J. N. Pmidegaet waa BBaai- 

mously -elected ss a candidate for delecate to 

the coiivent\>n. 

.Ji'v'^f; '^.'"'^ ^ A. Glaeebraek, 

and M. Oglesby. be and ara hereby apaalated 
delegates, with power to appolat aahaUMtaa. to 
attend the convention of ihi 
Gradual Hmancipattoa with 
bold in Fraakfort ea ttaM 
Oa tealtoalka ■nil g adjearaed. 


D« M. WlUOB, Sec'v 

frtoadiy to 

Rrr.Wto. Qii^ 
James Dei l«aa, 

Geo. C. Tl 
B. W 

T) L. PWc. 
J. B. Caauy. 
S. M. Motae, 
John Colviii, 
S. SUaaMto. 
Sani'l. itotoail, 
M. M. Bentoii, 
A. Evaoe 
A. L. Ol 


J. W. CleaMaa. 


A. 1^ OnigL 

of tha 


D.W. Htakie, 
Rev. A. Dmry, 
Wm. Waaea, 

Jackson RUm. 

of Rev. WflL Oa, lhaitka 

teLahn Kne. taiais sB^faBla BiriM*. 
pod. sad stMriit aliwglto^le Osasl sai 
saa nvn h» It^w Vdrk. saemsssi Bilyn 

• a Ma9 « 

f irms r s. i-«raBTi«al 

itfeteB B bm I 

ikmt ia« hay avw man4 la ito Mia ol tto awry i 
WM xniwa in JtentoialMte er faJtssi. Wsmet 
teLahn Kne. taoasasBteaaata BiaM*. Uww* < 


la leerf <iur aatsas on Jsssis Ktver 
Mr. Haasilhm cow todU tm vperrb V 't.. ^uf^nMt* 
fiiSB Taawiw Hew Hmc'tots 

a few ■ee S a aner • rH 
in< llMir laili.MrT 
ttoaof Uw aurM' 

"lead ap«M Virgu 
aaase ar tlk»e Uh 
niilii II il a> kaass, aadoT w 
•esaafcaod tlutl 
wMck yaa aave 

ly lo tiM 
m, ta pa4Ti •new TM 
Toaa aoBMsaaw IS* p««>»^i>T •s> 
to toe aiMt oTik nax V ' ' 

iahaa, Mr. Vi 

•f toa 



Mr. ri.'..e- .s.<« (-ertaiaiy en:, r 
gratitadaof ibe^uh by hi8iD---< 
fka Saaihaa aeeato heaaaevet 





Xj 'The hooa of Tempeiaace had a 
cession 't Reliiawte ea ik> Ifih, iht 
in the daMaMMiaf ' ~ 



ifeated oo tbe 

""totaU lai af Ike moat beaatiful 
of the kind that haa ever been wilaeaMd to our ci- 
ty, and waa well 


AAer wbiek the 

were read sep.tnitely and 

/r«ae/v«d, liiat tha 
Covingtoo Jouraal^ ba 
proceodings of thia mecti^ 

•^AS. M. nMOH 
lLB.Ct«aaasRM>. ""■^ 

liam I • 
Mavary In C^lltorwto. 
Hob. E. K. Smart, a DaoMcratta 
Coagreea froai Bfalaa. haa 
htoeeaaUtaeate, la which he «ya 

-I have ei-er believed the probibiUon of 
etovery la thaie territoriee by |«w to to neeee- 
•aryto their freedom. I believe ea aew A 
wilfully ignoiaut oi.inion haa beaa pramalia- 
ted, that siav.iry cannot exiat upoa tha sail af 
L^alifornia, la eonaeqaeoca ef Ita aapradaetlaa- 
aees. Thia U sot the opinion ofSeatbera maa. 
^**"*»f«{;'>"d member from Virginia reosark- 
•■ Hoiiae, a few days a^fo, in conversa- 

ttoa with aeiaral gentlemen, that Caiifornta 
fSfiSi? Hto»«h««lfctoe» 

.n il ile- 
Igilsd lode* 

Ptoee Ibasr ia«aHtodhid ee^iiea, the |aae4| 
the popalatiea, ihe mieeTabie coadiboa ef Mi 
lead mieraat, aad of the •:«:'•.; . : acalioa swmg 
theat. au tbMa (acta have been ackoowleJifd 
a Mdi^to by Ika lwda« maa .^i 


Ikea tool ^rate 

/iaher has - ' ' 


I ■ I — I II la Hiiji' 

deeervee tke 
have dwi 

waa there! 



Pto Teaeyei* 

pepera that lha iuif em| 
Tom Hani, charged with 
jewels, waa discharged on Mooday, is 


•. ■P.C WO)Mi J W.J 


t/^fttmmUi mm* ■ 

^„ •« • ■"^ '*'»- 

aiocl* *• **i»<«"«»». 'r-"" 111. 

oTlka MMMMi En. 

•r Ml 

■ i,([«ni», MX* 




. Cod.' folTlMsr • enmam 

11, A(iril 19. 
•learner Ki.iupa, C"«pt. L«'ii, « id tw,, 
Mw* fom all pttu ol Europe, •m red 
UluU-ftM lU. A. M., tmumUt. Til* 

rspMH MM It A. M., uid tboofh tli« iMiU were 

fax, aud 43 for New Yoi% 

•Mof UieSd imt. ».ner a rapid run of nine uava 

lha A wrt ca arri" ^ — , 

ripr a rapid run'of Dine daya 
aiKi a kalf fcow Bi.iou. I'i.e vVaat.iugion.froin 
New lock, vnrt<i at boiuitMiyi^Mi ob im 

.^L.. War 

by Chnst 
UM>. if m* fmj acrepi 


• ^. . ,t ju. ii*" »a»rti*«<l H«ljr Win 
1 i'»''ii»r»li-»«frior. ikc J cars were 
, Mrmuiiatuxi of ill* C i Ml H ltaa; 

'- ^ I , C.'oi ii»d lai'ilht his 
^ ^. M r»' riij.'iiiinj! ab^Jtlle MlMli*- 
- "^i^j,,,^ lUil Howei, .iiJiiectly juitiii- 

liy, there U 
_j Botkiac 
««V or peanaMM ptoa- 

. ^ uacna «f i ■ a , «» »»>»y •»«>, 


„fl,««aih«", atf tfce «iu. i..-.ii.«r 

mttt ai U» luinaii^ li> foixiaiiienLal 
^ af aonl arti«i ara unrhantraWe. 
".toauoa af Truth., wlurt 

But m Udium I 
(hr cteiactar of* 

f < 

Lnder lha iaAoewia of nM« faroiable adf icea 
from todia.a«l ihaaxl^l^ i, ik^nciun^t^ 
coflt^a^ual pol.uea.ii.«B to Mviy aTaiydepan. 

.u.M,ij,(„^.nnin/t lo aaauiM. • uKKe chearinTi-^ 

L ^l■^rt. l^«l,llal. uneaay feeling re»j»*cUni[ iha 
Uicaininit hosiiUtie.. in the North of Europe- but 
CiwVjlf i/-,"*" *"'^ i^'-'iMUoaofairair. 
i-iSH^f^'l:!,"" Au*trm, li.e complete proe. 

MM Mnoua oUtaclea to a eaiinfaeiorv ad- 

I t^'^^ •••T'^^' »ka Danish 

r«-| bediapaaedof, wbiek, 

but littie proapcct of coi 

iciial would Bland iu the 

The English funds ire ^nin in theadTanee, and 
Luu.oUha«erta«>n J.Jt por c«-in li u riaj the laat twn 
Jlf^iug fluctuated from i»3 1 ^2 on the'*) 
tiMt. to ni92 1-2 on tlie 6U. u.»t, «iwhi<h pricf 
thcyclOMd tof moaey- ihe latest lAjndun an.! 

. 72S ^'' g ? if "*L ii"* '•■«•' •iiuB.oi 

d«iit. baa ali(htt]r incieaaed in vaiac. The lowes. 
iaok rate i» atill 3 p«tr cent, but with the pri.air 

l«aks, (he t>«-»l bilU nre done at C! 1-2 per ceoL— 
The reinrnnof ihe Baak o( Kii^land «liow that the 
bullion 111 her »aulu i.s atK)ui i:i,&3UUU0 ao thai 
iiir dfniu whicti may arise from the Unitad State* 
IU cuaoexiou ui'li ihe luetjuality af 
witlbe met uiiiiuut ilic |rai>i 
of reaewing the bt en^t ol 1M7. 
The weekly account of the Bank of France, 
a progreasure iiiiprovement of the trade ol 
'ana. The French luDdii H -ire the dalMl ol 
Chaa. Albcn have been well iu.iint*iiied, and tk* 
riming prices were 3 per cents Sf>,HO; 3 per cenU 

I'he iDiportaitou u: ureadmiilTs into (jreat Urilsiii 
roiitiaueon a fi^aiilic scale, and liie stinie may 
i«e aaid ul all kind* ul Diotisionit. No change l aii 
•••kaffain trade, aillioujh a rather tirin 
ei faalif waa m a w taia e d during the Uat (cw daya 
fMintlo the aailing of the tietnier Koi 
SECOND ntsp.^n H 

i hailea .\Uxmi has loui ht and haa been con- 
tiuerai^keia itow an ahJiealed king in rule lu 
Madrid or Liabua. Tt e AaMriaiia paaaed the Tyr- 
■waimahaaeMHiy with the iioopa of Ctiarlea Al- 
t<ett, aatf ito Petdatouiene spcadily tail ba«k.— 
TiMWMnMalM'teulea cuaued a« Ik* alafaa at 
tba Aaatdana waiv CMSlMa'K vicio- 

War to 

Of Ihe HuiiKtriHn wwffaqrIiUl* an^rnilc infur- 
luaUot iiiku(>WH,«acafiltlHUl«gW teicely. Beni 

'I'i'i giiiitfd »*iuie advantage owt u l>ody ol Rm,- 
"Kiim, hut soju found Uiiii>.i'll uTi'iwIipliiird with 
iheir iiuiiibeni, aiid the EinpiTor wiii gladly aeiie 
ipon iny preleil lo iot.ertere tarlhei. We nball 
not U ai all ■ufpiUted to hear that tho Liuperui of 
Ruaab, apsM uia MUciutloa ot th« Auauiaos, 
cirinci iown • totfa foiea to waih tka Hancarians. 
At proient lliara aectaa ao pntoAla IwaiiBation 
■ft^ deadly 8lnif|la, ^airiad oa by botk partin 

field tb^ Oui'heaa, and .u Kutaia w ill uiiquert 
iMf adtoait <M jMMWioaa, it ia to b4 koped 
toa MMH|»«im« wiaa aaoHih to yiaid 

Ad«ic«<« from Hambiiqih of iktiHi iiaftalMa 
there .» no chance now of tbadiffaraaeaa bakw ata 

Schlaiiwig, HolKiein anil fViiinark being amicably 
iwltleil, arid, iK> d'uibt, hoelilitieti will comnenct 
tu d«y or tuHU.>:iou'. IioopH, principally Hriia- 
t'iiius, ne pa««.ii!j( ci'uilnuall) to llie (eat ut wur. 
riie p.>rt of Kirl i-i lilt i Maded. Tli*i<- docn not 
lo be ibe It asl liupe liial Denniark will 

' that 

•aoBfh to yiaid the 
poiatla i n ap w a i a»i r than rua iIm .kaaid of a 
ciaaaooaa eoataaL 


DmiTBBAaOB* AT Oksoa.— I'he aciiounta from 
UanoH atate that diaturt>auce« had biokeo oat in 
-Jiat ci y, and that a atroni; jmrly deeircd a Kepub- 
ic, wbich it was eipected would be pioclaimi'd 
on tbo Bight of the ist iart. ttaa. MaMankaa at- 
ri*ej before Ihe ciiy. 

Wbaa tka rtaaaiat aaiM Genoa was in a nu^e 
of graat a aa i aa l ea. Tka city b«la( iii fact hi ihe 
luuda uf Mm paafle. 


dutwa: WW 

, > rKnii- bearinf alone upon the 
r: ' I -'. and lus .\|ioslle<i uerer 
.< ■ irolar tufms uf ak- 
: "< IN .H i^if? ol nofality tbajr 
■^Bt aaaaaik «i tkaaha^pBgaaadH 


ti ML ikm, I* ikeoaiy |Mpat < ourar lor (^hti>- 
, «■'„.• '>rn woald aaeeftaiu the rr<)uire- 
. . :., .;:*!•' I' relefrarelo any t^ue^ion 
, , u ariM ' To p) haik lor 
. .1 . ltd :n ( irrumaianee* en- 
, . .. ... - ' I I) apjieal to a^ 

. .ji:> wIkiIIv dilTai- 
fi«tajH»» L.Mireni- 
' 'lite mfomiaiuNi ^ 
oat Bf« Ike pnari- 

rMMB. la the laa Ikania oa -tfka^ uIl , the im.... 
•nay of th« AaairiaaM. aome SU.UUU attoiu, en- 
countered Cbarlea Alttert a Matana. Caarlaa 
A ItMirt abdicated (l.<- ihraaa ia favor of Ma aoa 

Victor bitaiiuel, oiid a dag ut truce being seal to 
ibe .\u»iiiaii lent. Marshal tUdelzky at once acce- 
ded lo an a^lm^; ce The new king pledges hiiu- 
arlf to conr.jj. a treaty of peace, and to disband 
taa military coni^aniea of Huugariaus, Polebsnd 

JfMnu—U m geacfBlty kaliavad Ikat the Pope 
•MtefitetoMiaBtohaM. 1toKiM«flk£. 



, I vUl How 

I'. - practea. 


Ov MMi^awlrui ha* 
,^mi Hut 
•er^.>t»: I* a;*i'uie aad wkat ia 
aMwa. Hr I e<er nim la il» 

ait— fCiocfiln <• 'trntal a<4 
; k« Sllf1|M» to 

orerktokad aatinly iki* 

ikr*r A><*t!ca|a a 
• ak»iifcor«'i and 
^ What doBi be, 
auutMBsf tepacaliar rue 

WilkaaM aBBeytiaaal dIalarkaaeBa ia to* dia. 
irict of tka fVoviaMS, Praa** rnattoM 
and Louie W apalaaa is f— rriiHag ia 
|taUi to maintain bia poaitioa by iaalaall 
maf dome.viic dinorder, aad aloadiiy avoidiac in- 
terlerence !>y force, in affairs of the co-iaimiBiia 

The Hungarim war rages fiercely; they haying 
l^iined some adrantage o»er a binly of Rii«i.-iaii(i 
t-^oii found llieaaelvea orprwhel'iied with ihrii 
uumba«,aadlka Eatparor will gladly aeiz* upon 
any pralaal to totarfn* fankat ^ it wiH aot cauae 

, . ^ — — ,_zr7~ — I* Jj?to — * of HoKsia 

braHBtoawatoqiafMaatoaraak tos ■oBgariana, 

I , Aoril Z—lt ia atatad Ikat th* ko|>« 
ing isaiaiad by Baaaia m bcvoaiiiig 
iha lCii« «r Swadaa tow awl ae" 


"1 l>eniaark •irl 
*fiy nit iider. 
<■ idl <!iri!,loiii, hulao 
their appoarsrcc. 


CuMCiTN M.T Takkn.-- Ai-coinita fro.ii Hungaiy 
stale th It I'liirorn l).ii< not yel Mirreiiuei ed, lliougfi 
iba HMii^ariaa lurcea had bad ao en(a(«inanl wiih 
ine ituaaiau daMBy in «Bhtok' Ik* iMto ' 


I be .Madrid .onrnal, ofHarcb l&Oi, bus t:ial ni- 
gjiiatio<ia for ib« Tanawraiofdiplunuiu iiu-rriHirse 
u ih Knflaad luire iMan brakaiiolf, ui ccuMMiueaae 
ui Load Patme»toaiaaiatia|MM,aadlk8SiMiai| 
Covamiaent <»eeliBlaKto «ab» a naiaaal -TiTiili- 
UiSir ilifury U ilwer, aodaiatBteUsaortiMekan 
f.Uaely bruUKtii »g%iiuu hiiii. ~ 

A hand ot eiUrti from Onm landed at Xoulril, m 
«.-iport own III Orviiada, rimt lining 12,000 mhak. 
iinu.oa tbe'JiaL Ihev i.ii}>iiso*Bd Uha aulhori 
!•-«, carried off th.- ^ ibl.c nrj. toMW| i I iii.> 
aiiblic aeoouula, and (he (nohiresaf tt* munici 


ig u) me piace was loBt; dia- 
floating about, and nobody 
bahMIDd, aad daMtiuftw 
I i«T AlMf toa kMik. It 
icBM evaikMM at Kb* 

HBUln aat all gi*jwia8arr>i i rcr wha w*i*coufii 
liur itowiiayMM of taxes, (ataBiaad Mt^Hmil 
meki, m4 BM oTtot aaat iiaatoH to dMbMto 

n.o ( •>iiiii)aaMi«f-ii»-c<)i«i(ol dwamjrlB tbaC^tt 
Slua ban iiiaak? an eipaditlon. which lasted fron 
JauMry 3.)to Kebriarv St, lo clear a painage in 
lkn foresi< oil I le slope of ilie IVhelaa. Thia ei- 
pedilion w.iK ^iiiie ^llO^.•eM^fll , am' (he Kuaniaia 
bad Ihe ialviniHge of Ihe inauniaiMcera iu all the 
eiigaceraania which look place. 

.\ll lh( other partaof Uie i.'a jcasu* ^cte pefteci" 
ly qaiatiA Ihe eni! n' | . ' - , nv . 

Trade at >laarlieHrr,-Apiil7. 
Tbe Mancha^ttr UoodaairfVaiB aiark^lMeaeJ thi« 
•niiniinc » itk uuMiwa. Indeed, unUl the compleuoo of 
(Im- Kaatrl helkUr* llitle hunineia will be truindr,) - 
\ 4ii» aril al Ihe Klvaix e ol |<l|icrih lor India qualftiet 
an ] ?fu ll'^j. I'be tneek l.. u>e^ iir ikH acUva ia their 
>urchaaaa,aadtlt« liauaatr.t.>.> i.i.i muaa very BaB. 

Trade ai u Utaaow 
ii.'.LJfjT*"'^''"^ JiajMirh i. ,cn.,i iiiU morninf from 
tMaafsa, jiu>rni> u> UiaibuMiet^ ilxrr Udall, bat althe 
■MM daw thai pncM Ol fouda itatl Vara wars ftrm. The 
nglras aarfcai aaadBaad ««ady. The mbm dwaatch 
. marttti itir Uuailea guod* wu 

duller anj pr.iriweie rather |}«rr. , .11 Dundee Yarn 
ami l.uirniiir rr|..>rtr,l taael Vr^iy, anj (oi aonie Ji- 
K'^MMaa MfMi |Mtk«swaie 

was four feet deep at least. I ^^aved my laini|y 
in a boat, siul osmeri thoni In a hifberMit of 
tk* ialaud. Two houses which 1 toMM«y^ 
(iwepl Bway by Uie Huuil, and 1 van iWMd._ 
Moat of tka kouaa a w eit: uniMfad kf lk« viad; 
every veaael belonging to the place waa last; dia^ 
raaatcti hulks were f 
knew to vkom tlicy 
of mcB aad w 

waa the wont hurrican* OTat Huon u at Key 
Weal. before it came, weuaed to kkva « kuni- 
eaneiegulaitjr oBoeiiitwoTMn, lNrt«« hat* 
had nona ' 

A bail waa raag aboat tkia Uaia. and we 
aakad iba raaaan. "It ia t* HfBify that tka 
BBfroas mast be at their homaa," aaawarad the 
man. We inquired If tbera ware aaay aacrow 
la the place. "Till lately." ha riBliid. «<tkaf* 

waaa akoat eighty, bat alnaa tka 

government has began to bslld tka fkrt rtndw. 
(heir number has ineraaaad. Sorafal kNttaa 

down plaaierawh* katto aa'aaq^Mpaat 

I heir alBrea, have aaat tfMa to lay wbbi to ba 
employed by the gOBoranaat. Wa do aot 
want ihiini here, ana wiak that tka gavarBMBBt 

woald Uave them oa tiM baada of *- 


Ub the fourth moralag, whaa w Wmt *a 
deck, the eoaat of CBba, a ridg* af 4tm kMa. 
waa in tight, aad our veaaal waa roiUaa ia Ike 
anateadj waves of the f nff atraaai, which kara 
beat agniaal iha aorthart akBt* of the Ua aJ 
It waa a hot aM>raia(, aa iM aaraiBga ia Ihu 
aliinala alwava bib UU tka rBrtadleal breaae 
priBfs up, ahMM taa o'eladu Md lafreahaa all 
(he islaiMfa toat Ita to tka laitoaBi of the rulf 
1 0 a abort itaM. tka. Btoa i a riwad wall, of S 
Morro. tka att*ar eaada wkftto f^ri, the eu- 
irance lo Ike karkot of Mbmbb 
' i* i ng h*mk tk* walBia. Wa 
•■•iTt aa wMeh H la Mu 
Kliah. a gaa waaflrBd.Bav 
u uarr*ir i 

fd in th« toidat of 

1 he city af 

cieaa to Ihe 
hailed iB En- 
akot tbroDgh 
Bad aaahor- 

Mhh wlm aatt i havelbe blighteat reluctance to 

iMiUt for the moat part of tka^aw* laek af the' 
irlaod, are B*v*red with etaaaa gaaaridiy or 
wkttoar MM eolor, bat ofUa atoinad aky 
«rkH#M Baltow. Ab*T* - - 
tomaatoto *nto«f Uto 
•ally kaNg af a 

^Aad.Shr, wkdn toe gentleman, calling up n' 
iMtjag KollBiiGaBoaaor the ua>,t, aitpealnl to us 
(^MBMBchuMAU to be iaith/ul to the obligation 
y. P**'^g*g" ' ^ that Itniat his language 

Ml pran^y aa wall aa ptBiaanily on my tax.— 
MMindad uatifoatalM bat eonatant an 
liwMw*iJMU ku tia* to thfirgrcs 
. .■Wftopdom aad Bight, aad all ihe mote 
«™^^*rh«»U|p liatoMd to hia own unpreMuve 
?*?*toyfc i^' Thk jaBtleinaa tememberh ih 
.V' to the Puntaii, 
thtt the peopto of Bn^aadawad ita libertiw.-- 
MaytheitaofiBeTBidcaart that woik, as long 
* * •■y « It M leW U do! Sir, as ( come of a 
nwrnf tony duties here, I am apt to ilop bt- 
■m tka ptetOM in yonr Rotunda of the departure 
franDaifillavMiorthBt vewel, "fieighted with 
K hopea of the world,' • and rtYreah myself 

Dylq(*iB|iBtbefaceaor four ancestors of my 
y. y yietad by the limner in the group en that 
diBBal ihek the byave and prudent leader of the 
««»P*»yi hia bead and kntt; bowe-i in prayer 
—hiafaithfitJpaitner, blending m lier mild but 
gHH*?" wwntenance, the expraision of the 
wMB^ to* paiant, the exile, and th< saint; the 
ro«|n« naadaa aad the youUi, going out to the 
wide aaa and tk* wide wotUl, but already trained 
to maacttline enduraut;e and "perfect peace" 
by the piaciout faitJi of Chrmt. Not more atea.l 
laat than thOM forlorn wanderers were the nu n 
who, m th* U|)eatrie.l chambers of England'* 
great away, <* au stout sword on thtgh and a 
Atouteriailb m the heart, Bad 'htlW^ fitit Af 
f rout)', and AaiMMaa^ aAA* Aa'/ 
tbeir heads, 

- 'Ba t wWh BU-lei , 

SAad iBSWarsd a king '( nilaaiTe. with a nam 
iai:h Ihr LuiU.' 
Not hardier were they, whoin the iroPbuuadnms 
of Fairfax and Cioaiwell. had many • barl trot 
on maay a hot nod daaty dav to get so much a 
sightof thebadtaaftlxiBesiik and vtiret i:a\a- 
liern, of whom tbeelor]u<iitgeniicmar di.MXJutatd 
with so much unction. 

Sir, tiM apintof that stubtjom race, ifwonie- 
what softened by liie change \n niaimer, and tfm 
'JJi** time, I.- not yet extuici in iiieu chUdren. 
' •• K*"^'*"-™*" •» ^^eicome, far cie, t> have verr 
rise j iitUe respect for any who, in hia language, ha\e 
- appar. I ''aMd* capital- of one kiad ar aaotker out of 
and I bwoB alavery. ihrt i aak hiai, did the Hound- 


dwaHlB ga amidatwktok tk^ Maad. Th* ex. fiMdoar Sir. I live in th* midat of the sr. nrs 

pee erava th* («hia laat biooJy struggle lor iJiat cau*e. Hum- 
r wkiek lleaop- 1 ^^*i»"t 1 »«a honored to lepreaeat the men 
•f the elty— a IvtoalMtovtotftiesl battle liel.Js of American la- 

*Bdre«« •( t'eleael 

l^ie (oUowing aJdroAof Thomas H Benton 
to tl« pooplB of Cahlomia. a,.pc*u m Ihe SwiU 

re Itepublican: 

T ie treaty with Mextco makaa yoa Btti«.a af 

tt.e Lnite.t Staler. C<,ng,em^^ZS^J! 
l-assed the laws which sbmld -—^ /« 
beaefita of our nuverumetit, 

tune may lapoe Ufore ihey do »*. 
L'litil such is cone, however, y 

youi Mtuatwa 
<-'sIl-. upoa you 
Hture diwialioa, 
Tka atoaaad 



WalayMljrtoltetoMHi for to* kaar., til 
the BBtkontiBBBf Ik* p*tt •**ld Cad Ume to 
riaitua. Tkajr «BaiB at laat, and without com- 
iBg aa board, aakiaelad tka capUin to a long 

^aeettoaiai* Ud BaaMkad tka aewapaparaha 
broiighA toe ia HB lpi M i ntoliaf to the health 
of thapartfhaaivklakkBaallBd. At laat tk.« 

tka part naaivUakkBaallBd. Al laat tkey 
gav* aa lea** to had, wilhoat BBdargoing a 
ilttBraatiaa, aad vMidimr. uking with them 
oat fiaaapirta. W* vaat aa shore, and after 
three hoara flinlMr datof g*t 
through tkacaatoai kaaaa. 

Advicea fiotu H i rt ay alato that aaotker t*aiUe 

•BBB defeated. 

Fraa llMllk to the l^ih Vf Fetoaary vwIooh .kir- 
w b d " ^ took pUce. Oil Um liik to*ifikbi rein at 
ed to tka C k e aaa b .whick ibey wereprevenied friNii 
rroaaiagto Ike Jlonbay diriMon, under Uentral 
^^'biBk. Oa Ihe following diiy, the itriiia! | ^ | . 
affected a junctior, Ijoid liuugh > i • ' . 
urging the etem* lo a bailie before li.i . . r j; , .i. 
n'.ict. li.e .*;lkfJ^ .«ere co«i[ :i-K-i% routed, leaving 
s^reai ^luon ol their guns and amiuuBitioo, aa 

April 7-11 A. M. 
TbeLoMilon Mimer aitrliei im «|MMwd tiiia inominc 
Miili aratbrr .tr|ifraara 'rrlitic T"e t'onttaentaJ aJvirra 
rrerivr J u\ the i uur^i ut the laacaing bstac dacnied lew 
aaliiftctory. Prwea ha«»awte«Mehaea «Madala de 
ruacoi I oiperLcMoaihcrsleaarthe 1MB. KaUway 
■harts are aleuduU, aad l..wrr rncm are beiagaaeeftad. 


C«a« Maa»BT, Livsapoot., Ai aii. r— Tba O 
:«MiaBiiea ia the sasse sHtr ol deprsMMas M 
aadpricaahaT«a9inrei<-jF.1. .UMatklAar, 
SB llaBaBr »•*, «h« traaaact . I . «, , rery 

af C. 8. Wbsai waa qouirj ai 4.1. lo Call 

IB FVmit of any aurt, airbou^r> Auiancaa tmiilail 
e « s r B< freely al 33< to 3aa aer IM tba. Wo aaics afloi 
paatsaas wan c*hc<aa la 

((or As 

. Oa thefbllawtnr dav, tiM trade 
aa Thuraday, Flour «a> uuiiiiiialiy , '.'^.•idlaS 

t. -•pwniu, theTefiira, mi soppBCt of aiaaaey, 
aa IM iwtuie of theav upeeial peeaapM, 

--alirMH we 


■ij; 'Uverv i leaiia 

. -I an. It 

• aa ve 

. i> lef. 


■ •'■ ■ Jn«f , ,. ,. . ■. lo be. 

'* .ind (rear* iitf a* pro- 

• r i^-i. . ,jf„ ai>d lib-.r. The law 
CMKoaat .-cgardaand uea:- ii,. m a« dul- 
i. ^ claaKiiU of loimte 

' " ' uanairiBge le- 
aya, "■■hat Uod 
■■" '- - put aauadar" — 
I " a ma:, irax- father aad 

' "<fe,aiid they two littll 
< of riavcry BMkaa the 
• tM/aaMMni to that af Ike 
' imtuajuiy Bakaa dM ae 
' « '< < '"preine, under Gad. "f Tal 

>uw ijaifui*." la a ri 

a mat 

«J isr fala 


Li»«Krooi. C<.TTo> M laaar, AmVT— Par a weak 
tij UM lirpanur* ml the 7)ia«Kta, 
k4aB, partlf alarly 

id farther f vru ^wj |<1, 

Bd ir.Mii cunauawfa, and thia 
, to that Duf la«( qiima 
ttaaa ar4|a tar Maad anJ MnMa fairu n<-« rrpratoi, 
aud (air Ofteaaa, irotn Hare lal.\e Mamc , lit, raiacd la 
ti4; MhMNagl'rUwI. kad M.->Kit It I. acd Mi.i.lliog t>r. 
*%d per li>. Btit atill Uie iiMrfeMW mat kMfaBI, 
I aiU UI UU I iuaei rather hca«ll| to tof. IkB BBHtoV 
utfetWw ka«n« BayMd IBa BaaaaMl ThaaaiaalBr «w 
■ tea saBiag Wrh alt, fuuate-l ti. ag.OOC bales, iXwM'ii 
S.Mawete im tperularioii and ii.ilwi f.>r rvport, •n<l ii.r 
hi n iaeat lar fc va Oaya, up to tka 'Ml. mat., aautuauul 

M,Mi balaa,«r wkicB IIM wai 0* ipecMBiaa aad 3,(HM 

B( Iks H. V. 8«tBi« 

aani^ April 7, mm. 

agrsBBblB v*yaca vIkiBk I 
in tka bH— lit laakal, ta thia port, the wiad Ib 
enr laVBT tito wlwle diaUare, line bri|;h( wea- 
liier, Ik* taMpeniare paB«ii>|r gr.tdu.illv from 
what wa k*v*itiB New York ut tli«'e;id oi 
May,!* wkat it iaiaUi*«i.kidle of Jane. The 
laabal ia a a*M* aaB-haat. of greaf atreugtli, 
B*t 8B tMBn VaaflMad a» the Tetmeaaee, in 
wtiick WM eaoto U Savaaaafa. with ■{lariou* and 

caMfertoslaoabiaB, aad, IaIa8orr)-lu^a\ rath- 
er dirty itale rooma. 

Weettpped off Savannah net- the ■ ,o»e ol 

the 6r«t (lay of our vi.yejjf, to leave acmr of 

Bar paaMBgeri Bud take in othera; anc on ihe 
wkkik was aI»o the aec oad of the nioalii, 
WBTB^ fy*Jf . '^P»«^ J. dow * the Flari^ 

k cintMNBIhaa ikeeMt to vhiek 
*f tb*|iiiimin. Ub* *' 

-'J^ K. — ti*-ir« fit 


bMdB,aB a. htaakalhe im- 
-■w^.rf an. ''widmi pa-ial^V^ 
> er act, itaiMg to gi»e 


«f toe 

= ' . » MaeatiaUy 
..ity «f watolBd^li 
^T"- •*« aaaa.,**,. 
"'<'«'^it of lb, 

"'• •'»l»i«i»aaMil,e 

III ol 

wkilc it 

In ita 

bv <le 

Mimjtial b<ir- 
ihe • OndllMlli, 
aii l reaoiir> r. of 

«la»e> III iinrhaiif;- 

J •V**"'**^ il- (Hwer loi Ihe 
'■Mk. kno« U. 

*":f«Bisll ^, 

» latter. 

haor < I 

f r, p'iMiK*'. 
il ' arefullv (a- 

It' > 

■'-df ,/i 

ttie Pii K iplev of 
N It a »yt(em of 
tkt aupimiier* 


^'^'■'"'i Scnpuae, aad e«- 
makea the Bible Ike foun- 

•■t J 

ill to*l 


"«»• aai -1 - .. • 

r. adHifc*? Almifhly 
■ ••very can kavej but the 
oac Bka loves hi* «« n 
" ^""o iladrtiaapmeTit 

1- Law *f l^ve to Im 

Laa af tka — ai 

-f aettow^aw^iif e«l 

Bpanlaawiag throne*. 

J^'yj'^H^eted when n,i„ 

^ ajlg^L^I''*^!'" '■Sate*, l«i'. 

^Jka^^^^^^*^h^^awBn nothing tn 


■'"hr I 

"I a 


N * Jljj'*-. ^ kaaa ta-ekattBred 


for a 


*ih,g^^^"« ia oblige io pay , 


^iia^M.. ' Heeaanaaa 

'****Waiotih! ■'""'*■"« "•made 

^«#— - . **toB to*iBBrti«i». 1,. 


IWvitioH M ABKrr, ApfflT 
Craot the i;Bitod mm 

Thetmporij ol cured 
dnrhia tlie (t>rtiM<hl 
MM ktia pork ; auCi caaka 
^Baaae; in hhdi, too hMa, 

ens hMa hatwi. 1'be trade 
y, allhoagh the iraastetkiaa in betl air 
bioUcdj hutden are firaa aa lofelcet. Uttit haa been 
doiag la pork; tb<- qiai ty ii4 Wcaum priae meat, 
though better (ban las: )r*r. iiacmely luie enoufb fui 
anip atorea, « hilat JUr bi(li price i.t which Kaatcrn bi i.ekl 

a stsad y iBlt sad price* 
WdlM. tese af haac. to 
la ahort, tb« middle, 
are worth HiMl, acr^rtinc tn ijualiii f'ut hiii:i> iiv 
rera<l«d 4aA« par rwl, arid aniuke.i, ii> canv.s^.nT. |.|. 
ted at SSaSisi la salt, aot tiauhrd ui dnsd, 3ua4i> per 
cwti aMarhiMrewthaatafcaB place la tahwai isM. 
iBveryllUlepaaaatiathaaurlwL Par 
ar pri<e« coatiaue wtihout ctianfi. 

cht c B i opcrmtiuBs. Macao bm 
aat Ifto at Jit par cwt tw Int 
tBK, sad aalBi BJ far risked a 


mmmm w«aaito* mumm-mwrnt 
fitoaa'iii A toag liwiHtoa 

' Ml «ke*ad ««8 leldMni tototo* wBtOT 
tk* al*f»a<aw voMal, a«l aftarkaiat 

it •» aadtogaatiy lAaped 'Ml, vaigh- 
lac aaariy tw*aty p*aadB> wMk a toag head, 
aad ■cBlaa Maitg with M»e aad patpto. It was 
aarved up far diaear, aad Mb favor amek com- 

toU dataHaof the acwa by the 

Karopa, wbich arrived at .\eu \ork oa 
Tkaraday aveiiiog. The following are the <>Dly ad- 
diiioaal itetna of intereat: 

Saip Niwb.— Tke Aip Biehard laiwon, Ben 
neit. claarad to UaMMl, tot BaMaiaaa, aa tlie 

iSto^ ^ f 

ThaaaiiBlaBtcsof Wtodaorkave had under in- 
vaaligaliaa tka caaa of Joba Wardie. a man ^vho 
haa on aeveral oeeaaioaa thraateBed the lifa of the 
Vueen. He ia 23 yeara old. Of ralJMr an idiiKir 
tppearance. He was enployed some time biek 
in a colliery al W'eet Lroniwich. in January, IMS, 

be wrote a latier to the V**Ma* decl^nag Ikatabe 
aboaid dto hp Ma haada. aalaaa ka kad hia 


LiOBboN, Saturday, April 7. 

I h.ivp jiist been inliarmad that a rumor in very 
pievaleul, ui political circle*, this mornin;, ihal 
Lord Stanley and bis party have con e to the de- 
tcrmiiution of atraogliog the bill lor .-epealiiif the 
navifBtion laws; and, that in the ^-veni td the 
HoBBBBf PaaasMiaatiag tkebill, it ir »aid thai 
LaidlatoiBaaBairaadHacoltoHaea will laaicn. 
i»rd Aaaley will than aeaept •mom, akaaU Her 
MaicBiT aeod lar hint. AtaeaMaf (Bt^BiaL It ia 
aaid, that the (ollowi^ Btoto BHiii aknia an 
containing the namaa ef 4hitoM pHtofeHBt of 
the Stanley cabinel: 

Firat Lord of the Treasury — Lord 
Home Office — Duke of llich 
Cbaacellorof the F.ieh(-<]iier — He. 
foreign Ofhce — Mr. D' Israeli. 
Colonies -Mr. Newdeg.-ite. 
I»rd (3h«nrollor— I.,iitJ tin -irfiiini. 
1•:<■^.J»■■ : of tt,. ' , , , ,.- f'.k.. o.' Kutlaad. 

Iralaad—Bf Kapeaaa ftaa 

The Commiaaion Coart ia to opea tIMa day, 

April 7th, aad great aoticty ia felt to learn the 
eoBiB* which ilia crown lawyers *itl uke in tka 
case of Mr. i>affy. The ii terview which the Irish 
Members bad with my i^rd Clarendon, in the 
early part ot thia week, h u caused the friends of 
the unfortunate prisoner lo feel satisfied IhJt no 
stone will be left unlurned to convict him. 

Tkalallan which we have received frcra the 
BOato of Ireland, this morning, are very aiamiinr 
aatotkaapiBBdaraianBtiaa. Tk* akatoM iaalao 
daJlvaddiM totkeaaAkaraf daalto 
The fnnda oollcetad Cm tk* aai 

daiiv BMiog lane aatoberaf daalha. 

The fnnda oollcetad for tk* aapport of Ska. 
John MitciieU aad bar cbtldna,aM sriiiek had 
«• that lad,.aiaBa*to«4,'m 

Ta< Kiae or Pfeaaau BLacm EMvaaaa.— Ik* 

h rankfort Parliament ha* finallv elected th* Kim 
■ PruaKia ilmperor of Gcrnmiiv, and a powertui 
depaution haa proceeded to Berlin to lead*' him 
t h* C rown of Charlemtgne. At first, no one be- 
i?** *^'H "oold accept the protfered 
■^or.kaiaow Kia believed that be w ;i, with cer- 
^ to avoid giving offeace to the 

other PotaatatM of Oamaay. Ma^id he do 
a ia gBBOTmiiy b*li*«*i that ^ arUI iMat oanaialy 
involve Praaaia in a war with Aaaltto aadBMrial 
The lattetpowei aeema a ow taael tBd to pal 

aa warn fall of aails, 
liBf ia iha aaBakiaB. •Thay baiaaf." 
mbM oar CbarieetMi pUot. "to tk* wrwikera whe 
llv* at lay Waat Baarr aMraiag they *oaw 
oat aad aMaa aaaa^B toa rBaft, ta diaeevar If 
there are tay vaaMdr wrathad or ia diatraaB— 
the Bight briafi ikBBB bach to tka karbar on 
their iAMd." 

Tear laadars kaa^w, I praaaaaa, tket at Kay 
Wato la a torn aaalaiaiaff aaariy tkna thoa- 
taad lakakHaato, wk* aafcaial a^dp hy tha 
iccupatioB of raUaeiag VBHBla ia 4lit>e*e oavl- 
i(aUng thia daagaroaa eaaat, aad bctogiBg ia 
aaak as ara wraekad. Tka pBfMaUoB. of 
eoaiaa, iBBraaae* with th* naaawiares of the 
coaatry, aad every raaaol that aailt from out 
porto to tk* Unlf uf Moiice, or eoinea from tbt 
Galf to tka North, every addition to the inter- 
c*BiBB 8f tka Atlaatic porta with Mobile, New 
OMaaaaw tB^^tat ladies, or Central Amerira, 
■ida to MrfMgRaa el gaiu. These peo|iif 
aeither plaalaar aowi their isle i.i a low b.^r- 
ren epot. eBrroandei) by a beach of while tand, 

formed of diaiiit. i. r it-d I'oroua linieatone, and 

It covering of the aaine sand, sjiresL ihiuly over 
lIm rock, forms iueiiil. 

"Il ia a acaiidal, ' »ai. the |.ilot, "that this 
coast ia not Itetler li|;lit<-il. A few light lii>ua.-i. 

would iMke ill navication much safr-r, and 

they wuald be buili, il 1 onda had uuy iiiau in 

(yOngreat lo rejiresent tli.- ni*ller profierly lothe 

^overniofnt. 1 have Iu.ik rauiilUr with 

lilit ceant— Kilty tiinex, nt leaiil, I have made 
Ik* voya;ii fr.nii Cliarletlou lo liiivana, aud I 

am Kure I'l.ii ilirre is uu such tiaufrroui usvi- 
4;.aiirii .Ml 111.- i-.iaiit of tlie rolled Mtates. In 
jfoiiij; ti' liavaiia, or to New flrleann, orlo oth^r 

porta ou the gulf, roiiiiiin:>derH of v.s«rlN try In 
i.voi'l t:if ciirn nt nf tli> (ruif ttraim which 
would carry llinii to the lurlii, aud tliey, there- 
fore, sli >') thtt F lorida coat-., and keep near the 
reefa wli c'i you aee yonder. 'Iliey oflen strike 
the reefi inadvertently, or arn driv*n against 
them by storms In returning nortli wards the 
Bavlt;atiUD it safer, we give a good ol&ng lo the 
reefi and atrike out into the gulf itream, the 
current of which carriea us in the direction of 
our voyagii. 

A littli; before nine o'cliick we had entered Uie 
little hAi:cr of Key Went, and were moored in 
Ita atill waters. It was a bright moonlight 
evening, md wc ramt):e<I two or three hours 
about the town and thri dand. The hull of a 
diamaatec veaael lay close by our land ng place, 
It had wi itame on bow or alem, and bad just 
been found abMndonad at lea, bi»1 brcogfat in by 
the wiacktca; ito eaigo, conaiating oi' Logwood, 
had baea bdMi oat aad lay in pilea oa the wharf. 
This towit iiaa priacipaUy grewB apaiafl* tke 
Florida v/it, Tlie inhabitaata ha«* aaomfHtta. 
ble ;ip|iiMrtiioi9; aone of than are ipiiteBeBt, 
but the sleriHtf of the plao* ia attested by the 
want of i(artoiiBia80aM*Ctt«iMtaaMB»batow 
the houBBi; however, totabwtoa MpMBMBa 
in flowcj, and here the ooeuB aat tree waa 
gio«'ing, tod other treeaoi' thu pahn kiad which 
niatiadwitli aaitarp dryaoand lathefieah wind 
riQtothaHM- They weie-tk(-fiHt)tala« Ihad 
apen fMviac ia'ths opea air, and tkey gif* a 
Uafi«al »BiMt'x> the plaoei 

V'eM ia with a man who had Uffld ttditoaa 
ytachatK^ Waat HetaM aatkatlbi thiaa 
ihaMMd tokahilali kai liMW|taatoof 
atop aa, ItoanaaaBtoi, a CtotodiOt a 
aiJa BafdM Ctoiieh— aad the _ 
wkioh we law open, with sueh aa eiabontedia* 
play of boUlBBaad daoaates, were nataaaartM 
to by Uie |Rcpk»af tkaptoe*, bat war* tha BtaM 
of Eaglu4t ami Ameiieaii s^Ioh, whom tha dia. 
aat*iB,oi ii« iqgular vayageaof tlieu veaatoi had 
baaaikt y<M>, He gave ui an anaeawtaf the 
Baffinvdnhptatokar, liMB, vUeh ummmti 
aad laid 'Witda toeiaiaad. 
f flWB If ^ ne «toada'' J**! h^ **thB watat 

The following elik^uent pajk!»age forma Ike ci>n- 
chiaion of a speech delivered ia Ca^naa. Feb 
X, by Mr. Palfrey of Mas»achusctts: 

Three daya ago, Mr. Chairman, we lieaid 
anotlier strain from the .\ucieni Uuuiinioii.uiilike 
to that on which I have now been shghUy toiu 
iiieiiling 1 listeiiitl with Uiedelight which such 
(^laitfui t'liKjuencc has the |xiwer to give, and 
cerlamiy njl w ithoiU iii> ^har 
which was slirrt.l in evtry luatei. I tlust Uial 
it was not 1 mere Iran-icnt pifa.>ure, but that I 
waa waiiiica will; .soiiutbiug id ihe patriotic 
spir,: wliicli the gciiLieiuan [.Mr. .VIcLViwell, ) so 
l>o*titi.liy iilioited u.>- to culUvate. So Ui as 
that elU-cl 'aa- produrtt), l^hail l i onh the bet- 
let qualifietl to suitain th»«' \ of the public 
well .'Cing .kiid luMiot ol wtiit II 1 have occaMoii- 
ally tome loiwaid tiert a^ the very humble ad- 
vocate Ailniinng llie elevated au4 generou« 
(one of niaiiv of that ijentleraairs remarks, there 
were yet -ouie Diingal could have wiahnl othet- 
wiKiv— iiidei>eiiueui ol hirv aiguiiteBt on Uiepar- 
iiculai .jtiiMioii iiou ,11 tiuiul, which ol course 
di ! lut -.lii-tv iiif. I luuiiol spccity Ibeiii aa I 
wouid. II. -jM.e<h 1131 Uaviiu; yet appearnl m 
pnnt, Slid the iininediate excitement of Uie 
pleaouit It aOoriei having been huch aa to pre 
M.iu.1 careiul vtoti^hiu^ — sttU luore, acleai re- 

mi ni itaiict — <d it- ri aaoiunga and language. 

( •ill' riiiark in pjrticulnr fell on my eat as a dis- 
lord n 'die general h;triiiony«f ita praiaewoithy 
tiiiieot tenliBMaL 1 think tile geatlaaaa pt*. 
M;ul*d Mxna aarilhaiiiB auch aa thia that the 
l>eo|»le lo w-lioin I belong managed to makr> a ;m'. 
ouniary capital oat ul slavery tu fOBoer !, ..(- 
anti i,,»«'>.-..i ....... ma, then- are uii.;^- 

wbo col lU lead Ihi i;enljcuian >ontewhat to 
quaiil'y hi.i viiWDiiLKjutuacompioniiMiii; hostility 
lo Slaveiy beiii^: a .-uie way to lay iij> ■•(>oiiucal 
ca|MtJl.' Aiid n- to the "pecuniary capiiai" 
>up]ir.«eil to have U-en made by llaaaaBhnselts 
frotti tlavery a hiiii lred vear*. ago. I will say no 
n)on»than :Ji.ti, v t:. t at Uui permd »he was 
peibapa not much •» ler on Uiu subject than her 
origbbots, one thing *he always done— bhe 
has AiWaya he'd tier eyes w uie open I.t Uie light; 
eiie liiis alwfcys s'teeted new iniili, and promptly 

ado(4eit and acted on it when made knuwu. 

Can Virgmi.iMy a* inuchi' WiM W,,- 1.-. ;,tl«rian 
aftrrrt it of herf .A,nd will he xualAin the H*3er- 
tion by a coiipariaon of what i, .v i, with 
« hat aha waa whaa ah* kclned to wtn tke lode- 
pen<i«ao* ad< Irt iit I t t l JaBalitodiaBaf tkeae 

Th* geatimnan l:ii ika that Vinaia laid Mas- 1 
sackaselto ukdar kit <ibligatia« tt mtitode aad 
aBaetiea by kataymiiBthy aadaidia tkedMB- 
liaiia Un* at* IB* BtotoB ftol BHI. Itktakthe 
did, andtkatlhalito iaMtoaai,BtiBaBt Doee 
tkefWitl—i ■ aappoaa that thPdBtMawaiaeor. 
red by Maaaanbaaatla at tke pariad of vtoek be I 

Atl sit in my OiKirof a still 
_ 1 hear the ironi Luiiij;b,ii 

Coaunaa. The shaft ov. r tli - -atre.1 aaiie^ ul 
Buaker HiO liaM withm three miJes of my win 
dows. 1 laaVe nty home, and in an hour I stand 
by theruinedabiitmei.v. . I ,.!d t'oncoxd Bridge 
and the green gravea nf ih. htst two British mc 
Uma ia the beCBtoaitM ol the Kevoiiiliun. Kepre 
seuting, however feebly, such a peuple, in hn 
eage and in office — nanitsi bv the leanona and 
(he present monuments of such a history— ti it 
for me to think of helping to extend the foul curse 
ofslavery over another f jot of God's fair earthf 
No; "here Island; I can do uo otherwise; may 
Oodkelprae.'" I U.ast no courage; I fear I 
might turn out to benot« tfer than a tearful man; 
but I do tmst thft every drop of thin blood in 
thea*" old veins of mine, would be freelv i;iven to 
-tain the M alToId, or boil and bubble at the atake. 
befrne, bv any act of niv .loiiig, theslavery of my 
bnilhet man ahotiid take another forwaal alcp on 
ffaaAaeriaaa auU. ^ 

A Maaa thai to 

A Mcent repciit of a ComiBittee of tke Le^ 
f the emotion I 'atureof MBaai.clius<-as, on Education, present* 
•MM tocU to M«ui to Ms. JUmi's self^acnfi- 
ta«*aif erihaaaaaeof Bdticaiion, 

wliich are worthy of a wikler piiaaaljiii 

The Mdet which TTrniaiMiri thia Mpoct was 
ta Jaaanp, vlttMt aay ooaaaHation 

with Mr. Mann, but at the instance of certain 

iiiembera, who were acquaioled with the toct oi 
the sutorBjiiMia i ytoddMltokaaatokBa. The 

C'ommittee were enpowerei) to send for persona 
and papen, and the result waa a ttpoit, of 
wi.K 11 we f ml .1 coaveaieat ahaltoet to the 

Sprinfjirhl HtpuUican: 

When Mr. Maaa eatsisd apoa the atoae af toClBtary 

lu Ibc Uoard of R.ljc ilinn mi provlalaii waa made forpoa- 
taaea and atatiuoery. I he»- hetiy hilh be paid from bit 
private parse. .\ ml « lien provuioa wat made for these 
ilaiiia, he iierrr < har^r.i tlir .Stale half their Mat leatthc 
ripeaae mlfbt radii opp»«tnon la the ofllaa. ' OBrtat 
the whole twelve vean be terv^.l not a cetit waa allowed 
hia for tif'tic rent .ir I In k :.iir iKinn* ;he firat flvr 
yean. bepaMitanhlinnnaaurr Uieaxpanaea uKurrail 
raMacoeeT tht< 8taie lor edf attowal purpowa— 
occupyiBftoMllbur moiithaeach rear. Whea llieTilor 
l^ool bouae wai rn-. tr.l al HrWctwater. tka fuadt 
,u>uin..MM, Ktrt Ml. .viann aavaachd SBtO froin 
mil p i* 1. witffii uwaev waa w.MaaB.aa«w mmmm 
i9t funtahlac the hoairiiM 
laa Hchooi, Mr MtantuU 
t r a HB id the rayitrad am. He alao 
N tb« •atabttahRMBt at (Be anhool at 
WrMfleio ; lo w bat an amoaat it la nu kaewm. Bat Jo- 
tUh ttulnry, Jr.. Ir^tArt tbat tt the rlao* Ml. Maaa bor- 
r >wpii ot mm ^.Oait, tor wbKta be it Mill liahic, ny 

11..! be » m.i.-.: II lu, (iia - 

VV'c^llK. tt. M'.it'iiacy 
toUrce a «acnfl< p, bit | 
cave iiiiii i HHlaecarlly, 
in.iivitluaJa urtBlfealT 

hli vnhiBiary aiBtoy% 

dk WeatoNMi. Rials I'ltolNa^ taaoi^ thai 
. _ MsBti wasted extra aoplea of ba owa 
.\BBual ■eport«,bclnvinaMy had them chartailtohu 
private acciHinl • that he waa wrupuloualy rarcful lo hav 
the pnabBg ka ha dataninaal, for which Ute Rule paid 
c«ecute4 ia the masl i r sasaiical maaoerj aaU that be 
blataeir pnMthem Vnar^MO pnntins KducaUonal 
documnililohe • Irri Uted <riatuilvusly, 11 1« alaaadded 
laai h." »i» in ) i^rrful alatrttn pay the poataae aad 
• kprcat cbaigea ou laUers and prool iheeU whUeM Ba 
^swere pnatteg. Tks laab«aay Is MaMkSaas 
nC Ma aenaa of mmmt la raiard to Iha ■ual trivial 
taaltcr. In (he woeihwhi<-h lie himielf applied to aamh 
ar. he haa been 'rarefkl t.. il>e (old JuatlionihK 
(smieats, wbenever te ha.) o.< aMvn la C" into Ilia puti- 

Is anomalous ai d critical, and 
for the exercise ol voor niwl um 
and Uie luost exalted patnoliaia. 
raflitary provuuonal gov« 

smoiig yon by right of the 

tion . ,f « ai . at an end. neafietop^Waki 
leU by your provmionalgoTMnots. (Kearacyknd 
.Mason, both of them Kii jramusea.) as far aa 
they refer to changing the laws of the country 
are null and of no value, and were ao from the 
commencement, because the laws of 
remain in force slwaynuiiiii ihey are attaied by 
a legal legudative authority; andaaaMB^ 
thorny has aa yet altetcd tkoae laws - " - ■ 
isted at the time of the conaneaC 

I'he laws of California atill t«aatowhat tker 
were and they are sufficient Ibr yoar 
prot«i:;tion, wiUi bome slight ^^W Stioaa Tif f m 
your own free wUl, and aif«iaMlawd Iv 
f yuir own election. Hbti^bo Imu 
ment or legal officers, you cannot has* 
cepi through your own acu, ycaaaaa 
any one put m auihorUy asar yaa, aaaiit 
f rom vour ow u coiiaen t . Yaid'aiMaliH MMlb* 
t>ie w ill of a majonty. I mmm 
unite m a convention wbich altoll 
«inipli; and cheap govemaieBt, ai 
ihas takecBieof youfaetrea 
look after your interaate. VeiB 
>r and judge», some jaattotoia « 
ufKceis of mihtia; this isdheataU 
The Roman law, the basia a# yaari 
ju^t and wise, aadeaBMMMMtol 
tered by liuneMt jBtoti>-ilkHMhlB'«Mai wa 
oui^bt to elect. ^m^^^^ yvm 

.Avdid new codeaof 
duced bv permanent 
but little now tn adition to 
ibia yen cau give youiaalTBB aki 

-'* it —election!,, trial 
reconciliatMB. Tbaae i 
putcs 'vitkoat litiiratioB, by aaaaaa of a 
brv can >.<• r>Mily engraltod BB IB»- 

amK.i.j.i n;; .tiusioa Bad a^BBlanL^jSalwa- 

ded on he dectarattoa* af Baiiataifc.^*AMar 

quickly with v( 11 r oppaaaalL «toM » — *i 

aaUB<|«iB BBaa Ciac:*; 
BatrTim«8,af the 19ih, asy^ 

Thaualeor k>u at Kaiimouiu ■— 

wiemtt * K W. of Uia Biihtoa Hosa. 
Caapafc^HllBff woll. Kainnt 

pwaBaaad laat ^^^^ • 



rainnooet ia what < 
This property 
at alwui gaUOpec 

, tat say MOl 

aaea a ty lots wbw M4edr a hv lUitZ* 


In Uxiagtoa. oa 
Davio PaiLiira, 

E'j-hMh ll't;Utok,.Bg5"Bh:;.™ 

*• *■* ••leted child, wa hav* 

a giBwiBg essmple of the triamph af 
aad fertitade over the 
For five voarB, aadarfl 

by d«_ 
aadarlBg withoata 
iaeldsBt I* a 


h*p* aad a awe 



to relsBse 
hia dapartare, wuk 
•et tmila staaipad apoa avaew 

■t af klB • — iTi T* toa kB»«ar 

ed .ad adUctod paa«to.M — »iae -tott*,B. 
aaraynpalky aad l oiwolaaeaw 
BBB to avar kaar i 

TkoB wart not fonued far liftof her* 
So link'd thy a*a( wm wito Ikaskv* 
B«tak: — hJilBtid|M-» 


laws wtlii (hay iatm. 


u, do S.J. They aaiM 

roi«', eipecially in .Norwif^ 
of the liaputes are ar 

rec n aa di a itoa , *«., 4e 

'to tka 


r«i. vi 

**** ^ ftwanal'B party in 

his lato dhaattoaa attaaipt to eroaa tk* mona- 

Uins, writee to a fneud, .'Mr. Robideaui, ol St. 
Joseph, many particulars ot the aad eteni,'whicli 
are new as w^li an deeply inlecesiing. Wa And 
iiiem Ul Uie St. Jaaopk tjaaatte. of ik* Iftk iaat 
Mr. KernsayalftMtoi 
well. WUUaaia,aB old 
and gave rf idaaoa lo Mi 

'f we continued up iia 
Aa we advanced, the 
the hrst rsuge, we fell 


"Laath^ Haid 
reek bituikeaaai 
now iaereBBBdi 

poa toe aralarBBftoa Waaoanab, p 

fie mountaioa to tka Del Norto. by 
n road — the soow atill inrrnaaiBl. 

qtavg of m h uadred au lUfa. 

Matow Waary.UlT''" 
rb i watded mM«y r. 

St Brtdfiawaler 
afaimt M* nakt«( 
hitUted u|>ur. Uie Kwb. 



tic mint.' 

the deficit ! 

told^lvaiiNiiif Btotom, or that 
mfc hp Vhlitoa aaH Biban of her 

paiaa. Re hsaaaU kr assay cafisa i 
griMISBMi, SB* hss ■:s aWu ite d to e«t 11 

1 retenrclirv an.l ui!< 


bei bekalf, oc tar toa 


I'liM . »ii.>ii ..I iht t .miiiioa Friool 

froai Mr. Maaa't weii .traine,! 

If CBfita to be dMinhutetl 

to e«t the work without 
Uon. W he he weat to Kuropc for ediieaboe 

ii'.^. Ill, bu ripeaaet exceeded bu 

salary •l.iluuBr SI,Mil, bat the lawtts of hit tra val wart 
Ito toewto Aas il Repen. 
IS aa lapaiBMt MMHiaf the pecanlary wen- 
fleet made by Mr. Maiia. Ihirtagalllhu tunc, it ahotild 
I itiered thtl hrrnUrr >tlarr be received frcMn 

sgaiaBitoa wiitoaf amaaa aa, aad^tkaa and 
there," aMad^at to JaBa AdasM, "tkeehild In- 
detiiad W Bi traa baiB," foe wkaM was that 
birth— IbrllaaBaahaaaltoar tor Amerirn ' U'!..-n 
from hat FaaaaB Batt lalthe meeting.- oi hei 
viUai* daa toer a n ias the faaatiet was thrown 
down totBetMaMMdoaa power of England, wa.* 
■MaaiaebiiBBttB alone in the prospect of advan- 
tage rVaas that ainie, or only most ferw ani in its 
|ieril«r When the viadietive "i'oit Kill, ' t. 
which the gentlMna tatorred torik etfect, wa- ii 

-.iriie Virginian city, or wu- it linston, Uie i hiel 
mart uf the ctmtinent, that saw I'.s prv^rspiTity 
made dcaolation, and the graas '>|niiunn^- m it- 

strvetn^ And if Massacbuactte did i.jciit a debt 
I r the sympathy and succors which, as the ijen- 
LKmtn correctly states, she then rrfeK<><l,l think 
she paid some instalinenLs of it w hen hhe txirc 
t!.e first funous bmiit of the battle on her own 
.-.■i: — when she si nt nearly . >iii' x.ldiei in cverv 
tl rei' to the iimiifti of the Hevoiiitioii, furnishing 
more tri".p-( than all the miv sla\e Slates put t.>- 
1,'fllier in the |iro|Kjrtioii of hkkc iImh eight !.• 
>;\i n — an-l when the «xc<>^ ■>: Iki payment^ 
iiitii the comiiion Treasury foi tin juu-K ulioiiol 
the war, over and abovt! what -1.. ii w |i,>mi it, 
wan (frester IDhii that <il the a^i^rei^ate ol her 
twelve siatei Stales. 

The gentleman should be better acquainted 
than xnyself, Mr. Cbainaan, with the history of 
the great State which he represents. Ami yet, I 
cannot entirely acquiesce in tin' •l.-imc'iou he 
hasdrawn — notoriginal with hiin, 1 am aware; 
lietwci-n (he settlers of Virginia and of Mas.-a. 
cbiiaetLs, as repreaiMtatives raapaelivcly of the 
( nvaliers and Roundheadi of the oU eountry. 
I remember lhai Captoin Smith, the man wbo 
saved the first canpaay of Viiginian planters 
fnim i«lf-deaUuclioo, bbmI of them, that "a great 
part were aandy aparks, packed off by theii 
fnends lo escape worse de»linie» at home; many 
were poor gentlemen, broken ttiidi^men, rakes 
and libertiaas, tooUaan, aadauck othert as were 
much fiUei to apeil andraia a Oommonwealth, 
than to help to raise or maintain one." Sir, 1 
am far from imaginiag that this is a matter ol 
the aUgktest tcoount at the present time. The 
fimadan of Home have no very gooil repute in 
hl.ttory, and we do aot think toe lesi of the he- 
roes aad aa^ of thagieat times of the sublime 
BapaUic. becaaae«f tke equivoeal character of 
tkaongiMdtoaalaiMaf tkeir geaerous blood.— 
Butif wiaaiia aMMHaadpeifMce to theacbool 
af tha hBtoito lf«Be,it w aaMlhat we giveheed 
toheflBtoMHk Aad oa the ether band— a tkii« 

ef cijaally little nomeat— aot a tow of toa 
Boandhead Masaaohutetta looadam wan of the 
aeble aad the geatle Uood ol Eii«l*ad. Tkare 
waie aahatotolMl hai neat uDivanitiea, in 
twaaty yinto Man the fiat aettlenMBt. there 
«We aa laany giadaatea of OxCnd aad Caa^ 
bftdg* ia MaaaaehnaBtts aa ia old Baglan^ to 
paipoctioMtodM pqpiilatiaa. Theaa «aM«ip> 
taiaa bom flMfMnooB ftaUa of Bafope, eoartieis 
Aoto jtoaiiBili, deiicate wbniea fnan tke tanuy 
ytto aiJilfaadal halla, ••eaaiag/* aa dte 
contempocBiyaBaaadolaraaM, "Itoat a 
of plenty aad pianina ia MM EuHly 
toBwiltieoMBaef waato." Thiaisa 
of joat aa lit Ua laijMitokoa ** jjjj^^ 


aiellalawB ^ 
Onaof the aoii exciting subjecu which at 
preaentagitateathe English public, is ihcimpfto 
onntent of Uie Itev James Shore, at tke iaataaee 
of tha Biahof of Swtac, for tke eotoe ef piaath- 
ingtoe (Mitfaa Rehfiaa. Hm aaM»to« of 
Kngland make;, it a crime puaiabableby impcia- 

onweat, foi one who liaa oaea.taBai aadaa in 
the BaMkliiBad GkaaaBi aJtot toMtov ^mU 

clmri h, to preach llie Uonpel. .As a matter ol 
peUy veiigeauce, the Bishop of Exater proaccu- 
ted Mt.BtoM«toBr this law, whiak anat aup- 
(Kned to be obsolete; and Bflardrafging him from 
c'Hirt to«ouTt, haaSnally secured his incarceia- 
ti' ii in Exeter Jail. This fuel has kindled a great 
exoitaaMBt Th* aya ipaihi aB of tk* bsttM put 
of Ow ■■Son, ftoMBf Ite PailMitat, an 

wiih the privmer. .\nd measures are now m 
pragreas in Parliament, for ahoiiahii^ tka law 
ubU i a i igB Bifeltopti— id, mH alaklBp Uw 
bv wMaB ■li1i# piliiiynilw i 

rates. ■ ■ 

A lari?e public meeting waa held at Exeter 
llalli ta Londaa,< day er two haBwtheeaaliag 

It waaadrisablr to adopt in consequence of the 
anaat of Mr. Shore," and aaioag tha speakers 
on the nnn aaiaM 'MB tta'Ba*. BapMrt Koel, 
w hoae fame aa a tiMotagiaa and an author haa 
already reached oarakoiaa. Hia remarks cover 
the whole grojtid of the coataoveray, and they 
derivB adJitiooal totaaato Baai the aiienro- 
staaa* IBidJfe MM alMlb to BtottMM atti. 

tilde to the estahl 

upoa toe 


on roau — ine saew suil inrrnaaiBl. 

"We coatinaed a couple of £ys on tlie Del 
Morte, and then turned op what WilliaoM called 
your pass on to the Compadne. In ihia he wa* 
evideuty uiiittaken, for a wmse road I iievei *aw 
We went on up ihe Canon, our animals falling and 
lhaaaow daapemng evei\ «lep look, biddint 

rair,aaitaaliae<]ueoiiy lumad out, to defeti our 
craaaing. Ok Ika Mtk of l>af aaibBr wa am mpie>; 

^ .. to be the d.vidiot 
ridge between Sl lobBB aad the walan of too Dei 
Norte, t ut Were driven back by tke aHiM. The 
iieiiday we returned to it sgaia. aad weresaceaa^ 
ful enough togei on the otker Sid* to Bsmallelaaip 
ol pines. We unpacked our snimaia on a bare 
point, and drove them to the hill-lop in hopes of 
their fiu.ling s snificiency ot food for a day, as the 
enow had Jr fie : , ii ii in places. Kroni this hill 
they never came i^m ; t.iriii coutinuiii,{, imd 
kaeiBg n* ahdler, pen.he.). r«Mi;) il,..|, 

eaamfBcad aukmg puriages, ia bopeaat reacking 

the river. 

Ky hard labor we worked ear way gradaally 

down. On the 'Ji^ih, Kinfc waa seat ahead with 

Did Kill lo .Mia^iie i j Linng us relict, while we 
were lo :onltnue down. I hi the llih of January, 
ba not airivinn, the Colonel become anxioi^s and' 
started v/ilh his nieea snd tiodey, in hopea of meet- 
ing Ihe relief uail). Our ptovisian.., iind given out, 
and we were living on pareAeshes snd tug ropes. 

rr and ex- 

ver, we made our liuie packs of bcddia*. aaifwuk 
our riflei aiarted for- God only knew y^arc. Here 
coinmeiit ed our greatekl aufferi^ The ei»inpa. 
ny had lo: rs head Vincent Haller, about aa eon- 
lemptiMeatit' cowardly a fellow ascver wiilked 
bis own lack ot r< urage i^uickly diffused iiseli 
among Uie men — so yoa may BByaaBB how Uiinas 

PtobaUy up to tk* aftk w* kad lost niaa aten. 
Our m e an aad another bad mad* oar iaal aaiae.— 
We were blind from the snow, aad BMfcto H' ae* 

Uie sightt of our ritlea. A dead vtolf waa ail W* 
had to svRlaiu life among u ine bmb. Ihadcliaad 
all my affairs, and fell thai a day or two laot* 
would ecd my iMuMes, when, about noon cs the 
'JSih. we beard a shout, and (iodry entered the 
camp. H*r* eadad cur troubles. From him we 
'"•"••d Ik* tot* at Kuig's pari}, who hsd been 
Fiond by htol aa hia way dawa aa the laih. Poor 
^'■fL?^ oakaaallea aaasewkere ibout 

the9th; thareatweia laa miaerabia aaadilioa— 
nracen aad partially erased. Tkey kad give* ap aU 
hopes of reinmhig to as with relief. 

1°hu.s h in ended the espeditioa — eoa»eocetl, aa 
far a.s outfit was concerned, under as latterMW 
pro^pet•t^ as ever one started. Tiie lo>w m doUaas 
has amounted lo over ten thousand— in life, lea. 


K. V. Wm. UtsN, Chriatianbuii, J5». 
Mii.roN rfrevBjieon. ' - rssltwa. 
J M. .McKia, 31, S Fifth .t , Pb 
JoaBTM FiiHta. CheMer, Vt 
Bs4.uBa 4t. Ca»m»F, Lateyetta, U 
J. BaL»tr'!«, Bethany, Va. — . 
Uum. d«a*aoaoioB, Owtnabaro. iC, 

C. C. Enarrs. Luc*. N Y 

D. M. Dtwsr. AreaitaHail, Baehaater.if » 
ilBMBr t H iei.«, Cana»dBlf*«, N. y 
Baows A W ii.LiaaBo.y, CommerciaJ Bdildtn*K 

.^Boerioi at., ClavaUa*. Ohio. »>DgH 
D NBBBII.MS, la, £xekBBfB at, Bafcto. N » 
tl BaBaLa.r. BBaaattTtoeTKy. 
Key Huorra raxwa, .'tfaani 
H*B. A W <;a*H*a, Bawi 
Wa. liasMrrr, CilMgow, Ky 
V i' f>et<ngtoa. KentBcky. 

J B Ktssgu-.liazMtaOlBce. ClnclnaaU. O. 
Vy MiTt Sl PoTTBa. 15 :Suie atrvel, BoaMT 
Kuat SaiTM. 14aN— •» «tre*t,Na« TaiB. , 
f " • Coaaar, Baaihland, Ky. 

Tio.> orTuppEi-g Vmic AL w^i2: 

loejudum ProvBiMai -TT " fv»n>-Ai. wonaa_ 


■e^ Thwaaaad LUes 

-ly; wuh DS?rt?;5^o?^^^'f '^r^^ 

Bsaes a»a lunifn.caltiMir bM a^Se 

lOth edttioa.rtviaed. ur-^ -• -" 

wark tt vnequaJ 



BOO we were living on pareReshes t 
Alreatly i^«j^gniikad^frow hi 

Tu IaUM»4«a rtdURBI 
BBglB,Bflka I1to,l 

IV }f the plantations in thia aaiahlMrtood. 
upon the Arkaiiaaa aide ol the river, hav* be*n 
ovardowwd by the reecat heavy and aauaual ' 
This haa b«en pBttieutarly aad most d 

WKAXAu.'8 ■UBr*aac'AL aaBamRa. 


at U wimhihl a portraitar* oT CathaiW il. the VuihM 
was BaptiMMMd and fcnej rtufot by thia czpenaasa 
MMjBscBMkM m»m>ut he aippraMd bmii .Tier mi 


This wofB coal 
of the pWMBiaeBl pen , 

111 poathuinoui puWIeatloa 

Peatbumoiu Mamoin ul hia own TMea B« 
Wraxall. Ia oae votaaa. extra clolB. fl to 

^aCramatMaVaUey. By riwflea WuaaaL ka.. 0^*. a 
iAMomum^ of the II. .s. j-uiSona, kxWdBst u aL — 
^tav, valsB i 1. py r l-rvrVrr, " ST^^ U sae — 
, .ir^jS*!"** iMSctlcal '.ftei 

" 'y*'!!******* atUac004 sHetlae. dad 
pee t iBil eherr—aeaa la It wiB 

NBW .laraic- 

'pHl.s UAY nJBLlBUllU.— "O 

1 niarryfaaopBlar toMapkaMsM*. 
- Hcrt-t a heaStt leBwa. TaaiatM^'^ I 

" twiil(ht rtewi 
la preau 

far tke I 
•ii.l •< ... iiwrtiy be I 
Mansers ul Spair. " ,)uet. 
' IjBBBI^aBetr to. viLLbee. 

MaaK and Book :>t.;tn, 

■est to Baaa at l,Bius»uk. 

the case wiih those plantations fvmgsloM what is 
called Ihe lievil'B K. siw. ii,r\ or tSirtr-6Te 
aiilea above ikis The suixiidenrc of the 
waleiR has only rendered then coiidilHin worse, 
leaving large poola, yre might more correctly say 
aoiall BWSiapa, npoo ntany Hoe planutiou.., and 
by Ika enoaiu* ef depaalted matter braadiag the 
aaaaaa or pavlaaa diaaase and deat^ 

Wt kavB bc*B made acquainied wito 
ia wkiek a natlemaB. who haa a large ylaaHlioa 
ia Devil's Elbow, lost elevoa kae aapaaa, Mrt 
was finally ronipelled to reanri to the bmbI de- 
cisive nieamre^ lo ante hi- (nice of about VjO Ba- 
groes, most ot whom were sick, chiefly with 
cbolera. Me placed them upon a wiM>d boat, aud 

bninghi ihein all duwntoihia city, one ji the ae- 
fraaa totog datvc the brief voyage. Kven when 
b* left, th* pkysieiaa ia attaadaac* eoaid aot 
make hia roaad of vistss wilhaal nalim a aaa**. 
Haay piBsoaa ta the a^bedtoad had Bad wBh 
thairfBBMliaa sad aagiaaa w what sraaaladlW 
Hills, ai>me sixty ar Biare bhIbb ib the iaiHiwef 
Arkaaaea. Othais wat* pre p aritig t* fcilaw. 

Mr. Cist of the (Vncinsofi .tdrerfiMr has the 
foUuwiiig fact, which ia only one sBtoog a tlKxi- 
saadoftheaaM sort, iM^ftoaBav ttat the 

Franking Privilege ought to be alxilisbed: 

It is within my knowledge thst a senator from 
one of tbe Westein States has franked during 
the last Session of Congress packages of books 
and pamphlets to ». single post office, weighing, 
as asceilained by the jwat-master, 196 pooads 
Among the»e « aa the Coagresaional Globe, in 4 
volumes, bound, "nria eseeeds theimpudcnce of 
.Senator Black of Mississippi, whoin 1835 frank- 
ed ftuiii Wsahiiigtoii City home a complete set 
of the Waverly NoveU m volumt^, and weigh- 
ag 35 pounda, as puUic (locumenu>. 

QTTbe SL Liuis papers announce tbe death of 
dir. Charles (Vjllina, one of Ihe luoat enterprising 

addvalaaUBeitaMaaeflbMeiiy. U0 

of 1 

lal. HonaehoM toratoire, inclnding stovan pat 
up and kept for use in any J welling house, not ei- 
ceeduig in viilue one hundred dollars. 

'2d. All spinning wheels and weaving looms, ind 
apuarsiiji not eseeediag us value tit'tv dollars. 

3d. AliaBBt»pew oc alip, tMcuMBd toy aay per- 
fK^ n or BaritoJto anp hl|BBa «a glaaa af fpHto *or. 
ship. ^ r 

4th. AllcBBsel*rtoa,limlii aal ilpBtaef bartal, 
while in uaeaarapoaiiariaBaf lhaaaadt 

Atb. All srats sod scooala — to aapdwd by 
law In b* kept by any peeMat iWBft^aifaeei 
of every person ot iamily. 

6lh. The library aad school sx.>ks ot every in- 
dividual and family, not eieoediag one liiadred 
and fifty dollars, and all faauly pictures. 

7ih. To each honsaholdsr, un sheep with ih*u 
fleeces, aad Ike paa oc 
tha aame: two eetaa, I 
and fnal tor the eomlortabie 
hoBsehoider and tsmily lor aix 

Sac. i. Thia act shall uke e%Mtolhatoforee 
ftom and after its passage. ''<'■ ivt». 

Appro' isl, March 16, 

latelllaaace frea Veaaisela. 

The tr g Druid. I'apL Shacklord, arrived al this 
port latt uighl from I'orto Cabello, whence she 
sailed (>n the'£>Ul of March. >Ve learn from .'Hr. 
Wm. West, a passenger in the Dniid, that he had 
be«n takida pdaoosi in the steaaMr a eaai g a, and 
impriaaaad ftar mooihs in Porto CafeaUo, aad lib- 
eratBdantkaSltoltoK h. He had baanl aolhiH 
of Gaa. ftas^BBBMbeiBg aMeatad; wkaa ka tmt 
heard of them they we«B in pis*B al Cara a caa. 

All the prisoners st Porto Cabelht had been lib- 
erated 01: the "JSth, except two Spsnisrds. Chder 
and qif ieir ess had been restored. 

We IciJii from C^pL Shacklord. thai a brig itom 
New Orleans had been aeised for amuggtinf.— 
I'he Capuin had reeerred already froca the jov 
emmeni |i8,(J0O,and tka AasBriaaa Gaaaal Bhdah 
e^^^UUmtm, dBMigaa aad H jiaaii. Ika 


thlag Uvea, atovca aad 
art aa ataay 
aia't hatai Ha aat 

••Thaataa Moors has 

a* rapiiUUoB aa a lyvK 
baU> ol tnuufbi aad 
ady.iB bctthaasf a( kacy^ 


ate taa 

ihaiaiecti thae ptepis taa 
ay halBg laeabMuaa t 

«lhe fi 

sdaiaed be I 
• • UBTMa, 
IB easy, aasat wh. id wel- 
af taw. 


by a 

a BBw, odtsruta aaa aLBBsBT bbitiom of 
TIN. r aaM t al Wasaa BTMakaes Bia t fc.i .U.^; 

tt*«r JWsit (atw Mtl 

litcimdiMt <Mt 



Steel Baersvlsgi. 

ae, large Svq voiu 9. 
or Mr. SoatBers poeUy art tuin ibtt 
kM afaaiku a pUae ta the shra 

THE tahscr 
of OlBsed 
ra aad clod 

fitters arc now enaaaaU 10 Iba I 
OlBsed Wsddtaia. black sad watts, Isr tfeai 
l ot his ra. U 1^ »( the vary 
aaj Uwckassi ^ej iuirej^ wtU glased, tad soldi 

^uaaaiHaJaaMto ths'wBoledmM^^ tT tos AJto 
. 0'«' yy '"»yaeeds)o>hwi^«M^Xr. 

praapfly attaaBMl ta. 


T. BaiiisaroM MacAUi-iy kss annooaced kia 
withdrawal liom politiesl life. Thia waa .ioae at 

Aai Bsatoahi 

Hatowaas aai 

«ica of the ili« PWw, OB, 
LuuiSTlMa. Ky. 


MANUPaCTvaar a.o iwrOBTta or 

pBsTiaiiaiiiiaiii II ifiiBitiimtoi, 
imm^ ■ toil 11 By 


, M0NT80MBIV 4 CQl 

succBaaoRB TO ^ 

tto-.ttokChttaal 9u«rt- PHILADKLPHIA. 

•Tspav Hasaiita. 
IS*PAPEK-^ t.-.-y 
'Wtotell wbo;*e<,, >n4 

Mata always isr tale a 
vaiMty ■aaidhrtaraa. 

(x>RMaB OP MAW AND rotrrBKaTV 

LOViaviLLa, av. 




ibeM we made alt hssw to be free, by cut- 
ting the rigging that beH theoi. 

Soon, the woral of the guls wh<> blown 
over. But the ae* ran high. Y«lliit: ruck 
•fid tend of tb« tempest, its mad, tearing |>t> ^^ae. 
ioMn, was Mibilued into imiDeow, ioiig'll^" 
e^t ea ded, and long rolling billow*; 
white cream or ihtir crests like snow on 
the Andea. Kver and aooo w« bung |K>iaed 
on their brtwa; when IIm fu w pwd ocean 


. tWr akall dack a osoMra, 
Blaae in diadeBM; 
And when thy ttanti aliall fall to 
Bristly 'jewe\ beauty's breast 

all round loaked UIm • 
I ^hiuiboi a»>. 

fttw bouia MM, and the aarges went 
own. Tbera waa a iiioderat» sea, a lUifif 

)reeze, and a clear, atarry ak) . 

Soch was ilio Aioriii that ciune after our 
•_J/ar<ii — The Avthor of Typtt. 

Wipe tliv beavy bwcat 

Fi'uiii thy lip anJ brow 
Wh»-rf thuoe (;«ni3 are bet, 
Hroiidly knowent than; 
^^j^M^^aaattujiMuaiia air, 

■parkling at the feast— 

DeckiDf boliwl thia^.-~ 
Preastitlate of hi^ pciHt, 
Tiara of ku^ 
Who alMil daaaa tkM pooc aa4 low, 

ttoa aaith'a fiaaaoad bola eaaat 



> JLat the eaawB map, 
Faeliac nottWaun; 
Aa tkr Ueadiac pabu hath paHl, ' 
Coaaeth forth a Jewel blaat. 

Bniu thciu, bring then 

\V'iUi Oiy lilivsweal rraii( • * 
Gueidou to Iky ho{>e, 


the hmaUaathaazt ahaU wear, 


Where the divei sounds, 
\ laceratioa abow, 

k, htttaiaat thaoe! 

kMcrtrd (hat .9 >rr ti 

and right ahead, a.s we aailed along, 

obiact Naaoat of the aea; aUnding d.mly As Redcios.^ waa a corporate town, it is 
before ua. uiiaifl wraalbUlg and uiiliqg only reapettful to give HOtue uctount ol u 
ft, ial creamy breakan Whing rounid befoie wa enter ita juriadicuon. It was a 
W« turned aaide, and. at length. «nall and a poor place, bat nw^hl buve 
daviMid DMMd MaMafueto. I been a reapectable one, both ta ase and 
SttNTitk aciaai M MMMo avlbraa bernlt 1 wealth, bad the inhabiianta devott>d half as 
goata winding doaVito the tea, in a ravine; much time lo hanett induiljy aa ibey apenl 
and preaentJy, a aignal: ataturedflagupoo »» compWiilBg aboat anything, or nolfciiig, 
aummit beyoad. Well knowing, how- "'"ugging their shoiildera. whining about ihe 
evei that ikwi MhW nii iba ialand ti<»^. lounging about with their dirt> hai.d«) 
but two or ttuaa' iioo»Mb of maway >n their empty pocketa. and wonderi.ig wbat 
convict* from Chili, our captain had no ihe Loid-Lieotenant, and thia Board, aiid 
miod to conwjy with their invitation to hh«t Board, meant to do for them, or wbelb. 
J Tkou^ hafrfyi he mM' anM^ ler ihev meant to do anvlhine at ail. The 

^ **A kwg calai is ike boat, aad bow. Ciod 
halp oa, aoothar hi k Hga all lo e. It 
■irleo and profound. 

'la that hot calai, «a lay iaad and froz 
in. UkaP^ 
played u(>on the 
upon the giaciera. 

*Ai ibe end of iwo dafa wa lilUd up 
•fca and beheld akw, cfaaping. hungi 
caood expanding like an anny, wiag uid 

wing, along the eastern h 

Ijr Jarl bade na take ba ad. 

and weeltH reign over the e<^iiatori:il lati 
ludea of the Pacihc, the uuideai and aun 
■iaataf dafa> (bat n ava rt baleaa, whan aiorms 
do coma, diaf oaaw in (bi 
apending in a Wm, brief MaMi Arir ebo' 
centrat«d rage. They come like AoManie- 
kkM: Ibey charge, and away. 

4l waaaad Ml aakaar lo nnaat; but the 
aim wa* well nigti obsrure<f It seemed 
toiling among bleak Scythian sleeps in the 
baJ7 hai tji— d Above the Htorm-cloitd 
Caai OMiaaapalebai of aeud, rapidly ad- 
< MclBg aal raeadhig. Attila'h ekinuish 
ara, thrown forward in the \ai of biaHuns. 

Jlilful abadow ahtiUrfoi^ Ah aar- 

; accalaralnig iu approach. 
*With all haate we proceeded to f>jrl the 
which, owing to the calm, hail been 
hiagiag looea in tba faiaiie. Aad by 
beip of a ipaia booai, oaed oa the ftmcaa- 
tic-deck as a aweep or great oar, we en- 
10 caat Iba br^faatiaa'a bead to- 

•The storm seemed about to overtake ua; 
but we felt no breeze. The noiaeleaa cloud 
on, Its advancing ihadow lowering 

#1 S=i 

creat opoo ibe Mrfaee of the ooeen. Bat 

now thi.^ line of surging foam cauie rolliuf 
i^poa ua like a while charge oi cav 

ita head ; pouring righ: forward in a con- 
liaooua frothy caacade, which curled over 
and fell upon the claiey aea before it 

•SliU, oo baaolh of air. But of a Mid- 
den, like a blow fioai a nam'a band, and 
before our canvas could be secured, the 
craft, living one larch la port, waa 
dovB oa bar boHMadbt Aaioar- 
ing tide dashed high up against her wind- 
wwd aide, and drops of tNine fell upon the 
^■i^ Mbvy as dropa of gan. 

%WipaU a din and a nua ; a crariung 
af ipaaaad af ropea; a horrible blending 
af nghts and of aounds; aa for an inataot 
w ■eemed in tba hot heart of the falc^ oor 
eoldage. Ilka barpatrinep^ ahrieking above 
Aa fery of the blast. The masta roee, and 
awayad, and dipped iheir trucks in the aea. 
And like unto aooM atrickao buCalo 
Wnibt low 10 the plain, tba bri^anliaa'a 
Hat* hull, ahaggy with aea.wan), lay pant- 

ii^ on its flank in the foam. 

^Fiiaticol^rwe ijipawit 

of the aea, waa suddenly heart! a sharp, 
■plmiaring aound, as of a Norway wood- 
wmm Mliag a pine in the forest. It waa 
Jarl, tabo fioiaaioat of all had aoatch- 
oifMaiflBfaek i|ja in a l the main meat, the 
we, always there kept. 

•CullbeJ^iBfaedj^ia wuw^' be cri^ 

was quickly obeyed. And upon cmilne 
the thud laiiyard of the five, he abouted for 
aalopMB- Dropping hia axa,badiaibed 
aaia aiaiaard. Aa ha dolabed ika rail. 
Sa waoadal aaat en a p ped in ta-ain with a 
report like a cannon. A^ alight amoke waa 
nwcaptihla where it broke. Tlia rfnaai^ 
faf laapMda porta^. From tba ^vMoM 
atrain upon them, the two shrouds flew mad 
ly into the air, and one of the givat blocka 
at their enda, itriking Aanaloo Ibpilpi 4ba 
forehead, ahe let go her hold opaa a stan- 
chion, and sliding acroaa the aalant deck* 
waa awallowed up in the whirlpool oadar 

Bal.tbera waa 

I ain anxious to say a few worda about 
j'fonu. Tlie 91)11); iell.« ii.* 'there is no pi aea 
ke iu' Aad ibe aong is rigiit. But how 
law booaea there aia in the wurldl Or how 
many 'homes whiili arc no honiesl' It is 
enough to mako a person aick to think of 
g. Not one home In lea is deaerving of 
taaaa. Aad what woadhr! Look at 

A younj; man meeta a pretty face in the 
ball room, falla in love with it, courts it, 
•maAriea it,' gooa to hooaekeepiog with it^ 
and boasts of havin:: t heme to go to anJ 
wife. The chances arc nine to ten he 
laa neither. Her pret^r face gets to be an 
old Mory— «r beoemee faded or firacklad, or 
fretted— and aa ikat fiMie was air 

he 'paid attention to,' all he sat up 
with, all ha bargained fur, all he awore to 
love, honor and protect,' — be gets sick of 
m trade, knows a dozen fanes which he 
likea better, givtie up ainjing at home eve 
cunaoles himealf with cigara, oys- 
ters, winakey punch and politica, and looks 
upon his 'hoina' as a very iodifecaat board- 
ng-houae. A family of children grow up 
atMut him; but neither he nor hia 'face' 
knowa aaything aboot training them; ao 
they come up helter-skelter — aoade toys o ' 
when babiei>. colls when boya uud girls, 
drudges when young men tad women; am 
ao paaaea year after year, aai pnilltqimt. 
happy, hearty, homely hoar is known 
throughout the whole i ouaehold. 

Anuiher young man becomes enamoret 
of a 'fortune.' He waita upon it to parties, 
dances the |x)lkn with it. exiihiinges hillet 
dou.r with it, |lbps the 4uealioa lo it, gets 
■yes' from it, is published to it, takes it to 
the parson's, weds calls it •wifc,' carries 
it home, seu up aa aHiMirfMaaat wMi it 

introducis it tu bus friends, aad says, (poo 
devil,) that be loo is married, and has got a 
hooM. It'a a lie. He ia not ■affien, he 
has no homo. And he soon finds it out 
Ho is in the wiong boi, but it is too late to 
gat out of it. lie might as well hope to ea 
cape from hie colfia. Friaoda eoi^raialaia 
hiaa. aad he baa to f>rin and bear it. They 

praise the houH«', the fiirinUire, the cradle 
ilie cupboard, the neu Bible, the newer 
baby, and then bid tli*> 'fortnaa' aad him 

ariio 'huabanda' it, krmul murnini;. (liwd 
morning! As if be had known a gciod niurn- 
ing since he and that gfMii IbllNna* a4n 
fakely declared lo be oaa. 

lue aaotlMr caaa. A young woman is 
Kmitien with a pair of whisketa. Curled 
hair never bef<>rd had sack charam. She 
ases hei cap for ihani. They take. The 

delii;hti-(l wlii!<l>('iii mak«' an offer, first one, 
Uieu the other, prolieriiig themselves both 
in exchai^ kn her one hearu The dtrar 
miaa i« ovaroonie widiHuch nmgnrtniinity. 
doeea the bergiin. carries home I 'ir pii.'.e, 
shows it to her pa and iiu, calls beiself en- 
ga^ to it, thiaka iberu 
pair (of wbiAm) bafere, and ina lew weeks 
xhtj are married. Marned! Yea. the world 
ca Is it aus aud we will. VTtiat ii the re 
suir A abort honeymoon, and then ihe 
unlucky dieooaary tkat they are as oalike 
se ebalk and c^ecoe. aad aoC lo ba 
on;, though ull the priaMsi 
pruQOurK«Hi iheai so. 

There are many other kinds of ill.aasort- 
ed 'iniirriages,' and th(?y all result in un- 
happy 'liomes.' What else oould be ex 
pec:ted? Young folks got their ideas of the 
holiaat ralatian in life btMn the novel. Or 
when this is not Iba case, they, in moat in- 
suncea, have no idea at all of it. but are 

aulk-wiutalJ''"'^"'"^ cboica and conduct by 
Iheir feelings, their paarioaa. or their imag- 

ineii interests. Thus the marriage union is 
prostituted throughout the civilized world, 
and the terrible retribution ia seen in my- 
riada af diaeordant and disordered 
hoUs. Haace, that which tboald be the 
heautifol of plac e.", is shunned by thous- 
aiMla aa a peat-houae. Giiiidren, finding no 
enjoyaMBi baaaalh the parsnlal ntof, seek 
for it in places of public rraort. becorr.e 
corrupted in their (uanners and inorala, and 
•eoiriaad. To thia causa mors than to al- 
maataay other, can be traced the immorali- 
ty of oor youth. Look at this town. See 
the hundrtil.* of dirty-faced brats which 
swarm our suecu, and insult every paaer. 
by with impunity! Have tbay iMMiee which 
are homes' No' They liava places whera 
they stay o' nigbtn, eai, get aooUed and 
whipped; but aa for the purifying istfnence 
of bHM^ they are strangers to iL 

have eried they uiesnl to do anything 
in not sending a boat off with bis card. }h»aMja^lli» lkm {>« to'iging t o the E« 
A lew davs more and wu Hook the | t«NI*al GWcih tifeiaiBled of a ^WCer, a 
trades ' Uki |Mm snappishly conferreti, pubDota, tfro tailors, three policemen, and 
they came to J». oa is qftan tha ease, in a four ia«eawM>iaceri. and their respective 
en sharp Muiall ; tha abodt of iririeh car- comDlemaata af wivea aiid chiUren. The 
ied away one of onr spars; iiIsk:. our fat Pw^ytenans nombered one sboeaoker, 
old. cook off his legs; depoaitinj; bim plump two blacksmiths, a Uker, a carpenter, and 
fha acoppefs 10 leeward. ■ wheelwright. There was one goaker 

•In goodiira<i making the desired longi- who met iu biB own hoatti '^od «ba Wit oi 
tude upon the equator, a few leagues west the burgheis of all liaAM ud yOMMa% a 
of the &ni|MOa, we spent seversi weeks p ast majority of the entira population, were 
chaseem miBthe Line, to and fio, in Homan Catholics, prinapally M'Swynes, 
unavailing ssaich fer om pJey. Pbr aoms with a few M'Gegartias. racea of oldrenown 
of tWir huntei-s b.:lieve that whales, like in the county, but generally a( |«|A 
the ailver ore in Peru, run in veins through one another, foi no assigned leona except 
the ocean. So. day after da^. daUy : and • tradition that, fourteen hundred years ago. 
week after week, weekly, we traversed the en O Gogarty had palled a M Swyne by 
self-same longitutlinal intersfction of the I the noee; wMch moat legitwMia eaoaa oi 
self-saaM Line; till wc were almo«t ready hua"el l'"d been honestly transmitted from 
to swear that wo fell tba ship strike every I generation to generation, and was indeed at 
time her keel eramed that imaginary lo- P«»nt the only inheritance that remained 
ct\\\,y I to either of those illustfious tribes. The 

'AtleMth, dead before the equatorial I scenery of Redcross wee remarkably fine in 
- - 'MTway ural^taloBgliti way: I mean, of course, the dunghill 

the Line itself Westward sailing; peer- 1 Kenary. There waa a cbaqnin& pisUir 
iiKOt and left, but seeing naught.*'— | esqoe mount, not eo sweet ee Hybla, fioat- 

A f mu mU. 
"Like aof aaaa of mark, Samoa beat 
apeaika fer Maiirif ; bat we aaoy ae wdl 

convey some idea of his person. Though 

oianlj enough, nay, an obelisk in stature _ 

the MMge waa far from being aentimenully | {q ^ 

prepossessing. Be not alarmed; but he 
wore hia knife in the lobe of hia dexter ear, 
which, by constant elongation, almoat 
drooped upon bis shoulder. A mode ofj 
sheathing it exceedingly handy, and flu 1< 
brigandish than iho lligblaMWa 
concealed in his leggins. 

'But it was the mother of Samoa, who 
at a xtill earlier day had punctured him 
through and through in still another direc- 
tM>n. The middle cartilage of his noae 
was slightly pendent, peaked, and Gothic, 
undperfonrted widi a bole; in which, like 

ing almost every house, the loftiest tower- 
ing before the piggeries of the M'Swyne 
who were as vain of thsm as the Swiss sre 
of their Alps. The strealt«r Bodcrom ( for 
it possesaeu three or fbor) wareaover swept 
except by the wind, or watered but with 
aqum cdifliai tbej woie comsnuanlly aa 
aaAfHemnS^ ' 
in wet weather perfectly Psrisisn— in point 
of mud. The Protestants, who were most 
ly Hoggs, threw all the dirt of tbe piece 
upon their fellow-townsmen, the M'Swynes, 
Slid even went to say ih&t dirt and Popery 
always went together. I nfortunately, how 
aver, for Ibis theory. .Araby Hogg, the sax- 
ton and Ralph Hogg, the Presbyteriaaahoa* 
maker, were the sloveiUiest fellows in the 
borough, isve the (Quaker, who waa perhaps 
the sloveiUicsl feUim in tlia world, and hsd 

probably for that reason taken uphisalnxle 
at Kedcrou. Then there wsa Mary Jane 

a Newfoundland dog carrying a cane, I ^ogg, „Ua of Lake Hogg, the glOCeV, wbo 
Samoa sported a trinket: a well poiiahed | ^, . fc, „y slStern in Europe; 

but, to be sure, she made up by her finery 


'By ihe connecting stays, tlte mainmaat 
yarned ovat with it the foremnst ; when 
wa inatanUy righted, and for the time were 
saved; my own rayal Viking our ssviour. 

•The first fiiry of the gale was gane. — 
Bnt f^r to leeward waaeeea th e . aw a , wbila 
laa of its oneat, pearing tba amaa Into 
foaoa. All round ua. the sea boiled like 
ma thooaand ca W ro n s; and tbroijgh eddy, 
a alaaaet wMsr-kiggad 
i bearilr. every dsad deah nng- 
ber bull, like blows 


a wreck. With every pitch 
oar daagling jib-boom into tba 
and heating against tba side were the 

Sr«M la ■rtrrar- 

**Wo 010 off! I'he couraae aad topsails 
aaeaat : Aa oonlJiong anchor ovings from 

ihe bow and togcUnr, the three royalu are 
fiven to tbe bteeze, tiiai fuUows us out ui 
aea like tha biding of a hound. Out 
spreads the canvass, alow, aloft — !)ooni- 
stretched, on both sidiiS, with many a stun' 
rail i till like a hawk, with pinions poi.ted, 

we '''^I^I^JIIII^I^IJI^ "'^ 

■Bat whaneib aadtahilhm«aai|ai^Biari- 


•Wa ail final Ravavai, an isle in the 

ses, not very (ivnortfawsrd from the tropic 
of Capricorn, nor very far wastwsrd from 
Pitcsirn'a island, where the mutii>eer8 of 
the Bounty aettkd. At Ravavai 1 bad 
stepped ailioioaoaM few aMNMhe previous ; 
and nav area enibark<H] on a cruiM! for the 
arbala, whoae brain enlightened the world. 
" ' 'Aailfrom Ravnvai we sail for the Gaili. 
pngoB, otherwise called the l'>jchanted 
Islands, by reaaon of the many wild cui- 
renis and eddiea tliare met. 

'Now. roond about thoae iala^ which 
Danpier onoa trad, where tbe Spaniah 
bucaniera onrr hived their gold iiKiidorefi, 
the Cachalot, or apc-rm whale, at certain 
aeaaona abounda. 

'But Ulither, from H.ivavai, your craft 
may not fly, aa fliin the sea-gull, straight to 
her nest. For, owing to the prevaience of 
the Undo arinda, ships boand to tbe north, 
east from tbe vicinity of Raravai are fain 
to take something of a circuit, h few thous- 
and miles oi so. First, in jraiauit o< tho 
aariaUe wfads, they mdte all baale to the 
South : :iik' there, tit length picking up a 
stray breeze, ibey ittind for the maii; . tb*n 
making dair ooatfni;. up hdan, aad away 
down tbe eeaat. lawasda the Lino. 

''This roond-about way did tbo Arcturion 
take : and in all eosncience a weary one it 
was. NeaarbafiMahaiim 

•In other refpectM he was equally a cox 
comb, in hus «tyie of tattcoing, for in- 
Htanc(% which w^iiiod rather incomplete ; 
his lU'irks embracing twta ae r ti ca l half of 
his peraon, from ciowB lo mIo; tha oAar 
side tieing free from tbe slighl 
Thus clapped togslfaer. es it ware, he look 
ad like amrion of the onnmtched BMNotiea 
(if two distinct beingjr, and your fancy was 
lost in conjectiirin({ where roamed the ab 
tent oiiea. When tie turaid naad upon 
^'ou suddenly, you thought you aaw a 
one else, not him whom you had been re 
,:;ar(hiig before. 

•But there waa one feature in Samoa be- 
yond the MM* of lha iaaaraiiwaii of 
his eye; «fhi( h in civilized man or <««vage 
tiver lihines in the head, juat aa it ahone at 
birth. Truly, our eyea am Miracuhws 
things. But alas, that in so many insun 
(xs, these diviae ornns should be asare len 
tes inserted into M«dMl,M 
ipeoiecla riasa. 

•Rat mtp falandnr had a arMil ■ 
looking nut upon yon there, like somebo<ly 
in him. What an eye, to be aure! At 
iimei<, brilliantly changeful as opal ; in an* 
ffit, flowing like steel at whim beat." — 
Afarli— X%a 4albar of Typm. 


President Bonaparte hai gi anted a pen 
aion to a widow with five children, wboaa 
case issn intaaMiagone. She is the widow 
of the only man in the Fusileer regiment 
vrho was not kiUud in die retreat from Mos- 
One dav Capt. Jumontier came to 
to Napoleon the arrival of Mar- 
shal Ney and hia corps. Napoleon ordered 
him to rejoin his regiment. An hour or 
t'vo afierwarda Nspolson perceived Cap- 
uiin Jomontier Maadfaig aeer a eaUfer. 
whof«' singular dresfi attracted the Emperor's 
notice; hia bead was covered with a sort of 
CoaMek bonnet, aikj instead of his uniform, 
a lorn seat, which scarcely covered his 
shoulders. The captain and the aoldier 
were marching .steaidily on. Napoleon 
culled 10 him in a ttma of 'Tlitnft aad 

"Sire, I havenfllnt«halaatfaiohagr- 

ingyour ordeia." 
"WhatdoyaoMpt Toa aaat 

stand me?" 

"Sire, I am wiui my regiment." 
"Your regiment?" 

"Yes, iin; the tMrnent of Fusileem of 
the Impaital CMi^ 

"But where is it, then*" 

Then a hoarse voice cried— 

"Present, my Emperor!" 

The voice was that of the soldier near 
Jumontier; and the vridow succored by Lou- 
is Napoleon, is thi) widow of lUa 

A ai«a* 

'Never bdiMe had 1 

woodlands na v in ala d by 

tbadasp fo- 

muim* 'wv aa— / 

made gestures of 


1 by Liot 

"It wee a cwious sighu The old prieet, 
like a scroll of old parchment, covered all 

over with hieroglyph ical devices, harder to 
interpret, I'll warrant, than any old Smis> 
crit maniacript. And upoa hia hnnihwar, 
deep-graven in wiirklea, were characters 
fitill more mysierioua, which no Chsmpol- 
lion nor gipsy could hsvo deciphaiad. He 
looked old aa the elderly hills; eyae son ken, 
though bright; and head while as the aum- 
mit of Mont Blanc. 

•Tbe rest were a youthful and comely 
set; their complexion thatof OiU gharry, 
sml all tattooefl after this pattern: two broad 
crcas-sutpea on the chest and back, reach- 
inr down to tbe waist, like a foot aoldier'a 
hanieas. Their faces were fiill of expreaa- 
ion; and their moatfis wen full of fine 
leelli; so that tbe patting of their lips was 
as the opepii^ of gnti ofsten. Marked, 
bete aad- lha%Mw liw atyla of Tahiti, 
with little round fi^;ures in bltip, dotted in 
the middle with a ajwt of vermilion, their 
brawny brown thighs looked not onlike the 
gallant hams of We«tphalia, spotted wiiti 
the red dual of Cajmn9."—Mardi—'J^ 
Antiur TVpce. 


II t-j«f 

bravo ' in 
Out of the 

weeks* tim<!, an 
of Iba Bwmii^ 


Wa o^ght in bomanity, no more to de- 
apiia a man fiir tba misfortunes of the 

niird, than for those of the body, when 
they are such as he cannot help; ware ibia 
ihoioaghly coandefed. w« ahoold no anre 

at a man for hnving his brain crack- 
ed than for having his head broke. — ./\»pe. 

h. mother adi a o p i ah tng her aon, a lad of 
aevsn yearsof age, totdhun be ahooM nev- 
er Jefer till to-morrow, what he could do 
to-diy. The little uichin replied, 'Than, 
moiser, lot's eat the ^ 

DP Sunday for the neglett of ber |>eraon on 
tbe week-daya. Beai^ea^ in these daya ol 
l*rotsatant aaeaad ancy . the Hoggs bad an 

authority and power whit h the M'Swyne* 
ind O'Ciogartiaa had not The town ha< 
a corpoMin, and the members of it wen 
all Hoggs, or of the Hogg faction. The 
might have paved, and swept, and wastied 
ind whitewashed the municipality if they 
pleased. There were two aldermen of the 
nemo. Ihna burgtmi, two waler.bailil&, an 
officer called r^ gangbeggar, and another 
iiyled a bulier-taaier. The butler- taalership 
waa a very anog thing, (two hundred a year. 
Miih per<|uisites,) and the holder of it livetl 
iit Cairickfergus. The gaug-ticggar, wa.<< 
L-eaident, an«l trnified the Celtic lazxarone 
Dy a furioua display of aotboiity aimually, 
•ivery Michaehms. Tbe rest of the year 
( tlirec hiindriHl auJ si.\ly.f}ur days ) mendi 
tumcy flourished belter tluui any other pro- 
feasioa, callinc, or trad^ ia dm borouga of 
Hedcrnas. iWa «H| bMpia of all aoru. 

woung aaJ eU, wmmX» mmX fe.U«l», Imm 

blind, fftlilt' .-.Dd able liodi^l. — ay, even 
rich and |HK>r. The majority were stmp- 
|iing wonu n and powerful ama, wanssn 
who should ha\e had the alternative of the 
«pinning-wlieel or the sio<:ka, and men who 
ihould havs been put in a dilemma between 
the tail of the pkN^ and tba tail of the 
cart.— Vwi»ikt CuntU, by A» AtHkm 
^Iht BMoraflKe Allany. 

Have you tnemte^' Go straight on, and mind 
tiiein not. It they liUx-k ip your path, wiilk 
around them, and do y<iur duty re>;ardic8!7 >.f tlieir 
ifNte. \ man who ha-t no enemim wldoni 
pjinl for anything, tie i'^ in»de of tliat kirui of 
niaten«l uliitli i.-t so easily worked, Ihjt every 
uie has a Ii.iim1 in lU A stening character — f)ne 
Mhu Ihiukx loi hinuelf, ami <»)>cakK what he 
Uiinks— iM alw .nvH sure to have eneBiies. They 
are a.s nec<»>tMiry to hun a-t f'etih air: they keep 
h niahveanU active. A celebrate*! character, 
who was surrouiiilcd with ereiniei., use»! to re- 
mark — "Tliey are sparks wJich, if you do not 
blow, will go out ot thenu^elves." Let ihi« l.e 
your lealinj? while emieaTormg to live down the 
»( of thiiM" who arc l>iU ;r at^aiiist you. If 
you >\o[i to depute, you ilo )ut aa they desire, 
aiiil i<\<cn tJie way for more al I.,et the poor 
fellows talk; there will b<- a ri-artion if you per- 
form l»ut your duty, and hundreds who were 
orce aliflMtadfrom Touw^jioe^o y«a aad 


lage of 

Jut on they came sailing through the 
eavsa; two sbreaat; borne on men's should- 
ers; In each a chief carried a l ong to the 
measared march of his beareisc poddla- 
>iadea reversed under arms. As they 

the mukitude 
hoRiSge. At tha djtfaaa 
ten paces the proesariaa haltod; when tba 
lings alighted to tbe ground. 

They ware fine looking men, amyed in 
varioos garba. Rare tbe show of staiaed 
'eathe*8. and jewels, and other adornments. 
Jrave the floating of dyed mantles. 

The regal bearinc of these personages, 
tha deference pakl'themb aad thair entire 
self-possession, not s little serpnssd aw.— 
And it ssemed preposterous to aasutne a 
divine dignity in tba freeeoce of these un- 
artaaaarmwa. Taji 
seemed oozing from my fingers' ends. But 
taking courage 

determined to aaauie. 

For a time, it was almost impoariMs lo 
tell with what eawtions precisely the chiefs 
were reg^adi^K iW> abqr said not a 
word. ' 

But plucking up heart of grace, 1 ClOmsil 
my cutlass oo my chest, and reposing my 
hand oa tba hik, addressed their High 
Mightinesses thus: 'Men of Mardi, 1 come 
rom the aun. When this morning it roee 
and touched the wave. 1 pushed my .'dial 
op firom ita giddembeacb, and hither sailed 
before its rays. I aai Tsji.' 

'More would have beisn added, bat 1 
paussd fot tbe effect of nqr esordiom 

•Stepping back a poaoot ta% " 
eagorly cnnversed. 

i£mboldened. 1 returned to ihe chiirge, 
and labored bard to impress them with just 
such impraaaoas of ma and miaa^ aa 1 
deemeddmirabla. The gentle THlah was 
a seraph from the sun; Samoa I had picked 
off a laaf in my route from tkot oth^ and 
aa Im (ha flkpeasaa, why, aahbaMM im 
ported, he came from above. In a word, 
we were all strolling divinities. 

'Advancing towards Iho Qiamois, one 
of tbe kings, a calm old aM^aav jddii ssml 
me as follows : — 'la dib iadM Taji' he 
who, according to a tradition, wa:* to return 
to oa after fh« thousand moons? But that 
period M yet Mwxpiyad. What brioga thee 
hither then, Taji. before thy time ? Thou 
wasl but a quanelsome demi god, aay tlie 
legends, wbea ihoa ihoalt among our sires 
But wherefore comest thou, Taji? Truly. 
Ibou wilt interfere with the worship of thy 
iOHgea, and we have plenty of gods besides 
thee. But comest tboa to t^i^-Vip have 
plenty of spears, and AmSa net thine 
Comest ihou to dwell' — Small are the 
bouaeaof Mardi. Ur comeat thou u> fiah 
in the sear Tm^wSt^' 

•Now, all this was a series of p«)<«es hard 
to be anawerdd, furmahiog curious exsuiple, 
moreover, of the receptioh siven to atruaga 
demi -gods when ibey tram wilboat 
pormanteaus; and alao of the fcnnliar 
nerin which these kings address the imnior 
f Moumed that 1 bad not prtv 
iMraqr part, aarflaanwd 
the preciw naHMtf lllf flMilMfitfMiaee 
in the land. 

'But nothing like carrying it biavely. 
'.\ttend. Taji comes, old man, becauss 
it pleases htm to come. Ar«i Taji will de- 
part when it suits him. Ask the siiadca of 
your sires whether Taji tbaa Mni^ gioai> 
ed them, when they canw eialMng iaio Ma 
presence in the land uf spirits. No. Taj 
apread tbe beni^uet. Ue teowsed tbetr 

tbe damp. He ssid not, "Come yaa lo 

Agkt. ^oo fn^ anrl vapnn? mme 

dwell? or come you lo fish iaiha OsbT* Go 
to, then, kings oiif Mardi! 

'Upon tWa^ thaoU king fall back: and 
place was supplied by a noble chiel^ 
a free, frank bearing. Advancing quickly 
towards tbe boat, be exclaimed — •! am 
Media, the mn of Media. Thrice welcome, 
Taji. On my island of Odo baat thou an 
altar. 1 claim thee for my guest.' He 
then reminded tbo raM. that the strangers 
had voyaged far, and n esdsd repose. And, 
furthermore, that he proposed escoriiog 
them forthwith to hia own doninioos; 
where, next day, ha waald ba happy lowel- 
come all visitants. 

'.\nd good aa his word, be commanded 
hia followers to range tiiaaiBalvee aaisr tbe 
Chainoia. Springing oat of ear prow, the 
Upoluan tma fi4k>wed by Jarl ; leaving 
Ytllah anAThjlta bahni^i jiMsaHaaas? 
ihaaM. -» 

be aacurt as a Qasker's, snd select no one 
farafriead unlesa you have the meanest 
posaibia opiaion of his capacity. Even io 
that :ase you are hardly aaaare. Perhapa 
ibii beat saode of combming philanthropy. 
tuiittj. Md Mfaty. ia to have nobody in the 
home, save aa ajM mHMi^ aha ia ao altar 
lydaaf ihatjiBiHiHito |iai Mmmlj 


Oar reader* will learn with sarpriaa. thoBfh 
ssgrsl. that Mfcltoaa*^! J»iMfa»- 

l,ti :al lifo. Th>' occasion of hia niaktaf tMa 
aaitMUCMRent waa prsaenUd by Ua t saJst af 
the ftssdsm enbs ally faasB Iks sMasM af Olaa. 
•n Ilia m sTIasI asMith- 
After tbe asasi essapUaaatary sysi c hsa kad 
IIm B«««asary farsMlitirs bad 
wHb, Mr. .MMHrinr pssBsalMl 
UaHsir u tba pee|>W. by shsmhiimaimi H 'ii 

anuiyt iIm moat euthuaiaatic applause tmi the 
waaias.ef haadbarchiaii, wkicli taaSad aavaral 
^ waa jewel 

Sks«.,aoljm.le^^ - 

l^,tchir,s.r,; ^ 

Tliat laTiah *e,i.K ., 
B«t, ah. sh. ttaa m^^!^^ ^. 
TU Parser',. 


kaa con. ,^,^7^ 

Ia all 
Of all Iks 

Orby Um 
There--, aaat _ 
Tbe Paraier 

iatke wnn,) 


The haufhty tietk wkea^^^ 

Oa doway pdiow hi»_ 
NVlule forth upoa tke aavw^^B 
The merry suMsaM^ 


la lata 


me not 

My boart's beat gMM am hohNU aa «^ 


Tboagh happineas aaihi|a man wssahai ta- 


Since well I know thuu neier canat bo miae! 
Yet, iti»arest. by the heaven that tmilas atvive 

Ry the good an{rel* with Ihoir pitymg eyes, 
I pray thee say not I meat cease to love thea — 
My paMioB dies not till my baiag diea! 

ryieUaaowasd d 

Mt tbea baat spo- 

Na sarfU af thtaM h« distal 
Tba warM BMiy leas Ihsah ba 

Aeim aM la *rall. as assMB 
I^smmaf thsabya%ht,aa!j| 

lea fawatto dim; 
ildMir apal, aa- 

af ssrsabian. 
y fciiaw, IM ly 

Grave M 

« wHh laa aM8i 

k late, aai ain 

Will UmIs 

w» waasypla. 


Tb« weltariac waUrs, a'ar larfel ker atht 
Wdl Jove'a proad bird foraake kia clan* ' 


Aad laava Ike aaakesB far tka 
spark I 
Or lathe 


To the warm ktasaf May, with I 

Nor yeulb ciiac fondly to ita dearest hope7 

Bic roe not eoaas ta lafft^tbsa^-tkaack I 
May hop* ib mht Oli laMMllBtleM 


Thine, "bayaad N||maf^I am tkiaa fawvar, 

Kor power nor will is mia« t« set me free! 
Th« radiant morninf{ and (he dewy even, 

The aolemn aiKht, the myriml atara aboTe, 
Tbe Infinite oea. the all -embraciof heaTon, 

Tell me of thea aad bid ma »till to love! 

No mare I aak tkae te ratara my pMsion— 

I'by fUy, aivea, ao laacar I implore— 
For bopalam lava, •uMimed to adoration, 

Lifts the and soai from friofn it knew bafore, 
Anil bratda He |^oom with aanlMaaM! Oleam 
and (lory, 

Lleal |oy and pamionate vnreat — 
Why, 15 life — and mina re|i«'ata llif>8t«ry} ' 

Yet, life beinf loee, to lire ia lo ba bleat. 

"I tbaak yea. mj Lti f r sveat — gaatliaiia. 
thank yaa fraas asy ksart fsr Ikia 
may, I hope, extaad air tkaaka 
leml them to that eaastitaaat bady, af wkiek I 
believe vou are. upon this eeeaaioa, the eapaai- 
tani — and which baa racaived mm her* in a maa- 
aer which baa made aa impsaaiiaa aaver to ba 
traced fiam my miad.** ^itadjag to tka baa 
containiag tha documeat, vefifyiagkis adaMa- 
Bioii aa a freeman, ha caaliMad: "Tkie has, 
ly lord, I eball priia aa langaa I live, and whaa 
1 am (one, >t wilt be appreciatad by tiH<aa who 
are dearttit U> me.aa a proof that, in the caaraa 
of aa acliv* and chequered life, both politic U 
ane liti rtry, I Kucceoded in ^ning tba eateem 
and good will ui Uie people of onaof the great- 
aaat ealight^ued citiea in tiie liri:iati 
aaapre. My political lif«, my lord, haa rlax-cl 
I'he feeli iga »'bich contention and rivalr) uatu 
rally callnl forth, and from wlucli I di> not pre- 
leaU to h.iTi* b*en eaampted, have li Utaa lo 
cool duw:i. lean look now upon tho evenia la 1 tore a part, aa calmly, 1 titiak, aa oa 
tile eveali of tii<- paat century. I can do that 
juauce a«« to boourable ouponanta. which [ht- 
hapa in momenta of connict I might have le- 
fiu>«d to them. 

I beiiitve I can juiige a imparuiily of \ 
ow u carMr, an I cia juilgf uf Uie ar?.-r ut 
aucther nan. I acknowledge great errors an>. 
defciencie*. but I have nothing to acknowloigo 
inconaiat>tut with ractiiaJe of iiiteutioa au<l m- 
d*|jendeaee of apiht (Great appIauMf., M) 
cosaciaiKC bears irv tlua t<rtimony, that 1 h.iv<> 
hoiievtly ieaired Uu: bappineoa, the proe{>crity, 
aut. tiie greatoeoa of my country; that oj; 
courae, right or wrong, waa never detenmaeil 
by auy iwl&ilt or aordid motive, aac that lo 
troiibleti liiuea, and ihraagh many viciaaituces 
of furtune, in power, and uut of [lOwer, through 
liu|.uUrity and un|>opularity, I hare been t.u'ii- 
ful tu our s(t of o|>ini'iua, and to cue set af 
frisads. I sec no reason t • doubt ttiat tiieae 
friends were well cbuiK.a, or that th««< upii.iuua 
Wtr.'e lu tlie mam correct 

' The path of duty appeare<l tu 1114 ti> t>e 
twcaa two daiigartNia extrejn.<e fxtrriiiea » ii . ii 
I aliall call e<4 jally daageruna, iHKiag that .-a. 11 
af th«m laevilaUy cootluria 4ocMly tw ibc uih.T 
( cuBoot accuse in^acli of ttaviaf ever drvidied 
tar towards either. I cannot aeeaaa ayaaif of 
haiiiig ever bran untrue, ritbar to tha caiiae of 
CIV I and reli^iuu* to the cnu-<- uf 
property autl law. 1 rrdect with ulenaare that 
lure a part in aooM of thaaa falarna which 
carracted great abuse*, and reneved jasldiacaa- 
laats. I rellcrt with <->)ual plaaawa. that I 
safer slMpad to tka part at a MaMgafae, and 
' to ceafraal what aaaaaad la me to 
be na aarsaaaaaUs claaaar. I aaver la tiaM af 


af anavaaeea, which it was lha daty af a gov 
ernuieat 'o r<-dreas by tay oth* r Ih^n etnclly 
p<«;>rt'ful uud legal mwaaa 

"Such srara tka priaciplas apaa which I act- 
ed, aad sach woald have baea my pci 
still. Tkeeveau wkiek have lalsly ' 
tea af Baropa, kava 
sf wkat pmhlte daty 
asa *sU air imrftaailiiiisi,iiai to 

Aad wuk tha talk's 
^ Usi ova cieai 


Then tell me nut of [ 

The bnghte^t jewiiytf 
lathe heart where ""lasja^fc 

..nd inrKicenee i.<i iMt! 
The<low 01 health upon hasskl^ 

The <race no mU- h»th tau^ k— 
The lairiN: wreath '.ij; 

Is lo. the P.,rnu r\,,: ,'t^I'; 

Macaulay aaya he eaaaat a^dlfT^ ... 
thone whohelifvj m the maat efthih»— 
of literary faith, that tha earlieat— 
•■rally tbe beat, ahoald woadar at 
it »«re the rK -j.-iaa; "Mrvlj tka 
of the phenouieua iadiealaa a mmw^^^^ 
uDilurmiiy in tha cauae." BanIaa^J***** 
Bwnt which w» vratnre to mr b eamJ^!!!*' 
by aU kao» u fact. Tha oarttaat 
tha baat. 
and the 
not a iwc 

early, may laclnde 

A thaaa. Ki'.-reace, aad 'Eiigi^" uJmmC 
cuutamponiries, wharaara Iheir 
Chaucer ma freat (H>*t , bat araG 
' Icclrve, aa.l I.yUgat?. '•up-riar to mtk tnL. 
poeU aa Byroa, Wonteworlh, C " 
Teunyaou ' lihaarve, tha que t 
lay puta it 
is o 

•aiu to lie goaerally ta« baal, ao( mm«a ^ 
have greaUr gcaius, bat ^ 

mors poetical. Tha gn 
tioi are HiMser and 

Virgil. Dante an.! Ariaats. l<afaday«mM 
Shahapeare an<i Maua.GaX-I 
theee, haw asaay iaan^ 

w ith lha «agu we^^iTTS hL::: 

Niahata.|aB lIsd^lSrliiZT" 
t to alaad aa. aalaaa tha vaaaa iiT 

nay laclnde highly eivilwaa 
H'.reace. aad iiagiaad. OmmC 


r puta It. 18 not lad.vniaa.' m, „ 

»ne of ualivatry, aad the eartMet f^.. 

S.:hiilor, ot 
riotia w" .11 -I 
ciaoa' UmI Mi 

111 )» 

by our 

side, Mi"dia sociably seated, six of his ped- 
dlers, peicbed upon ihe gimwala^ swiftly 
urging oa over the Ugoon. 

'The transition from the Jjove to the sea 
was iosuntaneous. All seeiued a dream. 

■The place to which wa wave haMsniM 
beiaK «»™" Jiet a aii away, aa wa round- 
ad do afbr kla. tba sxtaM of iha Aicbii 
lago grew upon us greatty***'*^ 
Tlu Author of Typet. 

r%m Ataaa ar Maaniaky. 
In these limes, we repeat, no nun of tba 

•The Saiona,' says Dr. Kjaa*. cMedical 
Times,) <izee oa a fbar Hniniaaiiaa or 

northern airs, and calls tbein national; lie- 
ing without a muaical ear generallr, be even 
thinks them beautiful, aa Iqr hWli|M|fle 


leeM mark or KkoKboad Ismfc. Yha wait. 

er with the bandy legs, who hands round 
the negua-iray at a bluestocking coterie, ia 
in all probability a leading coalribolor to a 
fifih-raia paiiodiGal; and in a few daya af- 
ter you hi^ been raah enough to accept the 
insidious beverage, Mactaviah will be cor- 
recting tbe proof of an aitiela in which 
yoor a|»pearanea aad aoarm s n tiua era da- 
acribed. Mistrust the gentleman in the plush 
tertuinaiioiis; lie, too. is a penny<a-itner, 
and heepe a couHBOn placc baah in tha 
nantry. Batter give up writing at on<» than 
live In aneh a perpetual sute of boad^. 
What amount of preeent faoM earn laaom* 
penae you for being shown on aa a naadli. 
or wone, to year chiUban'achildran* Kay, 
recollect this, that you are implicating your 
peraonal,and,perhaps,most innocent fiieoda. 
aoh accompanies you home from aa inanr- 
anca society dinner, where the champagne 
has been rather superabundant, an j nest 
morning, you. as a bit of fun, wiite to tbe 
Braai4aal thai the watdMMa bad picked on 
Bohia 0 aMaar baMnaiaahriety from the 
kennel. The president, after the manner 
of the Foigies, duly docquets your note with 
name aai^Ma, and pmsit npwith a paicai 
of others secured 1^ red upe. You die. 
Your literary executor wriloa to tbe presi- 
dent, stsling his biographical inlantiona. and 
requesting all documents that naqr tend lo 
throw light upon your personal history. — 
Presea, in deep ecsta.<)y at the idea of seeing 
his name in friQt aa the wripiwi of 

packet; and the conserjiience is, thst Rob- 
ert is most unjustly handed down to poater* 
ity in the character of an hahilaBi mank* 
it ia a fact that a more ab. 
never went home to his wife 
St ten. If you are an author, and yoor 
apoose ia ailiim, don't giaa iba dmaila to 
yoor ioihnala Mead, if yoa 4a aol wish to 
publish them to the world. Drop all cor- 
resoondenoe, if you are ariai^ aad basa any 
ampilio%to stand wall 

\ geatleuaa 

larvl tiahery waw i 

fatal Mskly aai 
boata ' 
staaecsaf I 

of ba 

wind or 


their fncadssloaL 
and the ilaii^ 

dtanaaik. Oar frisnd. tka do^. 

mrtm, wmmtyw^ %m m— |ww» m iiM ^n ^, ■uti ifunr incaOs sfloaL ■Mhaas had liar- 
BMwfsanrf toaaafiMt wkaS iiimii to me to ^ud the daiMR aaamsilB iastoaae raUr 
be na aarsaasaaUs c l s sas r . I aaver la UnM of ^dtanasik. Ou frisnd. the iog i...k.v 
J.»ir. « iaakaJ my eawatrrnMa to daaaaad ^f llan^th of Una. ctalcaUy awa^ .f \kfw 
an) gavssameal, to which I waa opposed, mira- great caaaa for aaaa* in *^rr r wm^. 
cU^- tkt wki sk Iwell kaew no .«oil,, hamwas, kslssklalka wal«. aad 
cmM perfsna: a« did I asek avaa tka rarfiaas h« wisf Ikssi^ to tka beat ct, 
af «ra.vaaeea. which it waa Um daty af a g ..v- ba wirihslto jsia tkna. an.1 lufti. s 

:kia— Ikal aid iaatitoiiaM hava a* mar* deadly 
aaamy tha* the bqrot wIm lataMa to adjaat 
than to a aaw stota of soeiaty; aar «la Ikay 
Isssh aa laas clearly this laeaaa, ikat tha aaaer- 

•ifaty af lha aask kail ^ aa taat** 

rth ta thaea««ssi(Bly sraMaaraai. 
bleaa U-ad that my caaatry kaa 
t h ea e errara. 

**Tkaaa SlatasMaa. wha, a«t 
iara, a a a aa e e d to traaafsr to thai 
to ciliaa like tkia, a pal'«toal pawar wkidi hat 
baloafaa to ^hamls S a wkIek aaaSai aad^e aly a 

ao iahahitaato aft all ifcam SlalMMa« and 1 
amy incliida afasM asaaaa thsas^ waaa tksa 
called anaretuatoaadwaalaSsaislsiintlslitoaa 
who so ea.lad oa, aaw aay wbalkss wa ms 
the true aad tba far-aigktod Msads a# ssdarT— 
(Great chaeriBg.) L«t Ikaaa wka aa saMsd Mw 
now aay how woald Ikay kava wiakodta 

aat aaly lha tvaa 
traeihaaaa af 

viae tossy i 

I hate left. (I 
npy ami ka ia my powasaa 

poa** ks wwksa to )iia tkew. ami mala 
attaa^fSa to iadaea him to c^anr aioiajvi; : l- 
be wsirtdasifDwitkuitbnrieach. ;.uifflnt. - 
aauaanag abuat a ah>.>rt ilMUiicr iioia Uin: 
.\flae a vkik, aai acNttai cutnairst* .n r 
peculiar cuaduct uf Uio d^$. ana at tk< hin.^ 
soddraly divined his appareat awaaa^ • li. f 
kiBB tha end of a ri.p<'. ' »•<•!, ' tka' > » 
keswaab^." The ii>\>e vi^^ ttir,.-«n-;.v 
thffn.l 11 an ii^tant. '.nrnf.. r i 
Stld.^t tin- ~h"tr »h. r> J ^ I .. . 

alaa afterwaala Um' .<: < - -.ns 

iataHiaeace of then u.u; runo-icr 

placed salt- and uadaaM<nJ. U 1. Uwi, aa 
raaaaai"' n«>tr' No actinic »<Uj a I o 

eB«l '>rr,.r .1 ...•• I. '.ir' Or wa^ it 

but uruiaar> taai^'u; '--i>'«r. J. t .»« . i 

aaaasmiBlesasasfehaiilytaaB. Ikifaitwi 
N^J»>njiajwsMataafB^ n 



:hr thoae 
lo wkiel. Britoia 
aad tmm wkick, I traat, aha 
Is a il IsK ia ii l seen to aaa e a a d. (Crest Cheer- 

a task, ludar thii magni- 
ef wkick I have atsneli mca 
fakair adadieadytoaink. I thank yen a,, .im. 
m sat no a rt is H y. lot yoai hiadaiaa. I value, is 
d«aetvae,tha koam of bsiag oaH>Urd m v. ur 
I kava aaaa, wilk delight nn.l wuh 
prids, tke s m sal, tka g t aai su r. the beauty, an i 
tks gpaknes af Has a sfcls sity— -a city which I 
aisy aaw call mina. (Chaanng.) With i verv 
wiak to tke piosperUy. the peace, ami lie honoi 
of oat fair ani aaitolie Glaafnw, Inuwfairiyoa, 
aai Mhiw«tucn#. • aiost sa- 

Moel of Ihe hallowed siies of Ji-nMsim 
are aliofeihe r cleeal OfaaM tke uaiiNtB. 
nate Israelite. Thoa, net only does iJa 
penalty of death forbid bb ^isit to Cal- 
vary or the Hcly Sepulchre, tbe ithiuies ut 

owa tahar Ahfahom at Habam, aadsf lii 

own great warrior David at Jei .saleai. ai' 

by reeeoo of ibeir beii^ alao ilw ''^^^ 

iirainst him. t^n my \ to the asa 
containing the latter, bnding only two - 
three little cbildna playing aboat insi^. 
thought 1 migbt el all evaaa hsM as 
beaefitof loekinf down iMo tbe vaaii ba 
low. Bm the little wretches had 
trained ap ia the way '^^V^^bauldgMU 

the head of the staif% than tt ^-v '^t 
such a squall aa if I had haea uunier. ■: 
them; an<i preaHif a aasfic-kiokiuK 
Task mode his appearaac«,fiit((iaciKi) 
wilk a taamsnJoua pair of piaulsL ■» 
fcUawad aa 10 the gate wkh direstenio; 
gsatotas and faiieas riecraiiea% is akick 
my guide (a CJhriadaa boy Asm *a La* 
convent) was ii. n ,i Sti||h»laBibo 

any reply. — T'>^ Rfjm. 

TW aaaaalh. 
Tha Sabbath iaGod^ special present lo 

the workingman, .mJ me if ii* ohief «.'t>- 
"TLs II to prolong h.i life, .wd presene 
-■\ -Ht hia workia; laoe. In ihe wtsl 
syaieai it acm khe a c om p sam i i oi -feed^t 

vigor, which the last sia days ha»e drnwJ 
away, aad snpplies dw Cwee abu h > '-o n < 
the aisdayaanaasadfai^ aadic th 

mv of existence, it answers Um ttm i« 


ia a 

konsmUs gentlenMB reaaaaed |m asal 
tkaawa eathihuaalie aiaaiiSa^ 


lilaa^irSaa Tlv 
hM Ntlam aliaalBto 

- _ ^ aoiking of 

tka bM Ntl am aliaalBlaly toBBsd U it. x 
Mavaala driahia tkeiffitit «f aaawki> ciicu- 
kaavUBMSt 4. Always to atodsnle. aa 
Ikraa I ean. tte nakWkMaa wkiek ia etpmaaed 
*• Alwaya to bakava that, if 
^ . hisM ae- 

Ikaaidhm.— Obtm^ Uf, 

that the pa«-i.>ns 
pax-sion^ ar«' wa 
•ver theui w '»f.ilii r. 
tkey are m w ^ u>- 
Ihey have r.<<.s en 
and ("iicfii- 
bto, in yiNiUi, 
, aad oae breaks iipiia 
tkaotkas, aa wavoa' upoa a soek. tiU Uie heart 
Aala awf la npsaSk la maahood, tha ^Trat 
daty iiarasamsasealm, bt morapiofaaBd; its 
sonait)' is ftapsssf sf tfeam«kt aad tanstaf ito 
wiadtobfaw aadtkaalamito 
aiaa. A yoaiif aiaa's ambitkm in botvarity— it 
liptaya witkAllHMsaail 

my of existence, it answers Um 
pose as, in tiie economy 
ssreMd by a savinga' 
man who pom aada • 

another poao# wnS 

ijuiet way aiway.* putting past kisstaial 
pound Isom tune to aaM^ wbas be po« 
old Md Ami, fM aat only Aamampo^ 
Sack niraiii, but a goad aany yeimw i p» 
!«des. And the cooweatisas — » 
husbands one day of exisieoca saery w*«k 
~wh». iasmad of aUaaiag the Sahbeikm 
be trampkal and mm ia *e har»y aai 
scramble of life, tr^isures idiwaiy ap— 
tbe Lord of the Sabbath kssoaafabi* 
adi ia kagib of daya ai-i * haW (Jdw? 
givae it back with uaaiy. •^K. 
bmik of kamao eaislnce> 

The most wobls af aU 
a simple, franaima, wi<bO* - 

lenaions to .n oppressiv. 
who love, life, aod undcrv u '-he 
if oblfiaigolihonlall hoor«; atw^e all.-' 
./noUen temper, and .^ea.lfsM as sa so- 
chc*. Kof such a one we gisdiy 
Ike greatest genitw, the 


„Mst brillisBl ' 

It is 
edge to 
can paieaite it 


oMmihhto makapsapfe aial«^ 
ir^aaiaaarr for !t r«iuir-e knawJ- 
il,^ Ibsraibre ha ihsl